Can a reactjs component be used in vuejs? - reactjs

I'm trying to include a Drag-n-Drop Email Editor in my vuejs project. Unfortunately i can't find one but i did find a really good one for reactjs.
Is there a way to use this in my vuejs project?


How can I use the Richtext component (Wysiwyg) in my strapi plugin?

I’m building a plugin that will allow users to upload a 3D asset and manage some content about that object in a JSON field. I’d also like to use the Richtext field along with the WYSIWYG component that comes with strapi.
I’m looking for a way to import and configure that component in the React component that I’m building in my plugin.
Is this possible, and if so, are there examples of how I could do this?
This is probably the complete Richtext field built into Strapi:
I don't think it's available with Strapi's published package, and you cannot find it with their design system.
So I'd recommend looking into an alternative solution like using another WYSIWYG editor package instead.

Custom reusable component using apostrophe with react

I am a new in using apostrophe. I read that apostrophe is build on node.js as a backend, express and nunjucks template
my questions is can I create my custom reusable component using react on apostrophe without using headless CMS?
or to be able to use react with apostrophe it must be with Rest API (headless CMS)
Can anyone help?
Yes, you can use React with Apostrophe, even if you are not using apostrophe-headless. React does not insist on "owning" the entire page, and neither does Apostrophe.
This can be as simple as adding some script tags to your outerLayout.html or an individual page template, overriding the extraHead nunjucks block to load them. You may want to bring babel into your project to allow the use of JSX however.
See the official React documentation on using it in existing websites.

How to Use react js with yii2.0

I have been doing traditional design using HTMl, CSS on my projects. This time i want to implement reactjs in the design. But i am unable to get clue about how to implement reactjs in my YII2.0 project.
you can look on this project, this can be helpful and looks easy in implementation

building blog using react.js and express.js

I am a web developer tries to learn React.js. I am thinking about a blog for my first React project. Based on articles and tutorials I have read in the past few days, I am thinking about to use Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB for my server side and React.js for the front-end. Before I start, I want to be clear on few questions I have.
Are those enough to build a blog? Can React.js be used for UI without other template library such as Handlebars?? I have seen few articles using both React and Template engine and confused if I am going to need another template engine.
Can I use Json as communication method(Restful API) between the UI and the server?
Yes for all. But I suggest to use Redus(or Flax) to control all states.

How to generate sitemap with react router

I'm trying to figure out how to dynamically generate sitemap in reactJS server side (express) web app. I'm using react router.
For simple ReactJS sitemap integration with React Router, you should check out the react-router-sitemap package.
It's fairly configurable as well, as you can see in the docs, so if you need to include change frequency or things like that, you should be able to do it no problem.
Or were you looking for a way to implement one yourself?
If your site frequently changes, you need to dynamically create the sitemap. I was stuck here and found this effective solution, which can even generate a real time sitemap by calling API for my website in ReactJS, using NextJs. dynamic Sitemap Steps
You can do this by creating most of the public files like
That too with preserving the behaviour of ReactJS.

