Full-fledged Watson Assistant integration for testing - ibm-watson

I have implemented a chatbot with Watson Assistant. There is a preview link integration available but this has the disadvantage that HTML and emojis are not supported. Using this and this tutorial I can integrate my bot into Facebook Messenger and Skype. But this only works on local devices and I cannot easily distribute it to other people for testing.
What I would like to do is to let several people test my chatbot simulatenously on their own smartphone with full functionality (HTML rendering, emojis). The integration should be very easy for them, for example just opening a webpage or just adding the bot to their Facebook Messenger or Skype (not so many steps as in the above links).
Is this possible?

You can fork this repository and replace the credentials with yours:
Then host it wherever you prefer (you can host it on IBM Cloud as part of the Lite account) and share the link with the people you want to test it.


How to upload in muy website the watson chatbot, please

I already finish the chatbot, but I have no idea of how to upload it to my website, please, help :)
I tried to look for some code to send to the IT developers, but cannot find it :( And the IT guys are too busy, so I'ld like to get the answer by myself so I can send it to them if I'm not able to apply it. Thank you. (Btw: I'm not an IT person... :( )
Where to start?
The dialog / conversation part of your Watson Assistant part chatbot is available as a REST API.
There are several deployment options available. For the more popular choices the Assistant tooling provides integrations. So if you want to access your chatbot through slack, or facebook messenger or on a word press site then look at the documentation as to how - https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/services/assistant?topic=assistant-deploy-integration-add
If you are developing your own application or web-page, then your developers will need to design the User Interface and handle the quirks of your dialog. eg. Decide how to display images, options etc., all from the API, which is essentially only message in, response out - https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/assistant-v2#send-user-input-to-assistant. There are samples available for them to base from - eg. https://github.com/watson-developer-cloud/assistant-intermediate
If your website is using Wordpress, there is a very easy way to deploy the chatbot to it using a wordpress plug in - https://wordpress.org/plugins/conversation-watson/

Can I set up a web form that will populate an opportunity in my salesforce

I have a site I sent my clients to who want to move forward with our order process and I want the information they submit to automatically fill in the form under the opportunity. I was wondering how this was possible. I know you can set up a web to lead form but I dont see this option for what I want to do.
There is no native Opportunity feature equivalent for Web-to-lead or Web-to-Case. You do have a lot of options though (ordered from simplest to most complex).
Use an app on the AppExchange that provide web-to-x functionality.
Use a pre-built connector for popular CMS apps to integrate with Salesforce.
Create a Visualforce Page hosted on Force.com sites and then embed that on your website
Create an Apex Web Service hosted on Force.com sites that can be posted to by your form
Write code on your web platform to post to the Salesforce API.

Is there a way to integrate chatbot created using IBM Watson with Skype?

I want to make a chatbot using IBM Watson for Skype. I am not getting any tutorial to integrate it with Skype. I am confused with various tools and platforms like botkit, chatfuel, IBM Conversation Middleware etc. Anyone can show light on it?
Watson Conversation is one REST API endpoint, so you can build some Skype app for call the Watson endpoint with code.
You can use botkit-framework, have support with Microsoft Bot Framework, including Skype, but you would have to adjust for the new botkit additions by writing some of your own custom code.
Obs.: Try to talk with Skype people professionals to see how to connect one bot API, in this case, Watson Conversation Service.
Reference: Mitch Mason

An API for creating and managing Google Cloud Console projects?

I believe there is an undocumented Google API available to create and manage Google Cloud Console (and App Engine) projects on behalf of third party users.
Does anyone know how to use it?
I think older versions of the Google Eclipse Plugin obtained an OAuth2 token in the (undocumented) scope https://www.googleapis.com/auth/appengine.admin, and this allowed it to generate a Cloud Console project on your behalf. The latest version doesn't seem to do this. App Engine's own appcfg.py also uses this scope, but doesn't seem to do much more than deploy the code - I'm looking to change core settings for the project, such as Name, Redirect URLs, and Web Origins.
Any information would be appreciated.
I maintain a WordPress plugin providing secure Google Apps Login for end users, and currently have to give detailed instructions to admins for creating a new Cloud Console project manually, and entering settings such as Redirect URL. Ideally, I would create a simple on-line service to do all of this for them.
Thank you!
It is possible to programmatically create a new Developer Console project on behalf of a Google Account (yes, you read that right). You do so in a very roundabout way:
Request the https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.scripts scope from the user (standard OAuth 2.0 flow).
Use the Drive API's drive.insert method to create a new file with a mimetype of application/vnd.google-apps.script.
Somehow try to get the project ID, maybe by uploading some Apps Script code? This is the part that I was never able to figure out.
A little known fact is that every Google Apps Script project has a hidden Developer Console project associated with it. This project is not shown in the list of projects, but it does exist. It is created automatically when the user starts a new Apps Script project, and the drive.insert method is enough to cause this to happen.
How do you get to the hidden project? Well, the only way I know of is to open the Apps Script project from the Drive website, open the "Resources > Advanced Google Services" dialog, and click the link to the Developer Console. You'll find the project ID in the URL.
Aside from not being shown in your list of projects and not being able to use App Engine, this is a normal Developer Console project. You can add additional OAuth client credentials, service accounts, Compute Engine instances, etc. And of course once you have a project ID, all of the various management APIs will work: creating new virtual machines, making use of a service account's impersonation ability, etc.

Can you import Selenium Web driver into the Google App Engin

I am sort of new to app development, so this may sound like a stupid question. The company I am working with is trying to get ride of most of there IT infrastructure, so that they don't need any more servers. I have been asked to develop a program that takes information from a google spreadsheet and then with this information puts it into a web browser. I am Planning on using Phyton and selenium web driver. Will I be able to install selenium if i host the application as a Google app engine?
The Reason I want/need to use selenium web driver is because I need to put the information from google into a legacy system. The only way to put information in the system is to mimic a user putting the information in manual in a web browser.
Thank you,
I don't understand what you think Selenium will be doing here. It seems a very strange way to want to get information from one Google property into another.
Google spreadsheets have a perfectly good API that allows you to read the data from your app and display it to users.
Edit after question update Well, now I don't see what you need GAE for. That is for hosting and running websites, and you only seem to want to enter data into an existing website. That's not what it does at all.
