Why do I lose responsiveness when I add my own css on a bootstrap card - responsive-design

When I add my own Styling on a bootstrap card or any bootstrap component I lose responsiveness. What should I do to fix this issue?


Drop Down not showing in TinyMCE Editor with react modal

I have used a react modal to display the tinyMCE editor.When I load the editor in that modal the editors appears.The issue is the drop downs within the tinyMCE are not working.
EX: block_formats drop down not working
The issue was with the CSS Z-index. There was a conflict between the project bootstrap CSS z-index and the TinyMCE CSS z-index.

Material UI controlled expansion panel not working

I have been having some trouble getting the Material-UI expansion panels on my React application to expand once the "expand more" icon has been clicked. I have used the documentation on the Material UI website and set up the react application using npx create-react-app. Below I have attached the code of my component and my package.json. The website displays the panel with the correctly mapped data, but the panel does not expand once clicked. Through some research I read that the latest MacOS update has been having some bugs with css frameworks and animation. Has anyone else experienced this issue? I'm not sure at this point what is causing the error.
component imports and styling
website display
component render
I think you need to change the onClick props in <ExpansionPanel /> for onChange.
But i have a problem like

How to style react bootstrap carousel with next js?

I am new to next.js and I would like to remove the gradient around the arrows to the left and right of the react bootstrap carousel.
I have tried inline CSS for the carousel and I am using styled-components for the rest of my components.
Official documentation of react-bootstrap package says that it uses Bootstrap v3 styles:
React-Bootstrap currently targets Bootstrap v3. To use React-Bootstrap, include the CSS for Bootstrap v3 instead of Bootstrap v4.
If we look through bootstrap.css file, we can see that carousel controls have .carousel-control.left and .carousel-control.right classnames for left and right button respectively. So we can use styled-components nesting feature to specify CarouselWrapper component which will override default controls background styles (you should definitely use other class style properties from bootstrap source here, I omitted them for clarity).
const CarouselWrapper = styled.div`
.carousel-control.right {
background: none;
It is a bit "monkey-patching" approach but I could not find another way to pass custom styles for carousel controls background.
Check full proof-of-concept code here: https://codesandbox.io/s/pypkzo5kz0

Change the background color of a DIV using react antd package

I am using react antd package for styling the app. How do I style the div with the default background color in antd? Below is the bootstrap way of doing it.
<div className="bg-default">
You can import LESS variables from antd/lib/style/themes/default

In Angular collapse directive, if change contents, collapse div doesn't update height

We have an Angular UI Bootstrap Collapse directive in our Angular app. When we change the contents of the collapse, we would like the div to update appropriately.
However, apparently the height is set in the style when the collapse is opened and does not update if we change the contents of the collapse element. If I change the contents while it is open, then the height does not change. This seems like it should be taken care of automatically. Is this a known issue and what is a good way to get around it?
Using Angular 1.2.2, UI 0.9.0, and Bootstrap 2.3.2
Version 0.9.0 of the angular-ui/bootstrap is not compatible with Bootstrap 2.3.2 CSS. 0.8.0 is the last version that supports Bootstrap 2.3.2 CSS. You either need to use 0.8.0 or migrate to Bootstrap 3.
