Azure Maps Routing provides No Traffic Delay Information - azure-maps

When I post this request in Postman to Azure Maps Routing (Key Removed),-1.1176335811615:50.8494396228343,-1.06779478490353&departAt=2019-01-31T07:30:00&travelMode=car&&traffic=true
I get this response (just the summary posted).
"routes": [
"summary": {
"lengthInMeters": 19388,
"travelTimeInSeconds": 2146,
"trafficDelayInSeconds": 0,
"departureTime": "2019-01-31T07:30:00Z",
"arrivalTime": "2019-01-31T08:05:46Z"
I know that there should be a traffic delay of about 30 mins on this particular route. Why no traffic delay?

TrafficDelayInSeconds returns the delay in seconds caused by the real-time incident(s). Delay in seconds is compared to the conditions according to real-time traffic information.
travelTimeInSeconds value already includes the delay due to traffic, calculated by using time-dependent historic traffic data. If you add the parameter 'computeTravelTimeFor=all' to your request, response will include travel times for all types of traffic information and specifies all results in the fields noTrafficTravelTimeInSeconds, historicTrafficTravelTimeInSeconds and liveTrafficIncidents being included in the summaries in the route response.
In the example below travelTimeInSeconds equals to historicTrafficTravelTimeInSeconds and trafficDelayInSeconds is calculated using time-dependent historic traffic data.
"summary": {
                "lengthInMeters": 8446,
                "travelTimeInSeconds": 728,
                "trafficDelayInSeconds": 0,
                "departureTime": "2019-01-02T19:06:15Z",
                "arrivalTime": "2019-01-02T19:18:22Z",
                "noTrafficTravelTimeInSeconds": 606,
                "historicTrafficTravelTimeInSeconds": 728,
                "liveTrafficIncidentsTravelTimeInSeconds": 728
Here is an real-time routing request response that returns trafficDelaysInSeconds >0:
"summary": {
"lengthInMeters": 2131,
"travelTimeInSeconds": 274,
"trafficDelayInSeconds": 37,
"departureTime": "2019-01-02T20:00:37Z",
"arrivalTime": "2019-01-02T20:05:11Z",
"noTrafficTravelTimeInSeconds": 204,
"historicTrafficTravelTimeInSeconds": 238,
"liveTrafficIncidentsTravelTimeInSeconds": 274


Solr COLSTATUS and LIST show deleted collection that cannot be deleted

For some of our collections when we run a Collections API DELETE synchronously followed immediately by a Configset API DELETE for the underlying configset we end up with a messed up collection state.
I have been unable to reproduce this issue in a test environment, it only happens on the live production instances inconsistently, so it may be load/race condition related.
Running a COLSTATUS against the broken collection provides the following response,
"responseHeader": {
"status": 404,
"QTime": 33
"collection_19744": {
"stateFormat": 2,
"znodeVersion": 51,
"properties": {
"autoAddReplicas": "false",
"maxShardsPerNode": "1",
"nrtReplicas": "3",
"pullReplicas": "0",
"replicationFactor": "3",
"router": {
"name": "compositeId"
"tlogReplicas": "0"
"activeShards": 1,
"inactiveShards": 0
"error": {
"metadata": [
"msg": "Error from server at Expected mime type application/octet-stream but got text/html. <html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;charset=utf-8\"/>\n<title>Error 404 Not Found</title>\n</head>\n<body><h2>HTTP ERROR 404</h2>\n<p>Problem accessing /solr/collection_19744_shard1_replica_n4/admin/segments. Reason:\n<pre> Not Found</pre></p>\n</body>\n</html>\n",
"code": 404
The underlying shard data for the collection has been successfully removed from disk and is not present on any of the solr nodes, the /collections/collection_19744 node has also been successfully deleted from Zookeeper, which I tested using the zkcli script. Receiving a NoNode for /collections/collection_19744 message.
As the COLSTATUS is broken we cannot delete the associated configset, doing so results in a "Can not delete ConfigSet as it is currently being used by collection [collection_19744]" message. Which is false.
Where exactly does the COLSTATUS get its collection meta information, as the /collections/collection_19744 node is absent in zookeeper?
I want to remove the broken collection metadata so I can then remove the configset and recreate the collection with the original naming.

How to check google cloud scheduler status?

I have two jobs and I want to execute the second one only when the first one has completed. Both are scheduled on cloud scheduler.
I am trying the get API to check the status of the first job but there is no data under the status field. Please note that I have tried to get this data when my first job was running.
"name": "projects/<project name>/locations/us-central1/jobs/<job name>",
"description": "Sample",
"appEngineHttpTarget": {
"httpMethod": "GET",
"appEngineRouting": {
"version": "test-v1",
"host": ""
"relativeUri": "/api/v1/test",
"headers": {
"User-Agent": "AppEngine-Google; (+"
"userUpdateTime": "2020-07-17T11:44:16Z",
"state": "ENABLED",
"status": {},
"scheduleTime": "2020-07-18T11:00:00.834928Z",
"lastAttemptTime": "2020-07-17T11:44:30.439092Z",
"retryConfig": {
"maxRetryDuration": "0s",
"minBackoffDuration": "5s",
"maxBackoffDuration": "3600s",
"maxDoublings": 16
"schedule": "0 04 * * *",
"timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"attemptDeadline": "18000s"
Where am I going wrong?
I was checking the documentation on this, and it looks like to get if a job is running you need to use state, as it will return the state of the job, but I could not find in the documentation a description on when the job is done.
It looks like once the job has finished, it will populate the field status, but status will give you a description of the http status from your job (so it will tell you if it failed or if it succeeded and specific information about the job failure or success)
So, in this case you would need to check if the state is ENABLED (this would tell you that the job is not paused or has other state) and if the status is populated (this would mean that the job finished and at the same time you will know if it succeeded or if it failed).

Problem with StatusReport trait in Smart Home Actions

I have a Security System with traits action.devices.traits.ArmDisarm and action.devices.traits.StatusReport and some other sensors: WaterLeak Sensor, Door Sensor ...
I report some errors about other devices with StatusReport state.
For example: when the door sensor detects that the door is open, the security system must give deviceOpen error.
When I say, "Is my security system ok?", my server's response to the query intent is the JSON below, but Google Assistant says that he couldn't reach my action (Unexpected error happened).
Is there anything wrong with this response?
"requestId": "10417064006786362499",
"payload": {
"devices": {
"3rL3QL7Kq2HrQjs53Y7o": {
"isArmed": true,
"currentStatusReport": [
"blocking": true,
"deviceTarget": "4BCIpzBWpgLA24mMI7r2",
"priority": 0,
"statusCode": "deviceOpen"
"blocking": true,
"deviceTarget": "MxRCd6ERRSWzYzyNTE8S",
"priority": 0,
"statusCode": "waterLeakDetected"
"status": "EXCEPTIONS",
"online": true
In Firebase Console there are no errors.
Logs in Firebase Console
Your response to the query intent looks right, but there might be an error in other parts of the process. You can follow the Troubleshooting Guide to see how your failed intent is counted in the Smart Home metrics and what are the details on your logs. (Firebase logs only gives info about your server. The logging mentioned in the guide (Google Cloud Logging) is a different and more comprehensive for the intent handling)

Why does gmail connector trigger skips new incoming email

In one of my Logic Apps I'm using gmail connector trigger "when a new email arrives", but it doesn't seem to be working.
I'm sending email that it should detect when the trigger is run, but the trigger history simply shows the trigger is skipping and therefor not firing the rest of the workflow.
How can I debug this issue?
The following code is the trigger section of the logic app:
"triggers": {
"When_a_new_email_arrives": {
"description": "",
"inputs": {
"host": {
"connection": {
"name": "#parameters('$connections')['gmail']['connectionId']"
"method": "get",
"path": "/Mail/OnNewEmail",
"queries": {
"fetchOnlyWithAttachments": false,
"from": "",
"importance": "All",
"includeAttachments": false,
"label": "INBOX",
"starred": "All",
"subject": "something"
"recurrence": {
"frequency": "Day",
"interval": 1,
"startTime": "2019-08-17T08:40:00Z"
"type": "ApiConnection"
It setup to runs ones every day, although for testing purposes I'm running the trigger manually.
Update 1
I've tried sending the mail from my own mail adress after configuring the from-parameter in the trigger and that works as intented. So I think the issue might be due to something about the senders original mail message. I did some digging, and pulled out the original raw mail from gmail. It contains some logging information from gmail servers. Appearently something called DMARC authentication have failed. I wonder if this has anything do the problem that is arising, maybe the gmail connector will not accept the senders identity.
Here's the part about DMARC in the raw mail message:
spf=pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender);
dmarc=fail (p=NONE sp=NONE dis=NONE)
Could this be the reason the connector does not detect these mails?
for this issue I did some test but I haven't met this issue. In my logic app, I set the "How often do you want to check for items?" box as 10 minutes. I didn't run the trigger manually(I didn't click the "Run" button). Then I sent an email to my gmail, and after about 10 minutes, when the trigger went to check my gmail, the logic app run the actions under the trigger successfully. Apart from this, if I sent two emails to my gmail in these ten minutes, the trigger will not be triggered twice, it will be triggered just once.
I saw you mentioned set once every day in your description. So for example, if you completed the configuration of the logic app at 1:00 pm, and your gmail received an email at 2:00 pm, it will not run the actions under the trigger at once. The trigger will check your gmail at 1:00 pm tomorrow, so the actions under the trigger will also run at 1:00 pm tomorrow. But when you test this logic app, if you run the logic app manually, when your gmail received an email, it will triggered at once.
I wonder if this explanation will be helpful to your issue ?

Access Cell tower Objects using Telephony package in react native

I am trying to make geolocation request with API call (in react native) This API takes following inputs in request body.
"homeMobileCountryCode": 310,
"homeMobileNetworkCode": 410,
"radioType": "gsm",
"carrier": "Vodafone",
"considerIp": "true",
"cellTowers": [
// See the Cell Tower Objects section below.
"wifiAccessPoints": [
// See the WiFi Access Point Objects section below.
"cellTowers": [
"cellId": 42,
"locationAreaCode": 415,
"mobileCountryCode": 310,
"mobileNetworkCode": 410,
"age": 0,
"signalStrength": -60,
"timingAdvance": 15
I am able to get all properties listed above except following using package Telephony and CarrierInfo in react native. It would be great if someone can locate the package and function to get these details in react-native.
