Less contrast() functions for Stylus - stylus

What is the Stylus version of the contrast() function used in Less? I need to provide legibility given a background color, and should be automatic no matter what given color.

AFAIK there is no direct equivalent. However there are many color functions like mixing, inverting, darkening etc to build a color to your own wishes.
The Stylus-owned contrast() function will tell you the current contrast ratio, which goes from 1 to 21 (higher is better). For more info see Stylus documentation.
Something like this works well for me:
var_backgroundColor = teal
var_fontColor = black
var_fontColorAlternative = darken(complement(var_backgroundColor),15%)
body { color: var_fontColor; background-color: var_backgroundColor }
if contrast(var_fontColor,var_backgroundColor).ratio <= 7 {
body { color: var_fontColorAlternative }
else {
body { color: var_fontColor }


Maximum call stack size exceeded from loop

I'm in the early stages of producing a rectangle SVG that uses the rectangle shape. I'm generating the colours of the pixels using a loop that gets all the RGB colours in increments of 8. The returned array has 32,768 <rect /> in it. The code produces the desired outcome however I get an error in:
Maximum call stack size exceeded
getTypeSymbol (react_devtools_backend.js:4828)
too much recursion
From what I can tell this isn't a recursion problem, the function doesn't appear to be reloading. I think it's related to the size of the array.
Any thoughts on what I should do here, I've never seen this problem before.
function PixelColour() {
let counter = 0;
let x = 0;
let y = 0;
const colours = [];
for (let red = 0; red < 256; red += 8) {
for (let green = 0; green < 256; green += 8) {
for (let blue = 0; blue < 256; blue += 8) {
if (x < 256) {
} else {
x = 0;
if (x === 256) {
style={{ fill: `rgb(${red}, ${green}, ${blue})` }}
return <Fragment>{colours}</Fragment>;
class Colours extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<svg width="256" height="128" style={{ border: "2px solid black" }}>
<PixelColour />
It's not your function reloading (or rerendering) which is the problem per se; you're running into recursion within React itself. Specifically with the way that React devtools tries to reconcile the DOM in order to build a component map.
This is actually not so easy to replicate on codesandbox, since it appears to be using an experimental version of devtools, and this error only crops up when hot-reloading. The stack trace there is scheduleFibersWithFamiliesRecursively but on my local machine with the standard devtools extension installed I get mountFiberRecursively when the component mounts.
I did some digging and came across this github issue, and a PR addressing it which appears to have been abandoned for the time being.
Perhaps if you go and give them a nudge they might take another look:
Getting maximum call stack exceeded on backend.js when rendering many elements.
Refactored backend renderer to remove most of the recursion
All you can do in the meantime is disable the devtools extension. I would add that even with it disabled, this component takes several seconds to mount on my local machine. If you don't take the calculation out of the render cycle (function body) then it is going to be run on every render. You're trying to mount 10s of thousands of DOM nodes which is never going to run performantly - even the PR above only supposes a limit of 15000.
I think a better idea would be to 1) calculate this well in advance if you can, perferably as hard-coded data and nowhere near the UI thread, and 2) draw to a canvas rather than creating nodes in the DOM.

Is there anyway to remove the dots for points from angularjs charts

Can we remove these dots for points so that it looks like a straight line. Although i can see that there is an option in charts.js unable to implement here
You can do this with
options: { elements: { point: { radius: 0 } } }

Storing story data for text adventure AS3

I've been on and off creating a text adventure using a rudimentary engine I made for about a year.
For the story, I have a object array(is that what it's called?) with various story data stuff that I parse through
I've been told that using it the way I am is stupid because it's supposed to be used for other stuff but I only use it because it was easy to learn how to parse the data since I was a beginner
It's getting tedious writing the story and doing stuff for each part (creating the backgrounds and such) since it's so long.
Is there any kind of way I can make it easier for me to write the story?
Here's the object array with a single part set up (with choices)
public static var parts:Object =
"text":"Text here",
"background": Assets.AssetClass.Background1,
Here's an example of how my engine deals with parts and changing them:
I have a input checker to check when enter is pressed and then do stuff depending on what is on the screen
public function onEnter(button:KeyboardEvent):void
if (button.keyCode == 32 && !Won)
if (Dead && textFinished && !choosing) // pressing enter while dead and the text is still writing
curPart = parts[curPart]["lastPart"] // lastPart will only be stored in parts that have the player die
textFinished = false
Dead = false;
myTextField.text = ""
counter = 0;
sInt = setInterval(addCharackter, textSpeed)
if (stage.getChildByName("cText"))
if (parts[curPart].hasOwnProperty("background")) //check if the background needs to change.
if (stage.getChildByName("img"))
background = new Background(parts[curPart], 800, 600)
stage.addChildAt(background, 0)
if (!textFinished && !choosing)// pressing enter when there's no choices on the screen and the text isn't finished and the text is still writing
this.myTextField.text = this.parts[this.curPart]["text"];
this.textFinished = true;
if (parts[curPart].hasOwnProperty("choices"))
choosing = true
createOptions(); // function for parsing through the responses bit of that part and displaying them
stage.addChildAt(continueText, 2)
if (parts[curPart].hasOwnProperty("lastPart"))
Dead = true;
else if (textFinished && !choosing && !Dead) // pressing enter if there's no choices on the screen and there's no choices (it'll take you to the next part)
trace("Text finished!!")
curPart = parts[curPart]["nextPart"]
myTextField.text = ""
counter = 0;
sInt = setInterval(addCharackter, textSpeed)
textFinished = false;
if (parts[curPart].hasOwnProperty("background"))
if (stage.getChildByName("img"))
background = new Background(parts[curPart], 800, 600)
stage.addChildAt(background, 0)
if (parts[curPart].hasOwnProperty("BGM")) // does the current part have a new background music?
sndBGMusic = musicArray[parts[curPart]["BGM"]]
sndBGMusicChannel = sndBGMusic.play(0, 9999999999)
stage.addChildAt(background, 0)
A couple ideas here. These are just things I would do differently than what you have done. I don't guarantee that they are better in any way, but see what you think.
I would have a global variable for _curPart. And I would have a custom class called Part. That class would have properties like _BGM, _bgImage etc. It could have a _choicesArray as a property as well. I'd have other global variables like _hasCandle. Or you can store items in an array and if you need the candle just check if candle is in the array. These global variables will persist from one part to the next.
Then you can access the properties of the part you are in by doing _curPart._bgImage. To me, that looks and feels cleaner.
And to create a new part it could look like (incomplete):
var p15:Part = new Part();
p15._bgImage = image15;
p15._BGM = song10;
The last thing I'd recommend is to try to refactor where you can. For example, where you have //pressing enter if there's no choic... replace all of that code in that bracket with a one or a few function calls (whatever makes the most sense and allows you to reuse code). It just makes it easier to see what's going on, I think. So instead of all these if blocks, just a function like nextPart(); and then that function will have all your if blocks in it. Make sense? Personal preference, but when things are getting complicated, refactoring helps me clear out the cobwebs. Just like you do with dead() and createOptions() but I'd just take it one step further. This won't make your code more efficient, but it might make writing your code more efficient which is paramount in my book (until it's not).

LESS dynamic variables in nested loops

I'm trying to achieve in LESS loops something in JS or PHP would be really simple. Lets say I have 4 levels to loop. Each level height depends on previous level height. Something like:
for (var i; i < 4; i++) {
if (i = 1) {
var height = 100 * i;
} else {
height = height * 3 - i * 20;
Is it even possible to achieve in LESS?
Tried guarded mixins something like this:
#height: 0;
.count(#lvl) when (#lvl > 1) {
.for(4); .-each(#lvl) {
#height: #height * 3 - #lvl * 20;
.count(#lvl) when (#lvl = 1) {
#height: 100 * #lvl;
.for(4); .-each(#lvl) {
.lvl_#{lvl} {
height: #height;
Hope you get the idea.
I also tried some other techniques, but I get errors of recursive variable or I get generated CSS with first two levels correct and all other levels the same as second one.
Any help is appreciated
I'm trying to make something like a playoffs scheme - http://i.imgur.com/J8frRVg.png. All marked 2 team holders are div's with some css classes. All these holders are wrapped in one div. Like
<div class="holder lvl_1 pos_1">
<div class="team_1"></div>
<div class="other stuff"></div>
<div class="team_2"></div>
<div class="holder lvl_1 pos_2">...</div>
<div class="holder lvl_2 pos_1">...</div>
The only thing left, is the height and positions from top, but these depend on previous level height. Probably I will just make it in JS if it's not possible in LESS :/

Compass: Exporting Sprites Positions as Percentages

When using compass' sprite generator, the generator creates CSS rules based on pixels.
Example code:
#import 'compass/utilities/sprites';
$sprite-2-layout: horizontal;
#import "sections/anatomy-sprite-test/sprite-2/*.png";
#include all-sprite-2-sprites;
$sprite-3-layout: horizontal;
#import "sections/anatomy-sprite-test/sprite-3/*.png";
#include all-sprite-3-sprites;
$sprite-4-layout: horizontal;
#import "sections/anatomy-sprite-test/sprite-4/*.png";
#include all-sprite-4-sprites;
Example Output:
/* line 84, ../../../../../../../../../../../Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/compass-core-1.0.1/stylesheets/compass/utilities/sprites/_base.scss */
.sprite-2-00 {
background-position: 0 0;
/* line 84, ../../../../../../../../../../../Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/compass-core-1.0.1/stylesheets/compass/utilities/sprites/_base.scss */
.sprite-2-00 {
background-position: -244px 0;
Is there a way in which these can be generated in percentages in order for them to be used responsively?
I've written my own, but it doesn't work well in certain browsers. Here's my approach:
#mixin sprite-percentage-step-generate($steps, $single_image_width) {
$total_image_width: ($single_image_width * $steps) - $single_image_width;
background-position: 0 0;
img {
display: none;
#for $i from 0 through ($steps - 1) {
$step_width: $i * $single_image_width;
&.step-#{$i} {
background-position: percentage(($step_width / $total_image_width)) 0;
// We include these to see the relation between the percentage and the step count
img {
display: none;
Maybe this is not a good idea, since the generator might do some special kind of optimization so that the pixel based approach works best?
Again, the question is: Is there a way to make Compass generate CSS in which the positions of the sprites are generated as percentages and not as pixels?
At the end, the solution was to make all the percentages have no decimal places or 1 decimal place. This works in all browsers beautifully.
For sprites that have a weird number of images (Let me clarify, that these sprites are all the same width) the solution is to make the image bigger. For example, if the image has 17 slides, the image can be extend to simulate 25, thereby creating percentages that are rendered correctly by the browser.
