Material UI - Unblock scrolling when popover is opened - reactjs

The scroll is blocked with Popover according to the new material-ui version doc.
When i open the popover, the scroll-bar of the web page suddenly disappeared and it's not the part of user experience in my opinion.
I wanna keep the scroll bar visible while popover is open.
I'm using Material-UI V3.8.1.

it can be fixed by using container props of Popover.
container props is a node, component instance or function that returns either.
The container will passed to the Modal component.
By default, it uses the body of the anchorEl's top-level document object, so it's simply document.body most of the time.
This default setting is making document removing scroll bar.
So i just used its direct parent for container instead of default setting and it solved the problem. :)

The property you are looking for is called disableScrollLock. But using this, does not recalculate the modals positioning and you will have a floating modal in your application. Instead, as described by a few others here, the Popper should be used.

To implement the correct behavior you can use Popper with Clickawaylistener

According to the docs, it looks like if you want to retain the scroll bar, then you should use Popper instead of Popover.

I stumbled upon this question when trying to fix the same problem. Improving upon #Tommy's answer, I've found a working solution:
const NewPopover = (props) => {
const containerRef = React.useRef();
// Box here can be any container. Using Box component from #material-ui/core
return (
<Box ref={containerRef}>
<Popover {...props} container={containerRef.current}>
Popover text!

Just tried something now that seems to work.
Use a Popper instead I have done something like this.
flip: {
enabled: false
preventOverflow: {
enabled: true,
boundariesElement: "scrollParent"
Then to get the click away desired effect mount a "mousedown" effect check if the popover is open if it is then check the click is inside of the popper element. If not close the modal.
Something like this for the mousedown effect, note remember to dismount it or you'll get a leak.
React.useEffect(() => {
if (anchorEl) {
document.addEventListener("mousedown", handleClick)
} else {
document.removeEventListener("mousedown", handleClick)
// Specify how to clean up after this effect:
return function cleanup() {
document.removeEventListener("mousedown", handleClick)
}, [anchorEl])
const handleClick = event => {
if (!document.getElementById(id).contains( {
Also just incase you are unsure theres another difference with Popper and Popover and that's just adding a Paper, but i don't need to explain how to do that.

I found another Solution that fits my case:
Just added a useEffect and attached a mouse wheel attempt to it close the popover:
function myPopover({/*..your props..*/}){
const [open,setOpen] = useState(flase);
//.... your rest of the code
function handleClose(){
document.body.onwheel = handleClose;
document.body.addEventListener('touchstart', handleClose, false);
return ()=>{
document.body.onwheel = undefined;
document.body.removeEventListener('touchstart', handleClose,
return <Popover
/*... your props */

I solved this with
html {
overflow: visible !important;
Since Material-ui adds style="overflow: hidden;" on the html tag.


How can you prevent propagation of events from a MUI (v4) Slider Component

I have a MUI v4 Slider (specifically used as a range slider: component inside an expandable component in a form, however, the onChange handler for the Slider component immediately propagates up into the parent and triggers the onClick handler which controls the hide/show.
In the child:
import { Slider } from '#material-ui/core';
export const MySliderComponent = ({ setSliderValue }) => {
let onChange = (e, value) => {
return <Slider onChange={onChange} />
In the parent:
let [expanded, setExpanded] = useState(false);
let toggle = (e) => setExpanded(!expanded);
return (
<div className={'control'} onClick={toggle}>Label Text</div>
<div hidden={!expanded}>
<MySliderComponent />
when I click inside the slider component, but not on the slider control, it does not trigger the toggle in the parent
when I click on the slider control, the event immediately (on mouse down) triggers the toggle on the parent
throwing a e.preventDefault() in the onChange handler has no effect
using Material UI v4 (no I can't migrate to 5)
I don't understand why the onChange would trigger the parent's onClick. How do I prevent this, or otherwise include a Slider in expandable content at all?
After further debugging I found that if I removed the call to setSliderValue, that the parent did not collapse/hide the expanded content. Then I checked the state of expanded and it seems to be resetting without a call to setExpanded. So it looks like the parent component is re-rendering, and wiping out the state of the useState hook each time.
Following solution worked for me in a simmilar problem:
Give your parent component a unique id (for readability)
div id="parent" className={'control'} onClick={toggle}
Modify the parent's onClick handler (toggle):
let toggle = (e) => {
if (wasParentCLicked()) setExpanded(!expanded);
function wasParentCLicked() {
try {
if ( === "parent") return true;
} catch(error) {
return false;
For further help refer to the official documentation of the API:

React Typescript: different clickhandler on specific parts of same div

I'm new to React and Typescript and Coding in general so I'm not sure if that what I'm trying to do is even possible. I have a donut chart with clickable segments. it's from a minimal pie chart:
So as you see the chart is round but the container is square. When I click on the segment I can check other statistics. but i want to reset it when I click on some empty place. Right now with the clickawaylistener from material UI or my own clickhandler i have to move the mouse outside of the square and can't just click next to the segments to reset since the clickaway is outside of the element. Any suggestions on how to solve this?
this is my chart with the onClick handler:
fontSize: "3px",
fontFamily: "sans-serif",
textTransform: "capitalize",
And this my Clickhandler:
const handleSegment = (event: any, index: any) => {
const values = Object.values(SegementDataType).map((value, index) => ({
index === selectedSegment ? undefined : index
And my Clickawaylistener is just a function to set initial values
Ok, honestly, I don't have a lot to work with (the link you posted on the comment is a not-working example).
Though, I managed to understand something from here:
Anyways, try to:
Wraps the <PieChart> component into an element (<div>, for instance).
Adds an event listener on that wrapper element.
In the listener, check if a path has been clicked or not. If not, you can deselect the item.
Something like this:
const divRef = useRef();
const handler = (e) => {
const divDOM = divRef.current;
const closestPath = e.current.closest('path');
if (closestPath != null && divDOM.contains(closestPath)) {
// Here, a segment has been clicked.
else {
// Here, a segment has NOT been clicked.
return (
<div onClick={handler} ref={divRef}>
<PieChart ... />
I also check that divDOM contains closestPath so that we are sure we are talking about a path belonging to the <PieChart>.
Though, this solution does not fix the problem that, INSIDE the <PieChart> component, the segment remains clicked. I don't think this can be fixed because of the implementation of the chart (it's a stateful component, unfortunately).
What you can try is to mimic a click on the selected path, but I don't think it will work

Testing click event in React Testing Library

Here is a simple subcomponent that reveals an answer to a question when the button is clicked:
const Question = ({ question, answer }) => {
const [showAnswer, setShowAnswer] = useState(false)
return (
<h2 data-testid="question">{question}</h2>
<button onClick={() => setShowAnswer(!showAnswer)}>
!showAnswer ? <FiPlusCircle /> : <FiMinusCircle />
showAnswer && <p data-testid="answer">{answer}</p>
export default Question;
I am trying to test that when the button is clicked, the onClick attached is called once and the a <p> element appears on the screen:
const onClick = jest.fn()
test('clicking the button toggles an answer on/off', () => {
render(<Question />);
const button = screen.getByRole('button')
RTL says that onClick is not called at all (in the UI it is, as the result is as expected)
Also, if I want to test that this button really toggles the answer element (message should come on and off) how would I test for that?
If I add another to the test (simulating the second click on the button which should trigger the answer element off), and add
RTL will just not find that element (which is good, I guess, it means it has been really toggled off the DOM). What assertion would you use for this test to pass for that case?
Couple of issues with your approach.
First, creating an onClick mock like that won't mock your button's onClick callback. The callback is internal to the component and you don't have access to it from the test. What you could do instead is test the result of triggering the onClick event, which in this case means verifying that <FiMinusCircle /> is rendered instead of <FiPlusCircle />.
Second, p is not a valid role - RTL tells you which roles are available in the DOM if it fails to find the one you searched for. The paragraph element doesn't have an inherent accessibility role, so you're better off accessing it by its content with getByText instead.
Here's an updated version of the test:
test('clicking the button toggles an answer on/off', () => {
render(<Question question="Is RTL great?" answer="Yes, it is." />);
const button = screen.getByRole('button')
// Here you'd want to test if `<FiMinusCircle />` is rendered.
expect(/* something from FiMinusCircle */).toBeInTheDocument()
expect(screen.getByText('Yes, it is.')).toBeInTheDocument()
// Here you'd want to test if `<FiPlusCircle />` is rendered.
expect(/* something from FiPlusCircle */).toBeInTheDocument();
expect(screen.queryByText('Yes, it is.')).not.toBeInTheDocument()
In my case this worked:
it('Does click event', () => {
const { container } = render(<Component />);'.your-btn-classname'));
// click evt was triggered

Moving slider with Cypress

I've got a Slider component from rc-slider and I need Cypress to set the value of it.
onChange={(value) => this.updateInput("amount",value)}
This is my Cypress code:
it.only("Changing slider", () => {
.invoke("val", 23000)
.click({ force: true })
What I've tried so far does not work.
Starting point of slider is 20000, and after test runs it goes to 22000, no matter what value I pass, any number range.
Looks like it used to work before, How do interact correctly with a range input (slider) in Cypress? but not anymore.
The answer is very and very simple. I found the solution coincidentally pressing enter key for my another test(date picker) and realized that pressing left or right arrow keys works for slider.
You can achieve the same result using props as well. The only thing you need to do is to add this dependency: cypress-react-selector and following instructions here: cypress-react-selector
Example of using {rightarrow}
it("using arrow keys", () => {
const currentValue = 20000;
const targetValue = 35000;
const increment = 500;
const steps = (targetValue - currentValue) / increment;
const arrows = '{rightarrow}'.repeat(steps);
.should('have.attr', 'aria-valuenow', 20000)
.should('have.attr', 'aria-valuenow', 35000)
#darkseid's answer helped guide me reach an optimal solution.
There are two steps
Click the slider's circle, to move the current focus on the slider.
Press the keyboard arrow buttons to reach your desired value.
My slider jumps between values on the sliders, therefore this method would work. (I am using Ion range slider)
This method doesn't require any additional depedency.
// Move the focus to slider, by clicking on the slider's circle element
cy.get(".irs-handle.single").click({ multiple: true, force: true });
// Press right arrow two times
You might be able to tackle this using Application actions, provided you are able to modify the app source code slightly.
Application actions give the test a hook into the app that can be used to modify the internal state of the app.
I tested it with a Function component exposing setValue from the useState() hook.
You have used a Class component, so I guess you would expose this.updateInput() instead, something like
if (window.Cypress) { = { updateInput: this.updateInput };
App: index.js
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import './style.css';
import Slider from 'rc-slider';
import 'rc-slider/assets/index.css';
function App() {
const [value, setValue] = useState(20000);
// Expose the setValue() method so that Cypress can set the app state
if (window.Cypress) { = { setValue };
return (
<div className="App">
onChange={val => setValue(val)}
<div style={{ marginTop: 40 }}><b>Selected Value: </b>{value}</div>
render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
Test: slider.spec.js
The easiest way I found assert the value in the test is to use the aria-valuenow attribute of the slider handle, but you may have another way of testing that the value has visibly changed on the page.
describe('Slider', () => {
it("Changing slider", () => {
.should('have.attr', 'aria-valuenow', 20000)
cy.window().then(win => {;
.should('have.attr', 'aria-valuenow', 35000)
For whoever comes across this with Material UI/MUI 5+ Sliders:
First off, this github issue and comment might be useful:
I tried changing the value by accessing the input with type range that is used underneath in the slider, but for me that did not do the trick.
My solution with MUI 5+ Slider:
onChange={(event, newValue) =>
//Handle change
What is important here is the enabled marks property. This allowed me to just click straight on the marks in the cypress test, which of course can also be abstracted to a support function.
cy.get('[data-cy=control-percentage]').within(() => {
// index 11 represents 55 in this case, depending on your step setting.
I got this to work with the popular react-easy-swipe:
.trigger('touchstart', {
touches: [{ pageY: 0, pageX: 0 }]
.trigger('touchmove', {
touches: [{ pageY: 0, pageX: -30 }]

Check that button is disabled in react-testing-library

I have a React component that generates a button whose content contains a <span> element like this one:
function Click(props) {
return (
<button disable={props.disable}>
<span>Click me</span>
I want to test the logic of this component with the use of react-testing-library and mocha + chai.
The problem at which I stuck at the moment is that the getByText("Click me") selector returns the <span> DOM node, but for the tests, I need to check the disable attribute of the <button> node. What is the best practice for handling such test cases? I see a couple of solutions, but all of them sound a little bit off:
Use data-test-id for <button> element
Select one of the ancestors of the <Click /> component and then select the button within(...) this scope
Click on the selected element with fireEvent and check that nothing has happened
Can you suggest a better approach?
Assert if button is disabled
You can use the toHaveAttribute and closest to test it.
import { render } from '#testing-library/react';
const { getByText } = render(Click);
expect(getByText(/Click me/i).closest('button')).toHaveAttribute('disabled');
or toBeDisabled
expect(getByText(/Click me/i).closest('button')).toBeDisabled();
Assert if button is enabled
To check if the button is enabled, use not as follows
expect(getByText(/Click me/i).closest('button')).not.toBeDisabled();
You can use toBeDisabled() from #testing-library/jest-dom, it is a custom jest matcher to test the state of the DOM:
For someone who is looking for the test in which the button is not disabled.
import { render } from '#testing-library/react';
const { getByText } = render(Click);
expect(getByText(/Click me/i).getAttribute("disabled")).toBe(null)
I would politely argue you are testing an implementation detail, which react-testing-library discourages.
The more your tests resemble the way your software is used, the more confidence they can give you.
If a button is disabled, a user doesn't see a disabled prop, instead they see nothing happen. If a button is enabled, a user doesn't see the omission of a disabled prop, instead they see something happen.
I believe you should be testing for this instead:
const Button = (props) => (
Click me
describe('Button', () => {
it('will call onClick when enabled', () => {
const onClick = jest.fn();
render(<Button onClick={onClick} disabled={false} />);'button', /click me/i));
it('will not call onClick when disabled', () => {
const onClick = jest.fn();
render(<Button onClick={onClick} disabled={true} />);'button', /click me/i));
toHaveAttribute is good option in using attribute.
<button data-testid="ok-button" type="submit" disabled>ok</button>
const button = getByTestId('ok-button')
//const button = getByRole('button');
expect(button).toHaveAttribute('type', 'submit')
expect(button).not.toHaveAttribute('type', 'button')
expect(button).toHaveAttribute('type', expect.stringContaining('sub'))
expect(button).toHaveAttribute('type', expect.not.stringContaining('but'))
Hope this will be helpful.
You can test the disable prop of the button just by using #testing-library/react as follows.
import { render } from '#testing-library/react';
const {getByText} = render(<Click/>)
expect(getByText('Click me').closest('button').disabled).toBeTruthy()
Another way to fix this would be to grab by the role and check the innerHTML like,
const { getByRole } = render(<Click />)
const button = getByRole('button')
// will make sure the 'Click me' text is in there somewhere
expect(button.innerHTML).toMatch(/Click me/))
This isn't the best solution for your specific case, but it's one to keep in your back pocket if you have to deal with a button component that's not an actual button, e.g.,
<div role="button"><span>Click Me</span></div>
My solution, It seems to me that this case covers well what is necessary. Check that the button is disabled, so toHaveBeenCalledTimes must receive 0
test('Will not call onClick when disabled', () => {
const mockHandler = jest.fn()
render(<Button title="Disabled account" disabled={true} onClick={mockHandler} />)
const button = screen.getByText("Disabled account")
expect(button).toHaveProperty('disabled', true)
