How to trigger Google Cloud Build, based on a change in a Docker registry - continuous-deployment

It's obvious the short answer is "it cannot be done". Google Cloud Console currently provides these as options for a build trigger:
Is there, however, some workaround that I have missed - or knowledge that Docker registry might be supported as a trigger during early 2019?
What I look for is separation of the "source" and "deployment" repos (for business and organizational reasons). I would like one team to "drop off" logic as a Docker image and another repo (and team) to pull it to deployments.


Making changes to flask app without db.drop_all(), db.create_all()

I have a flask app that is deployed on Google's App Engine. I have noticed a minor bug and I would like to fix it but my database is already populated.
How can I make this minor code change and push / deploy back to my app without losing all my data? (which is probably a basic question but I'm not finding much. all tutorials online are focused on creating the app and deploy, not updating)
Thus far, I have been dropping and re-creating the tables whenever I redeploy, mostly out of ignorance. Here are the steps I have followed
1). make the change in my app
commit and push changes to bitbucket source code
in Google Cloud SDK: git pull
Google Cloud SDK: gcloud app deploy
These steps result in an empty database because the directory I am pushing from my local computer has an empty database. Is this where I should be using git merge?
Is this a database "migration" or is this a "git merge"? I'm not sure what the right terms are to use to research this further. Thanks.
There are a couple of angles to your question. I'm going to try to give you some information, but let me warn you, this isn't going to be a trivial change to your workflow, you'll have to change some things.
First of all, based on the way you worded your question I get the idea that you commit your database to git along with your code. If I got this right, then this is something that you need to stop doing. The database is not code, so it should not be committed to source control.
You should have a completely independent database on each installation of your application. For example, you will have a database on your own machine to do development. You will also need another database in your gcloud deployment. You may need more databases if you have other uses for your application. A very common third database for many people is one that is used for automated tests, which could also be located in your local development machine, but is not the same database that you use for day to day development.
To make changes to your database schema you will not drop and recreate tables anymore, that is clearly something that you already realized that needs an improvement. A good approach to make these changes is to use a database migration framework. These tools allow you to generate short scripts that make these changes to the database in a more focused way, without destroying and recreating everything, and for that reason, the data is in general not lost. For Flask-SQLAlchemy, the best option for database migrations is Flask-Migrate, which is a lightweight wrapper around the Alembic migration framework. (I might be biased here as I'm the author of the Flask-Migrate extension!).
Documentation for Flask-Migrate:

Manage Build Controllers

I would like to disable/enable Build Controller (or Build Agents) from a bat file. I want to do this so we can schedule builds every night, but then disable them during code-freeze. "TFPT builddefinition /enabled:false" is close... but that is only for cloning build defs. If not, is there a way to disable checkins from a bat file? Then I would edit my Build Def and uncheck the box for "Build even if nothing has changed since the previous build".
You can create a Rest call to the private and undocumented TFS API, but you should know what you are doing.
Or you can use a scheduled tasks to control your agent service installation on your build server.
But there are better ways to control your sources and releases.
It seems like the problem is your TFS project setup. For example, use
"GIT Hub Flow" with “Pull Requests” and no one can change the master
without a approved PR.
The developers can he developers can work and you don’t need plan a
“Code Freezes" or "removing permissions" or stuff like this.
I also wouldn´t stop the deployments for the dev and test systems.
If you want to avoid that anybody creates a release to a special set of environment (Stag and Prod) set an approvers to control the release process.
The understanding Git-Hub-Flow site
"GitHub Flow is a lightweight, branch-based workflow that supports
teams and projects where deployments are made regularly." GIT Hub

What is meant by "staging instances" in this GCloud Debugger doc?

What is meant by "staging instances" of your application in this Google Cloud Debugger doc? As per this question it seems that only the default version of an application can be used with Google Cloud Debugger. Does Google simply intend that you can use this with the default version of a separate application which you dedicate to your staging environment?
Google Cloud Debugger can be used with any module or any version of your running application. The question you referred to is obsolete.
Many projects setup a module/version or simply another project to be used as their 'staging instance' to test their code before pushing to the production instance. There is no one way to implement a 'staging instance'.
The term staging in programming mostly refers to the term development.
In the app engine, you can have multiple instances of your application. One in Production environment(one instance) and other in a Staging environment(another instance).
So production means that its a version currently running or available to the public. Staging means that it is running only for testing purposes (usually new features) before its being deployed to the public
Google saying:
You can use the Cloud Debugger on both production and staging instances of your application
Simply means that you can you the Cloud Debugger on both the Production and Staging(Development) version of your application.

Deploying relevant magento backend changes

I'm thinking of a good deployment strategy for magento. I already have managed to deploy code with git from my local installation to my stage server. (The jump to live is not a problem then)
Now I'm thinking about how to deploy backend changes like the following:
I'm adding a new attribute set and I want it to be available on my stage and later the live server. Since these settings are in the database, I could just do a mysqldump and restore this dump on my stage/live systems.
But I can't do this, since the database has more data like orders, articles (with current stock availability) and a lot more stuff which I don't want to deploy from my testing system.
How are others handling this deployment "problem"?
After some testing, I chose the extension Mageploy, which is nicely to install via modman (I prefer modgit which relies on the same data for installation) and already captures a lot important backend settings.
If you need more, it's possible to extend it to more backend settings by yourself (and then contribute to the git project. Pullrequests are concidered quickly)

How does one deploy after building on

I've been directed to as an alternative to creating an application using PHP and MySQL. My question is about deployment. What happens after I build the application on If the application is based on their API, will I be able to serve this application from my own domain if I wanted?
Simple answer is "no".
Your application is hosted on their servers, built in their own language (based on Java and Oracle DB but you'll never see them directly). You will create your application mostly with clicking through the setup (even for adding fields to tables there's GUI, no way to say ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN), in some rare cases when you'll need complex logic you might resort to programming in Apex and Visualforce - but these languages won't work outside platform.
Having said that - of course you can use your own domain name (to literally "serve this application from my own domain") and there are many integration possibilities so Salesforce app could interact with other application written in PHP for example... But there is no straightforward way to create your own "salesforce server" like you'd install an Apache or MySQL server.
You rely on their service for both hardware and software which will act as web server, execute your custom code etc.
Last thing - if you hope to build something reusable that might be helpful to other companies and you'd like to sell it in some sane way (not having to repeat all the clicking in each client's environment etc), have a look at appexchange. It's a place where you can find many pre-built apps (think about them like plugins to Wordpress, Joomla, osCommerce...).
