adding google maps to background settings with search function - maps

i am trying to find a way to add google maps as a background to
i need more then just a screenshot of a map.. i need google maps coded into the background as a tool they can tick to enable along with a location search feature..
and instead of a background grid it will be google maps that you can drag shapes and images onto..
i just am not sure what the best approach is... any help will be much appreciated.
below is a image of what i mean


react-google-maps: dynamically highlight a country or a subntaional

I use a react-google-maps and I want to dynamically highlight a country or a subntaional when user click on the map anywhere in the whole world, so I need to get coordinates to draw a polygon, but can't find any service with api for it. What the best way to achieve this?
I was also searching for this solution. you can use google charts api for above problem.

How can i automate Google map image on web page?

I am not able to automate google map screen which is present on my application web page.
I have web page where google map is present in square in half of screen. I want to click on the road present in map or a restaurant logo which is present on the google map.
When i tried to find the locators for the map then in the DOM it is present as an image and no other html properties or locators are associated with it.
Also i tried an option using moveToElement() function of action class but this solution is not reliable as most of the time it is not working.
Please suggest me any solution for this automation issue if someone faced this issue of Google maps automation before ?
Sounds like HTML5 issue over a google maps issue. This is tricky for Selenium, see these articles:
which recommend using action chains to move to and click certain x,y coordinates.
Also, check out the canvas javascript api; you may be able to use javascript_executor to manipulate the canvas.

Does the Google Street View API support retrieving a full 360 equi-rectangualr image?

The docs are not clear on this as they mention fov and viewport suggesting a portion of the entire spherical image.
Does the Google Street View API support retrieving the entire 360 degree equi-rectangular (lat/lon) image?
No, but you could download separate panorama tiles and pack them together of use a third party tool (ex: and get the entire 360 degree image.
Another option would be to code the above functionality by yourself by using Google StreetView Image API ( To be honest, I did not try this myself, but through the API you should be able to retrieve all parts of the image and then stitch it back into equirectangular panorama.
This might give you more info:
How to get the original panorama image by panoid in google street view?
EDIT: While searching a way to overcome the fact that Google StreetView app doesn;t work as marketed, I found another third party service able to retrieve photos
It is possible by making use of the FOV and heading options within the API.
Take particular note of the heading param.,-0.08853&fov=120&heading=0&key=YOUR_KEY,-0.08853&fov=120&heading=120&source=outdoor&key=YOUR_KEY,-0.08853&fov=120&heading=240&key=YOUR_KEY
By making these three separate API calls you will receive the 360 image sliced into three parts.
You can then use something like node blend to combine them and voila you have a 360 panoramic image!

Using the webBrowser control to show google map directions

I'm using google maps to show directions inside a web browser control, and suddenly my windows xp users are reporting there is no longer a line following the roads. Also, it draws a shaded shape on the map (showing a territory) and this no longer works. Did google change something? Can I still support this?

Silverlight simple map tool with zoom and pushpins

I'm very new to Silverlight so bear with me. I need to implement a web page with a zoom-able map of Europe. I need the map to contain pushpins or such like which are generated from a database of lon/lat locations.
If the user hovers over a pin then some data should appear about the location and then if the user clicks on a location and be given detailed information (images, text and other live data) next to the map. Originally I was looking at google maps or bing but as this is to be used commercially and is not going to be public, I am unable to use them for licencing reasons.
I've looked into using deepzoom, which seems perfect but I cannot find any decent ways of adding the pushpins.
So essentially can anyone suggest a tool to allow me to make a zoomable map (I can supply a map image) which can have pushpins generated which can be selected by the user through highlight or click
Many thanks,
Use Bing Maps Silverlight Control.
Here is preview from Microsoft.
You need Developers Account for using it. Account is free. You can get it here.
Bing Maps control is simple to use, supports pushpins and deep zoom.
