Convert txt to array in powershell - database

I have a powershell script and a txt database with different number of elements per line.
My txt file is list.txt:
My powershell script search.ps1:
#Get file path
$path = Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$search = #()
Get-Content -LiteralPath "$path\list.txt" | ForEach-Object {
$search += $_
So, how to convert each line as a element of array? As this:
$search = #(("10345","doomsday","life","hope","run","stone"),("10346","ride","latest","metal"))
To operate as:
echo $search[0][0]

Here's a concise PSv4+ solution:
$search = (Get-Content -LiteralPath $path\list.txt).ForEach({ , ($_ -split ',') })
The .ForEach() method operates on each line read from the input file by Get-Content.
$_ -split ',' splits each line into an array of strings by separator ,
, (...) wraps this array in an aux. single-item array to ensure that the array is effectively output as a whole, resulting in an array of arrays as the overall output.
Note: Strictly speaking, the .ForEach() method outputs a [System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[psobject]] collection rather than a regular PowerShell array ([object[]]), but for all practical purposes the two types act the same.
Note: The .ForEach() method was chosen as a faster alternative to a pipeline with the ForEach-Object (%) cmdlet.
Note that the .ForEach() method requires storing the input collection in memory as a whole first.
A faster and more memory-efficient, though perhaps slightly obscure alternative is to use a switch statement with the -file option:
$search = switch -file $path\list.txt { default { , ($_ -split ',') } }
switch -file processes each line of the specified file.
Since each line should be processed, only a default branch is used, in which the desired splitting is performed.

Use -split. A code snippet you can debug in ISE or VSCode below.
$x1 = #'
$data = $x1 -split "`r`n"
$data[0] -split ","
$arr = #()
foreach ($row in $data)
$arr += ,($row -split ",")
So you can split each line in your file returned from Get-Content and add it to your new array which lets you reference how you wanted...
There are other ways you can use your data depending on your needs.

Assuming you do not want each item quoted, you might consider to not using the -Split operator but just evaluating each line with the Invoke-Expression cmdlet or using a more secure [ScriptBlock] for this:
$Search = Get-Content ".\list.txt" | ForEach-Object {,#(&([ScriptBlock]::Create($_)))}


Powershell Editing Strings in Array

My array has a lot of properties but I'm only looking to edit one. The goal is to remove domains from the hostname but I haven't been able to get it working. This data is being returned from a REST API and there are thousands of assets that contain the same type of data (JSON content). The end goal is to compare assets pulled from the API and compare it to assets in a CSV file. The issue is that the domain may appear on one list and not the other so I'm trying to strip the domains off for comparison. I didn't want to iterate through both files and the comparison has to go from the CSV file to the API data hence the need to get rid of the domain altogether.
There are other properties in the array that I will need to pull from later. This is just an example of one of the arrays with a few properties:
$array = #{"description"="data"; "name"=""; "model"="data"; "ip"=""; "make"="Microsoft"}
#{"description"="data"; "name"=""; "model"="data"; "ip"=""; "make"="Different"}
#{"description"="data"; "name"=""; "model"="data"; "ip"=""; "make"="Different"}
The plan was to match the domain and then strip using the period.
$domainList = #("", "")
$domains = $domainList.ForEach{[Regex]::Escape($_)} -join '|'
$array = $array | ForEach-Object {
if($ -match $domains) {
$ = $ -replace $domains }
You may do the following to output a new array of values without the domain names:
# starting array
$array = #("", "", "host3", "")
# domains to remove
$domains = #('','')
# create regex expression with alternations: item1|item2|item3 etc.
# regex must escape literal . since dot has special meaning in regex
$regex = $domains.foreach{[regex]::Escape($_)} -join '|'
# replace domain strings and output everything else
$newArray = $array -replace $regex
Arrays use pointers so I needed to load the array and pipe through ForEach-Object and then set the object when logic was complete. Thanks for all of the help.
$domainList = #("", "")
$domains = $domainList.ForEach{[Regex]::Escape($_)} -join '|'
$array = $array | ForEach-Object {
if($ -match $domains) {
$ = $ -replace $domains }

Powershell build array with each item a new line [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Powershell: Piping output of pracl command to array
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
Using Get-ChildItem I have pulled a list of files that meet a criteria, then split a part of the Basename and want to build an array with that part of the name. I can do that successfully, except the array returns on long string. I'd like each part of the array to return on a new line.
$files = GCI "\\Paths" -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -ge (Get-Date).Adddays(-22)}
$name = ""
foreach($file in $files){
$file = $file.basename.Split(".")[0]
$array += $file
I also tried the following with no luck:
$files = GCI "\\Paths" -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -ge (Get-Date).Adddays(-22)}
$name = ""
foreach($file in $files){
$file = $file.basename.Split(".")[0]
$array+= $file -split "`n"
Current outcome when calling $array:
Desired outcome when calling $array:
The string is returned because $array is not an array. It is typed at assignment and its first assignment is a string. Therefore it keeps appending new values to that string.
You may do the following instead:
$array = foreach($file in $files){
When iterated values are output within a foreach statement, that statement output can be captured into a variable. Each value will be an element of an array.
As an aside, the += syntax to add elements to an array is inefficient because a new array is created each time after retrieving all the contents of the current array.
You're already returning an array, so just narrow it down to what you're assigning to your variable.
$files = GCI "\\Paths" -Recurse |
Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -ge (Get-Date).Adddays(-22)} |
ForEach-Object -Process {
Or, just assign a variable to your foreach loop removing the output to an array.:
$arr = foreach (...)

Powershell Array funnction

I am running below script and retrieve information from the template and assign permission. Here I would like to get the User as array input my below script is not processing the user as array.
$userObj = [PSCustomObject]((Get-Content -Raw C:\txt\sample.txt) -replace ':','=' | ConvertFrom-StringData)
for ($i[0]; $userObj.user; $i++) {
Add-MailboxPermission -Identity $userObj.Identity -User $userObj.User -AccessRights FullAccess -InheritanceType All -confirm:$false
Here is my text input which is converted as custom object
$userObj.User is a string with comma-separated names. Casting it to an array just gives you an array with one string with comma-separated names, not an array of the names.
[array]$userObj.User ⇒ [ 'auto,auto1' ]
[array]$userObj.User ⇏ [ 'auto', 'auto1' ]
To get an array of the names from the comma-separated string you need to split it:
$userObj.User -split ','
Also, your for loop is broken. Those loops have the following structure:
for (loop variable initialization; condition; loop variable incrementation)
for ($i=0; $i -lt 10; $i++)
But you probably don't need a for loop here anyway. If you want to run a command for each element of the array resulting from your split operation use a ForEach-Object instead:
$userObj.User -split ',' | ForEach-Object {
Add-MailboxPermission -Identity $userObj.Identity -User $_ ...

How to use Get-ChildItem with excluding a list of items with an array in Powershell?

I want to use an array for the exclusion:
Remove-Item -Path "$InstallDir\Lang\*" -Exclude "de.txt", "en.txt"
Get-ChildItem "$InstallDir\Lang" -EXCLUDE "es.txt", "de.txt"| Remove-Item
These both work fine.
Get-ChildItem "$InstallDir\Lang\*" -Exclude "$Language" | remove-item
does not work.
I tried several ways ( e.g. How to use Get-ChildItem with filter array in Powershell? or How to exclude list of items from Get-ChildItem result in powershell?) but I can´t find a solution.
It seems as if $Language can't be interpreted by the command.
This is how $language is built:
[string]$Language = #('"de.txt"')
If ($PackageConfigFile.Language -notlike $Null) {
foreach ($LIP in $PackageConfigFile.Language) {
$Language += ",`n ""$LIP.txt"""
$language has e.g. the following content
Has anybody an idea?
$Language = #('de.txt')
If ($PackageConfigFile.Language -notlike $Null) {
foreach ($LIP in $PackageConfigFile.Language) {
$Language += "$LIP.txt"
Construct your $Language argument as an actual PowerShell array; what you attempted creates a multil-line string instead.
Creating that array should be as simple as:
$Language = $PackageConfigFile.Language -replace '$', '.txt'
-replace, with a collection (array) as the LHS, operates on each item in the collection individually; '$', '.txt' effectively appends .txt to the end ($) of each input item, and the resulting modified elements are collected in $Language as an array, of .NET type System.Object[].
Do not enclose $Language, your array argument, in "...".
Get-ChildItem $InstallDir\Lang\* -Exclude $Language | Remove-Item -WhatIf
If you enclose an array variable in "...", PowerShell converts it to a single string, composed of the array elements concatenated with the value of preference variable $OFS, which defaults to a space; e.g.:
PS> $arr = 'a', 'b', 'c'; "[$arr]"
[a b c]
For readers coming from a UNIX / bash background:
PowerShell variables do NOT need to be double-quoted when they're passed to other commands, whatever they may contain (spaces or other shell metacharacters).
When calling PowerShell-native functionality (cmdlets, functions, scripts), the variable's original type is preserved as-is (the ability to use the .NET Framework's rich type system is the core feature that exemplifies PowerShell's evolutionary quantum leap in the world of shells).
Only use "..." if you explicitly want to pass a string to the target command.

Filtering Search Results Against a CSV in Powershell

Im interested in some ideas on how one would approach coding a search of a filesystem for files that match any entries contained in a master CSV file. I have a function to search the filesystem, but filtering against the CSV is proving harder than I expect. I have a csv with headers in it for Name & IPaddr:
#create CSV object
$csv = import-csv filename.csv
#create filter object containing only Name column
$filter = $csv | select-object Name
#Now run the search function
SearchSubfolders | where {$ -match $filter} #returns no results
I guess my question is this: Can I filter against an array within a pipeline like this???
You need a pair of loops:
#create CSV object
$csv = import-csv filename.csv
#Now run the search function
#loop through the folders
foreach ($folder in (SearchSubfolders)) {
#check that folder against each item in the csv filter list
#this sets up the loop
foreach ($Filter in $csv.Name) {
#and this does the checking and outputs anything that is matched
If ($ -match $Filter) { "$filter" }
Usually CSVs are 2-dimensional data structures, so you can't use them directly for filtering. You can convert the 2-dimensional array into a 1-dimensional array, though:
$filter = Import-Csv 'C:\path\to\some.csv' | % {
$_.PSObject.Properties | % { $_.Value }
If the CSV has just a single column, the "mangling" can be simplified to this (replace Name with the actual column name):
$filter = Import-Csv 'C:\path\to\some.csv' | % { $_.Name }
or this:
$filter = Import-Csv 'C:\path\to\some.csv' | select -Expand Name
Of course, if the CSV has just a single column, it would've been better to make it a flat list right away, so it could've been imported like this:
$filter = Get-Content 'C:\path\to\some.txt'
Either way, with the $filter prepared, you can apply it to your input data like this:
SearchSubFolders | ? { $filter -contains $_.Name } # ARRAY -contains VALUE
The -match operator won't work, because it compares a value (left operand) against a regular expression (right operand).
See Get-Help about_Comparison_Operators for more information.
Another option is to create a regex from the filename collection and use that to filter for all the filenames at once:
$filenames = import-csv filename.csv |
foreach { $ }
[regex]$filename_regex = ‘(?i)^(‘ + (($filenames | foreach {[regex]::escape($_)}) –join “|”) + ‘)$’
$SearchSubfolders |
where { $ -match $filename_regex }
You can use Compare-Object to do this pretty easily if you are matching the actual Names of the files to names in the list. An example:
$filter = import-csv files.csv
ls | Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $filter -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent -Property Name
This will print the files in the current directory that match the any Name in files.csv. You could also print only the different ones by dropping -IncludeEqual and -ExcludeDifferent flags. If you need full regex matching you will have to loop through each regex in the csv and see if it is a match.
Here's any alternate solution that uses regular expression filters. Note that we will create and cache the regex instances so we don't have to rely on the runtime's internal cache (which defaults to 15 items). First we have a useful helper function, Test-Any that will loop through an array of items and stop if any of them satisfies a criteria:
function Test-Any() {
begin {
$any = $false
process {
foreach($item in $items) {
if ($predicate.Invoke($item)) {
$any = $true
end { $any }
With this, the implementation is relatively simple:
$filters = import-csv files.csv | foreach { [regex]$_.Name }
ls -recurse | where { $name = $_.Name; $filters | Test-Any { $_.IsMatch($name) } }
I ended up using a 'loop within a loop' construct to get this done after much trial and error:
#the SearchSubFolders function was amended to force results in a variable, SearchResults
$SearchResults2 = #()
foreach ($result in $SearchResults){
foreach ($line in $filter){
if ($result -match $line){
$SearchResults2 += $result
This works great after collapsing my CSV file down to a text-based array containing only the necessary column data from that CSV. Much thanks to Ansgar Wiechers for assisting me with that particular thing!!!
All of you presented viable solutions, some more complex than I cared for, nevertheless if I could mark multiple answers as correct, I would!! I chose the correct answer based on not only correctness but also simplicity.....
