Exit the screen in WPF C # - wpf

I need a hint as to how to get the user out of the screen in the WPF window. I made a window that does not fit on the screen and needs to be scrolled so that more data can be added, but I have no idea how to do it. Or maybe I can add a slider to see a further label?

You should use scroll-viewer control. see this How to add scroll viewer. Hope it helps.
<ScrollViewer VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto">
Put other xaml content here..
or you can show Scrollbar in Grid
<Grid ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll="True"
Or in Program
ScrollViewer sv = new ScrollViewer();
sv.VerticalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Visible;


How to load user control with scroll bars in WPF?

I am trying to load a UserControl in the Window by using content control's content property in code behind. Every thing is fine, but my friends were not able to see all the control on the page due to resolution problem. How can I fix this to have scroll bar. I have tried putting ScrollViewer also, but it's not working. So, my solution works on the bigger Window which developed, but its not working on the Smaller resolution windows.
Sample code structure of loading the UserControl:
<ContentControl Name="ContentX" Margin="15,10,15,0" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center">
<Label FontWeight="Black" FontSize="18" FontFamily="Calibri">Some Content</Label>
ContentX.Content = new UserControl();
//Contains the Code for User Control
I got it solved my Content Control is in another Grid Column where i fixed the width and height to be *, now i removed it it's working fine when i place it inside a Scroll Viewer

wpf controls traveling around the grid/stack panel and not staying put

I am building a user control in WPF and put a few buttons in a stackpanel laying inside a grid. Problem is that when I build the app and run it, the buttons "sail around" and don't stay where I put them in the designer window. Is there any attribute I'm missing(or some sort of container?)?
Try setting the alignment properties of your grid:
<Grid HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top">

WPF ListBox scrolls to top when I change status message or show wait screen

I'm developing an opensource application named Media Assistant. I used a ListBox to show the library. ItemsSource is bound to a list of LibraryItem. Here is the XALM.
<ListBox Name="Tree" DockPanel.Dock="Top"
ItemsSource="{Binding DataSource.OrderedLibraryItems}"
Background="{StaticResource LibraryBackground}"
Width="220" HorizontalAlignment="Left"
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource ListLibraryItemTemplate}"
The problem is when I show any status message at the bottom of my window from a thread by using Dispatcher.
Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background,new ParameterizedThreadStart(action), state);
The ListBox scrolls to at the top. If I don't show any status message then it works just fine. The datacontext or list items or focus has not been changed. I could not found any reason why it's doing that. It happens when I display any wait screen which is a non modal window. I could not recreate it in a different project. Here is the source code of Media Assistant.
You can easily re-create it by un-commenting the return statement of method SetStatusMessage at BackgroundScanner class.
I found the reason behind this, so the solution.
I used a DockPanel to layout my UI. I put my status bar at the bottom, the ListBox on the Left and other items are on middle and top. There is a TextBlock in my StatusBar which has width and Height set to Auto. So, when I changed text of my StatusBar TextBlock it's width and height gets recalculated and It's parent's recalculates it's layout. Hence the ListBox gets invoked to Measures and Arrange. Even though it's size does not gets changed it resets it's scroll position to top. It happens only if I use ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll="True" at the ListBox. By default it is True. So, even though I did not set this value It was resetting the scroll position. If I disable it by using ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll="False" then it works fine.
<ListBox Name="Tree" DockPanel.Dock="Top"
ItemsSource="{Binding DataSource.OrderedLibraryItems}"
Background="{StaticResource LibraryBackground}"
Width="220" HorizontalAlignment="Left"
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource ListLibraryItemTemplate}"
But setting ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll="False" disables virtualization and I want to use virtualization to my ListBox so I set fixed Height and Width to the TextBlock. So, the DockPanel does not re-arrange it's children if I change the status message.
May be it's a bug at ScrollViewer. It should not change the scroll position if the size has not changed.
In reply to #user904627's answer, here is an enhanced version of his workaround. The issue with just fixing Width and Height is the ListBox keeps the same position even if the user resizes the Window. This is not acceptable.
This is why I created this tiny behavior which fixes Width and Height but listens to the parent element's SizeChanged event to let the ListBox resize itself when the container's size changes.
The code is here: VirtualizedListBoxFixBehavior
When the parent element is resized, I restore Width and Height to double.NaN (so the control can resize itself) and I queue the bit of code which fixes the size properties to actual values in the Dispatcher for later execution.
But this still is an ugly working workaround...
Try this:
listBox1.ScrollIntoView(listBox1.Items.GetItemAt(listBox1.Items.Count - 1));
Since the layout is being reset, it is expected that the list box to select the first item (0).
Can you try to set the selected item to the number of existing items in the list box:
Tree.SelectedIndex = Tree.Items.Count;
I did not test this solution on your code but I have used it in another project of mine where I had a similar problem.
Hope it helps.

scrolling the silverlight ScrollViewer programmatically

i have a silverlight scrollviewer in my xaml page as below
<ScrollViewer x:Name="scroller" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Visible" VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Hidden" Height="140" BorderBrush="{x:Null}">
contents here
</ScrollViewer >
and i am trying to move the scroll bar programmatically as below but it didnt worked out
can any body guide me how to move the scrollbar programmatically
As a test, this code hooked up to button moves the scrollbar with nothing else required:
scroller.ScrollToHorizontalOffset(scroller.HorizontalOffset + 10);
The content was very wide though. AnthonyWJones is correct in his comment. The content must be at least 250 + the width of your scrollviewer to have any effect. HorizontalOffset is the offset of the left side of the scrollview content.
Try smaller values when testing :)

Nonstandard floating layout - grow then stop

Here is the sample pseudo XAML code
<Grid Rows="2">
<Listbox Row="0"/>
<Button Row="1"/>
Grid doesn't work here, just for example
Listbox is databinded and can have multiple items
Button is placed under the ListBox - immediately under, not on bottom of window
Listbox can grow, moving Button down until Button is on bottom of window. Then Listbox gets vertical scrollbar and scrolls its items, with Button remaining on bottom.
I can't remember seeing such layout, and think it can't be done without binding to ActualHeight/using some converter code, which i'm really bad.
Thanks in advance.
Use a StackPanel instead of your Grid.
