Synonyms in Solr Query Results - solr

Whenever I query a string in solr, i want to get the synonyms of field value if there exists any as a part of query result, is it possible to do that in solr

There is no direct way to fetch the synonyms used in the search results. You can get close by looking at how Solr parsed your query via the debugQuery=true parameter and looking at the parsedQuery value in the response but it would not be straightforward. For example, if you search for "tv" on a text field that uses synonyms you will get something like this:
$ curl "localhost:8983/solr/your-core/select?q=tv&debugQuery=true"
"parsedquery":"SynonymQuery(Synonym(_text_:television _text_:televisions _text_:tv _text_:tvs))",
Another approach would be to load in your application the synonyms.txt file that Solr uses and do the mapping yourself. Again, not straightforward,


Spring Data Solr: Queries with "AND", "NOT" and "OR" not escaped or handled

We are using spring-data-solr, mainly using exact match/equals filter queries.
We have found that the values NOT, OR, and AND can be supplied, which are passed directly onto solr (without any pre-processing). This causes solr to error. For example, building a Criteria object like
Results in the following solr query
We have found that if we call Solr directly with
This would be fine, however, I can see that quotes are only added when there is whitespace in the value.
Is there something I am missing?
I still want to use the Standard Solr query parser if possible
The pull request for this has been merged,

How to export solr result into a text file?

I needs to export doc_id, all fields, socr, rank of one search result to evaluate the results. How can I do this in solr?
Solr provides you with a CSV Response writer, which will help you to export the results of solr in an csv file.
All the fields queried would be returned by Solr in proper format.
This has nothing to do with SOLR. When you make a SOLR query over http, then SOLR does the search and returns the results to you in your desired format. The default is XML but lots of people specify wt=json to get results in json format. If you want this result in a text file, then make your search client put it there.
In the browser, File -> Save As.
But most people who want this use curl as the client and use the -o option like this:
curl -o result1.xml 'http://solr.local:8080/solr/stuff/select?indent=on&version=2.2&q=fish&fq=&start=0&rows=10&fl=*%2Cscore&qt=&wt=&explainOther=&hl.fl='
Note the single quotes around the URL due to the use of & characters.
There is not a built in export function in Solr. The easiest way would be to query your Solr instance and evaluate the XML result. Check out Querying Data in the Solr Tutorial for details on how to query a result from Solr. In order to convert the result into a text file, I would recommend using one of the Solr Clients found on the Integrating Solr page in the Solr Wiki and then choose your programming language of choice to create the text file.

Field grouping in SolrNet?

I am trying to make a query in that generates a solr query with a filter query with more than one term in it e.g.: fq=Size:(4 large)
However, when I pass ?f_Size=(4 large) in the query string to the SolrNet sample app (found here:, no results are found.
Looking at the logs, I can see that the filter query generated is fq=Size:"\(4+large\)" so it makes sense that no results are found.
Is there a way in SolrNet to generate a filter query with more than one term?
Where the filter queries are built, try replacing Query.Field(...).Is(...) with Query.Simple(...) (you have to build the query yourself). See the wiki for reference.

Limiting the output from MoreLikeThis in Solr

I'm trying to use MoreLikeThis to get all similar documents but not documents with a specific contenttype.
So the first query needs to find the one document that I want to get "More Like This" of - and the second query needs to limit the similar documents to not be pdf's (-contenttype:pdf)
Does anyone know if this is possible?
When using the MoreLikeThisHandler, all the common parameters applied to the mlt results set. So you can use the fq parameter to exclude your pdf documents from the mlt results:
The q parameter allows to select the document to generate mlt results (actually, it's the first document matching the initial query that is used).

Solr Index appears to be valid - but returns no results

Solr newbie here.
I have created a Solr index and write a whole bunch of docs into it. I can see
from the Solr admin page that the docs exist and the schema is fine as well.
But when I perform a search using a test keyword I do not get any results back.
On entering * : *
into the query (in Solr admin page) I get all the results.
However, when I enter any other query (e.g. a term or phrase) I get no results.
I have verified that the field being queried is Indexed and contains the values I am searching for.
So I am confused what I am doing wrong.
Probably you don't have a <defaultSearchField> correctly set up. See this question.
Another possibility: your field is of type string instead of text. String fields, in contrast to text fields, are not analyzed, but stored and indexed verbatim.
I had the same issue with a new setup of Solr 8. The accepted answer is not valid anymore, because the <defaultSearchField> configuration will be deprecated.
As I found no answer to why Solr does not return results from any fields despite being indexed, I consulted the query documentation. What I found is the DisMax query parser:
The DisMax query parser is designed to process simple phrases (without complex syntax) entered by users and to search for individual terms across several fields using different weighting (boosts) based on the significance of each field. Additional options enable users to influence the score based on rules specific to each use case (independent of user input).
In contrast, the default Lucene parser only speaks about searching one field. So I gave DisMax a try and it worked very well!
Query example:
You can also specify which fields to search exactly to prevent unwanted side effects. Multiple fields are separated by spaces which translate to + in URLs:
Last but not least, give the fields a weight:
If you are using pysolr like I do, you can add those parameters to your search request like this:
results ='search term', **{
'defType': 'dismax',
'qf': 'features text'
In my case the problem was the format of the query. It seems that my setup, by default, was looking and an exact match to the entire value of the field. So, in order to get results if I was searching for the sit I had to query *sit*, i.e. use wildcards to get the expected result.
With solr 4, I had to solve this as per Mauricio's answer by defining type="text_en" to the field.
With solr 6, use text_general.
