Where can i find react components installed using npm? - reactjs

I would like to use the react-drag-sortable components (https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-drag-sortable) which i successfully installed as follows:
npm install react-drag-sortable
The issue is, my application doesn't recognize when i import this component. Where does this component physically reside after running the npm install command? How can I then use it in my application?
This is not about installing packages (Where does npm install packages?)

It's in node-modules/react-drag-sortable/lib/index.js
It's exported with the following line at the end of the file:
exports.default = DragSortableList;


How download package from unpkg or add in dependencies unpkg package?

I try install ipfs from unpkg site.
It is React project.
But i can't download this package or install in package.json
Main page unpkg
On main page write this
unpkg is a fast, global content delivery network for everything on npm. Use it to quickly and easily load any file from any package using a URL like:
I try install
"ipfs": "unpkg.com/:ipfs#0.36.3"
import IPFS from 'https://unpkg.com/ipfs#0.36.3';
it is not work.
How can i download from unpkg page this package ?
As per documentation, you either need to install the package globally using following command
$ npm install -g ipfs
Or install ipfs-core as lighter package using following command.
$ npm install ipfs-core

Import error for react-icons. Module not found: Can't resolve 'react-icons/io' in '/usr/src/app/src/...'

In my React app, which was built using create-react-app, I'm getting the error:
Module not found: Can't resolve 'react-icons/io' in '/usr/src/app/src/components/analytics_components'.
The app has been working fine for a while but I just rebuilt it using Docker Compose and now it's not.
It seems like it's looking in the wrong directory, src instead of node_modules.
react-icons is definitely installed, npm list react-icons returns its version number.
I can see the io folder in node_modules/react-icons
The import statement:
import { IoMdList } from "react-icons/io";
When I change the import to explicitly point to the node_modules directory, it works, but I didn't need to do this before nor do I need to for any other packages, which are still all working correctly:
import { IoMdList } from "../../../node_modules/react-icons/io";
I just reinstall the command npm install react-icons and then it works.
Again you can install npm if you already installed that doesn't matter you can re-install your npm again without deleting current node module. it works for me. command: npm install
you can try delete your node module folder and run cmd:npm install or yarn install it may solve your problem

How do you start a React Native npm library?

I have some code that I've written in a RN app, and I want to open-source and post it on npm for others to consume. What's the best workflow for writing a pure JS React Native library? Thanks!
So these are the steps on how to create a re-usable React Native library and publish it to NPM:
Create an account at https://npmjs.com
Open command line terminal, type:
npx create-react-native-library your-library-name-here
cd your-library-name-here
npm login
npm install --save react-native-builder-bob
npm install
npx react-native-builder-bob build
npm publish
You can verify at your https://npmjs.com home page that this library is now there. Now, to test it you have to create another React Native application, which will depend on the newly created library:
Open terminal
npx react-native init MyTestApp
cd MyTestApp
npx install --save your-library-name-here
Modify App.js main code entrypoint and make a call to a method in your library that multiplies two numbers to prove that the library works.
Open another terminal, go to project root folder and type:
npx react-native start.
From the main terminal at step#1, type:
npx react-native run-android
These steps needs a properly installed Android Studio IDE and node (Nodejs). The step to create the react-native library already has one callable pre-made test method called multiply(a, b).
If your module is pure JS, you can simply follow these steps to publish to npm:
Essentially, you are exporting a component from your main file (index.js). This should all be defined in your package.json
A RN example: https://github.com/ugiacoman/react-native-calendar
I'll be publishing this package to npm soon :)
If your module requires native code, you can use this generator to setup your project:

Using React Dev Tools with Preact

I have just got preact-redux-example up and running, and now I am attempting to use Preact Dev Tools in my app.
Based on this post I assumed it was a case of adding
import 'preact/devtools'
into the entry point (app.js) file.
However, this yields the following error:
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'preact/devtools'
Is there something else I need to install, or am I on the wrong track?
preact/devtools has landed in version 6.4.0, but the example project uses version 4.8.0. So you need to upgrade the preact version to be able to import it:
npm install --save preact#latest
Or if you're using yarn you can run:
yarn upgrade preact

Jest fails with error: Cannot find module 'react/lib/ReactComponentTreeHook'

I have installed Jest v17.0.3 in my react project.
When I run jest locally it works fine, but on the build server it fails with:
Error: Cannot find module 'react/lib/ReactComponentTreeHook' from 'ReactDebugTool.js'
Both machines are running node version 6.9.1 and npm version 4.0.2.
use same version of react and react-dom. My problem fixed after using this command
npm install --save react#15.4.0 react-dom#15.4.0
this problem specially occurs on react 15.4.0 above.
Can you check which version of React you are using? Is it the same on both servers? I would try removing node_modules and reinstalling the dependencies. The reason I am suggesting this is that in React v15.4.0 you cannot import private apis and it seems that ReactDebugTools.js is trying to import from react/lib/....
From the blogpost about React v15.4.0 (Link):
However, there is a possibility that you imported private APIs from react/lib/*, or that a package you rely on might use them. We would like to remind you that this was never supported, and that your apps should not rely on internal APIs. The React internals will keep changing as we work to make React better.
Hope this helps!
In the latest versions of react we often see this error as we have loaded 2 versions of react:
To make sure you have just 1 version, run the following in your terminal:
npm ls react-dom
npm ls react
Both the react and react-dom versions need to be same.
If any one of these returns more than 1 version then that's not supported. You have to then correct it in your corresponding package.json
I had the same issue and i removed the node_modules and ran npm install and it fixed the problem.
