Get fullcalender HTML-Elements with AngularJS and change them - angularjs

I'am using fullcalender and need to change some navigation buttons with AngularJS. I do not have much experience with AngularJS so the JS Code would be somthing like this:
var filter = $(".fc-filter-button");
filter.html("<i class='fas fa-filter'></i>");
filter.attr("id", "dropdownFilterButton");
But how can i archive this and some other usual JS/JQuery Tasks with AngularJS. I know i can use JQuery too but want to do it in the right Angular way.
I tried something like this:
element[0].getElementsByClassName('fc-filter-button').html("<i class='fas fa-filter'></i>")
var queryResult = element[0].querySelector('.fc-filter-button');
angular.element(queryResult).html("<i class='fas fa-filter'></i>")
How can i make these changes without touching the fullcalender code itself.

Take a look at the NgSanitize module "The ngSanitize module provides functionality to sanitize HTML".
Here's an basic example which should get you going in the right direction
angular.module('app', ["ngSanitize"])
$scope.content = "<p>The initial html</p>";
$scope.changeHtml = function(){
$scope.content = "<h3>The changed html</h3>";
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="myCtrl">
<button ng-click="changeHtml()">Change html</button>
<div ng-bind-html="content">


Angularjs | how to get an attribute value from element in which controller is defined

I'm still fighting with simple things in Angular. I have jQuery and Backbonejs background, so please do not yell on me. I try hard to understand differences
I have HTML in which from rails is given ID of project as data-project-id:
<div data-ng-controller="ProjectCtrl as ctrl" data-project-id="1" id="project_configuration">
Is there any chance to get access to this attribute? I need it to my API calls...
To access an elements attributes from a controller, inject $attrs into your controller function:
<div test="hello world" ng-controller="ctrl">
app.controller('ctrl', function($attrs) {
alert($attrs.test); // alerts 'hello world'
In your example, if you want to get data-project-id:
Or if you want to get id:
var app = angular.module('app',[]);
app.controller('ctrl', function($attrs) {
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="ctrl" test="hello world">
In Angular world you should use directives to manipulate with DOM elements. Here a nice explanation how to get attribute value from custom directive (How to get evaluated attributes inside a custom directive).
But if you still want to get it's value from controller you are able to use jQuery as well $('#project_configuration').data('project-id')

Angular binding for dynamically added html div

Sorry, this seems a duplicated questions, but I tried all answered questions close to my question, with no success.
I am trying to introduce angular.js into a legacy system.
the system is using the .load jquery function to dynamically load div content with a page from an ASP.NET MVC page.
my brief html will look like this
<body ng-app="myApp">
<div ng-controller="myCtrl">
any content...
<div id="dyncontent"> </div>
and my javascript legacy code looks like
I added in the dynamic content, some angular directive and binding instruction
my angular code is like this
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
myApp.controller('myCtrl', function ($scope) {
How to make the binding / angular directive works on the newly added content?
You need to manually start the angular module using angular.bootstrap
$('#dyncontent').load('/showviewcontent', function() {
angular.bootstrap(document.getElementById('dyncontent'), ['myApp']);

How to create loading in onsen-ui?

i use phonegap and onsen-ui in my application.
how to create loading with onsen in my app?
Thank you
sorry for my poor english.
Or you could use modal to show loading screen like this.
<ons-modal var="modal">
<ons-icon icon="ion-load-c" spin="true"></ons-icon>
Please wait.<br>Loading...
then call the; in your controller to show the modal and modal.hide(); to hide it.
Use ngShow or ngHide.
The following is the sample code.
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', [ 'ngTouch', 'onsen.directives']);
myApp.controller('SampleCtrl', function($scope, $timeout){
$scope.isShow = true;
//If page content was loaded, set the false to $scope.isShow.
$scope.isShow = false;
<body ng-controller="SampleCtrl">
<div ng-show="isShow">
<!--Define your loading screen animation with HTML and CSS.-->
You need to define css animation by yourself. However, there are many useful tools to create loading animation like this.
You can also use the placeholder..

How to bind data using Angular in my case?

I am trying to create a tooltip based from from this post
Angular-UI-Bootstrap custom tooltip/popover with 2-way data-binding
I successfully created the popup but I have trouble delivering the content to my popover.html
I added this to my script.js
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ui.bootstrap', 'ian.bootstrap']);
app.controller('myCtrl', function ($scope) {
$scope.item = {
title: 'Original Title',
content:'content 1' //newly added item
$scope.text = 'Click me';
and I want to display it in my popover.html
<div class="popover-content">
It doesn't show anything. Can someone help me about it? thanks a lot!
my plunker
Here is your updated working Plunkr
Basically you have to pass the attr iantooltip-content with the binding of the content item, not the raw text, and after in the directive pass in the directive isolate scope options the binding of the content like :
iantooltipContent: '='
Just change the appenToBody variable and you're done.
You should read the docs for more infos about Angular directive :)
You can add the ng-controller in your div and then specify the controller name like so :
<div class="popover-content" ng-controller='myCtrl'>
Before the use cases, the basic syntax to create a custom directive.
For all the code samples in this page I started from the angular-seed template.
Starting from the angular-seed skeleton is quite easy to extract a model to begin to implement custom directives.
<html ngApp="myApp">
<div my-first-directive></div>
<script src="lib/angular/angular.js"></script>
<script src="js/app.js"></script>
<script src="js/directives.js"></script>

getting angularjs to work in jsfiddle?

I'm trying to make an angularjs jfiddle for another question, but I can't get it working. Can somebody look at it and let me know what I'm doing wrong?
<div ng-app="myApp">
<div ng-conroller="MyController">
Click me: <input type="checkbox" ng-model="checked"/><br/>
var app = angular.module('myApp', [
var controllers = app.module('my.controllers', []);
controllers.controller('MyController', function($scope) {
$scope.checked = true;
fiddle link
fiddle link without external libraries
fiddle link with only ng-animate ext library
Can it be that it's because jsfiddle adds a "" in front of any external library location? Like when I try to add "" then jsfiddle changes it to ""
You need to set option no wrap - in <body>
You should use:
var controllers = angular.module('my.controllers', []);
Instead of:
var controllers = app.module('my.controllers', []);
This fiddle works:
To work with ng-animate you need to include external libraries in correct order and use No-Library (pure JS) option or eg. any jQuery library:
Updated fiddle:
I am writing my answer for those who land on this page , I was used to use ng-module directive but in jsfiddle after half an hour I realized that ng-module is not allowed and you see no error , and when changed that ng-module to ng-app fiddle worked very well .I just wanted to share this .
<div ng-app="appX" ng-controller="appCtrl">
var app=angular.module("appX",[]);
$scope.greeting="Hello World";
