How to use React Hooks Context with multiple values for Providers - reactjs

What is the best way to share some global values and functions in react?
Now i have one ContextProvider with all of them inside:
setProfile, // second function that changes profile object using useState to false or updated value
profileReload, // function that triggers fetch profile object from server
deviceTheme, // object
setDeviceTheme, // second function that changes theme object using useState to false or updated value
clickEvent, // click event
usePopup, // second function of useState that trigers some popup
popup, // Just pass this to usePopup component
windowSize, // manyUpdates on resize (like 30 a sec, but maybe can debounce)
windowScroll // manyUpdates on resize (like 30 a sec, but maybe can debounce)
But like sad in docs:
Because context uses reference identity to determine when to re-render, there are some gotchas that could trigger unintentional renders in consumers when a provider’s parent re-renders. For example, the code below will re-render all consumers every time the Provider re-renders because a new object is always created for value:
This is bad:
<Provider value={{something: 'something'}}>
This is ok:
this.state = {
value: {something: 'something'},
<Provider value={this.state.value}>
I imagine that in future i will have maybe up to 30 context providers and it's not very friendly :/
So how can i pass this global values and functions to components? I can just
Create separate contextProvider for everything.
Group something that used together like profile and it's functions,
theme and it's functions (what about reference identity than?)
Maybe group only functions because thay dont change itself? what
about reference identity than?)
Other simpliest way?
Examples of what i use in Provider:
// Resize
const [windowSize, windowSizeSet] = useState({
innerWidth: window.innerWidth,
innerHeight: window.innerHeight
// profileReload
const profileReload = async () => {
let profileData = await fetch('/profile')
profileData = await profileData.json()
if (profileData.error)
return usePopup({ type: 'error', message: profileData.error })
if (localStorage.getItem('deviceTheme')) {
} else if (profileData.theme) {
} else {
// Click event for menu close if clicked outside somewhere and other
const [clickEvent, setClickEvent] = useState(false)
const handleClick = event => {
// Or in some component user can change theme just like that
setDeviceTheme({color: red})

The main consideration (from a performance standpoint) for what to group together is less about which ones are used together and more about which ones change together. For things that are mostly set into context once (or at least very infrequently), you can probably keep them all together without any issue. But if there are some things mixed in that change much more frequently, it may be worth separating them out.
For instance, I would expect deviceTheme to be fairly static for a given user and probably used by a large number of components. I would guess that popup might be managing something about whether you currently have a popup window open, so it probably changes with every action related to opening/closing popups. If popup and deviceTheme are bundled in the same context, then every time popup changes it will cause all the components dependent on deviceTheme to also re-render. So I would probably have a separate PopupContext. windowSize and windowScroll would likely have similar issues. What exact approach to use gets deeper into opinion-land, but you could have an AppContext for the infrequently changing pieces and then more specific contexts for things that change more often.
The following CodeSandbox provides a demonstration of the interaction between useState and useContext with context divided a few different ways and some buttons to update the state that is held in context.
You can go to this URL to view the result in a full browser window. I encourage you to first get a handle for how the result works and then look at the code and experiment with it if there are other scenarios you want to understand.

This answer already does a good job at explaining how the context can be structured to be more efficient. But the final goal is to make context consumers be updated only when needed. It depends on specific case whether it's preferable to have single or multiple contexts.
At this point the problem is common for most global state React implementations, e.g. Redux. And a common solution is to make consumer components update only when needed with React.PureComponent, React.memo or shouldComponentUpdate hook:
const SomeComponent = memo(({ theme }) => <div>{theme}</div>);
{({ deviceTheme }) => <SomeComponent theme={deviceTheme}/>
SomeComponent will be re-rendered only on deviceTheme updates, even if the context or parent component is updated. This may or may not be desirable.

The answer by Ryan is fantastic and you should consider that while designing how to structure the context provider hierarchy.
I've come up with a solution which you can use to update multiple values in provider with having many useStates
Example :
const TestingContext = createContext()
const TestingComponent = () => {
const {data, setData} = useContext(TestingContext)
const {value1} = data
return (
{value1} is here
<button onClick={() => setData('value1', 'newline value')}>
Change value 1
const App = () => {
const values = {
value1: 'testing1',
value2: 'testing1',
value3: 'testing1',
value4: 'testing1',
value5: 'testing1',
const [data, setData] = useState(values)
const changeValues = (property, value) => {
[property]: value
return (
<TestingContext.Provider value={{data, setData: changeValues}}>
{/* more components here which want to have access to these values and want to change them*/}

You can still combine them! If you are concerned about performance, you can create the object earlier. I don't know if the values you use change, if they do not it is quite easy:
state = {
allContextValue: {
render() {
return <AllContext.Provider value={this.state.allContextValue}>...</AllContext>;
Whenever you then want to update any of the values you need to do I like this, though:
allContextValue: {
usePopup: true,
This will be both performant, and relatively easy as well :)
Splitting those up might speed up a little bit, but I would only do that as soon as you find it is actually slow, and only for parts of your context that would have a lot of consumers.
Still, if your value does not change a lot, there is really nothing to worry about.

Based on Koushik's answer I made my own typescipt version.
import React from "react"
type TestingContextType = {
value1?: string,
value2?: string,
value3?: string,
value4?: string,
value5?: string,
const contextDefaultValues = {
data: {
value1: 'testing1',
value2: 'testing1',
value3: 'testing1',
value4: 'testing1',
value5: 'testing1'
} as TestingContextType,
setData: (state: TestingContextType) => {}
const TestingContext = React.createContext(contextDefaultValues);
const TestingComponent = () => {
const {data, setData} = React.useContext(TestingContext);
const {value1} = data
return (
{value1} is here
<button onClick={() => setData({ value1 : 'newline value' })}>
Change value 1
const App = () => {
const [data, setData] = React.useState(
const changeValues = (value : TestingContextType) => setData(data && value);
return (
<TestingContext.Provider value={{data, setData: changeValues}}>
{/* more components here which want to have access to these values and want to change them*/}


Best way to handle button's onPress from anywhere

The idea
I have a screen, which has a 'global' button on top, and some inputs on the bottom.
By default this 'global' button will go to 'home' screen.
I want that button to work like this:
[input focused] -> [button changes to 'back'] (when button is in 'back' state it will blur the input on press)
[button clicked] -> [input blurred] -> [button changes back to 'home'].
So I need to figure out how to handle button's onPress in any component in the app.
(With inputs I could do it with only Keyboard.dismiss(), but it's not only about inputs, I have some components that have their own way to do something on button's press)
My approach
I've already made this working with context api, but right now I don't know was it a good idea or not...
I have a context provider that looks like this:
export default function MainButtonControlProvider({ children, goToHome }) {
const [_type, setType] = useState('home');
const [_onPressFn, setOnPressFn] = useState(() => goToHome);
const reset = () => {
setOnPressFn(() => goToHome);
const set = ({ type, onPress }) => {
setOnPressFn(() => onPress);
return (
<MainButtonControlContext.Provider value={{ _type, _onPressFn, reset, set }}>
And that 'global' button like this:
export default function MainButton() {
const { _type, _onPressFn } = useContext(MainButtonControlContext);
const getIcon = () => {
switch (_type) {
case 'home':
return <HomeIcon />
case 'back':
return <ChevronIcon size={32} rotation={-90} />
return (
<Button icon={getIcon()} onPress={_onPressFn} />
And input like this:
export default function BasicInput() {
const inputRef = useRef(null);
const { set, reset } = useContext(MainButtonControlContext);
return (
onFocus={() => set({ type: 'back', onPress: () => inputRef.current.blur() })
onBlur={() => reset()}
The problem
So the input is focused, it changes 'global' button's look and onPress function.
The problem is that after set() or reset() are executed, every other component in the tree that also uses these set() and reset() functions from the MainButtonControlContext - rerender...
It's pretty logical that they do this, because state is changed and functions are remade in the context provider... But how do I get around this?
I could've used useCallback() on the set() and reset() functions, but set() takes arguments and they are always different, so there's no point in that.
So I need a different approach 🥲
I have never used redux, but I think it is a good idea to learn it, so if someone has an approach with it, I wouldn't mind changing the whole app for PERFORMANCE 😅
The thing that I didn't understand is how to handle button's onPress for that button, since redux state needs to be serializable...
I tried to replace set() function in context provider with just set from useState, and wrap reset() with useCallback, and it worked! No more rerenders, but it's a pain to set all of the props when changing the button (I have 2 more states now). If someone knows how to change the set function from useState a bit without triggering rerenders, pls help ;)
I also tried to replace all of the useStates with useReducer, but for some reason change in state from useReducer won't trigger button's rerender...
The approach with Context API didn't work. I fixed rerenders of the components that used context by wrapping set and reset function in useCallback(I didn't know that I can pass arguments to useCallback 😅), but it did nothing because ALL of the components inside provider still rerendered after state change... I tried even memoizing the state, still didn't work.
I think I am missing something with using context api. If someone knows how to deal with state inside Providers, let me know, will be a good lesson ;)
I ended up using zustand to store the state needed for the main button. Redux felt like overkill for such a simple app and also I don't have any experience with it.
So I just created a store for the main button, like this:
import create from 'zustand';
export const useMainButtonStore = create((set, get) => ({
type: 'home',
onPress: () => console.warn('No onPress set in MainButttonStore.'),
_default: null,
set: (payload) => set(state => ({
/* state from payload */
reset: () => set(state => ({
/* check if _default is set and then set state to _default */
setDefault: (payload) => set(state => ({
/* set _default on initial app render */
And then in components.
These 2 can actually be combined in one line using shallow.
const setMainButton = useMainButtonStore(state => state.set);
const resetMainButton = useMainButtonStore(state => state.reset);
One concern that I had is whether it is ok to store functions. Up to this point I had no problems with this.
I'm sure there will be problems when persisting this store, because functions are not serializable, but there's no point in that :)

state data not changing in the render/display

I want to change the property amount in a state object using buttons (increment and decrement). I checked using console.log and the property's value is changing when the buttons are clicked, but the displayed number is not changing. why is that? what am I doing wrong?
here's my code: (codesandbox)
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { Button } from "react-bootstrap";
export default function App() {
const [data, setData] = useState({});
useEffect(() => {
const temp = {
id: 1,
name: "apple",
amount: 10
}, []);
const handleInc = () => {
let temp = data;
console.log("increment", temp.amount);
const handleDec = () => {
let temp = data;
console.log("decrement", temp.amount);
return (
<div className="App">
<h1>Hello CodeSandbox</h1>
<label>name: {}</label>
<br />
<label>amount: {data.amount}</label>
<br />
<Button onClick={handleDec}>Reduce</Button>
<Button onClick={handleInc}>Increase</Button>
let temp = data;
does not update data, as temp == data even after temp.amount++.
The state setter accepts either a new object or a state update callback.
Since you are updating state using it's old value, you need a state update callback,
that returns a new object (via cloning).
setData((data)=> {
let temp = {}; // or Object.assign({}, data);
return temp;
Likewise, for decrementing.
You have 2 issues here. First one is that you using object as your state and object is reference type. When you do let temp = data you just referecing the same exact "data" object using different variable (pointer) "temp". Simply speaking once you change property in one variable, it "changes" the other. Now that also means that whatever you do, temp will always be equal to data cause they are referencing the same object. So to React state it means that it never really changes in your case, when you do setState you passing the same exact reference, so React sees that nothing changed - so it doesn't trigger re-render. Hope it is clear.
Fix in this case is to create a copy of object, in your case it could be simply setState({...temp})
The second issue in your case is that you are not using functional setState, which in your case is needed. The way you wrote it, might lead to bugs and unexpected behaviours, basically whenever you need to modify the state based on previous state value - you need to use functional setState. There are a lot of topics on this, let me reference just one -
In your case correct solution would be setState((prevState) => ({...prevState, amount: prevState.amount + 1}))
I think you should use Callback with useState to resolve this bug.
const handleInc = () => {
setData((prevState) => ({ ...prevState, amount: prevState.amount + 1 }));
const handleDec = () => {
setData((prevState) => ({ ...prevState, amount: prevState.amount - 1 }));
Take note of both of the other answers by Nice Books and Nikita Chayka they both touch on important topics that will help you avoid this issue in the future. If you want to update an object using states you need to reconstruct the entire object when you reset the object. I made a fork of your sandbox you can take a look at of a working example that should solve your issue Forked sandbox.
Also the docs reference this issue as well Doc reference.
Please let me know if you need any additional information.

How does one cache an entire functional component in React?

I've built a tabs component. Each tab, when clicked, changes the contents of the "main screen". Assume a tab had some back-end call to retrieve data it needs to render, then it makes no sense to have it re-run these calls every time the user clicks another tab and comes back to it. I want to retrieve what was rendered before and display it.
I looked into memo, the big warning says to "not rely on it to “prevent” a render, as this can lead to bugs.", nor does it work. Every time I wrap my component in a memo, the test:
useEffect(() => {
}, [])
Still runs, telling me that the component re-rendered. Then I thought about memoizing the return itself, so, like:
export const MyComponent = (context) => {
const content = useMemo(() => {
return <></>
}, [context]);
return content;
But quickly realized that by the time I reach this useMemo, I'm already in the re-rendering cycle, because there's no way for React to know that MyComponent's useMemo existed in the past, so, again, it re-renders the whole thing. This, in turn made me think that the memoization needs to be done at the level where MyComponent is being rendered, not inside of it but I don't know how to do it.
How can I skip re-renders if my props haven't changed?
Read all the articles, tried all the things but to no avail.
Concisely, here is my component and my latest approach:
export const MyComponent = memo(({ context, className = '', ...props }) => {
The interesting bit here is context. This should almost never change. Its structure is a deeply nested object, however, when I play with memo's second argument, its diff function, what ends up happening if I put a console.log in there, as follows:
const MyComponent = ({ context, className = '', ...props }) => {
const areEqual = (prevProps, nextProps) => {
console.log('Did equality check.');
export default memo(MyComponent, areEqual);
I will only see "Did equality check." once. No matter what I do, I can't seem to get a memoized component out of memo. This is how MyComponent's parent looks like:
const Parent = ({}) => {
const context = useSelector(); //context comes from the store.
const [selectedTab, setSelectedTab] = useState(false);
const [content, setContent] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
switch (selectedTab) {
case 'components':
setContent(<MyComponent context={context} />);
}, [selectedTab, context]);
#daniel-james I think the problem here is we are un-mounting the whole component when we are switching tabs. Instead try memoizing the component in the parent itself. That way your component is memoized only once.

How can I prevent unnecessary re-renders on the child components in React with Hooks & Context?

I'm working on some code, and this code is huge. We have so many child components(nearly 300) and each one of them are using & manipulating values from the parent component's state via React Context.
Note: I didn't wrote this code from scratch. Which also means the design I'm about to show is not what I would come up with.
The problem: Since every component is using the same state, there are so many unnecessary re-renders happening. Every small state change is causing every component to re-render. And it makes the web app laggy. Literally, there is lag when you enter some input in a field.
I think, when state change happens the functions get rebuilt and that's why every child gets updated, because the value provided by context is changed after state change happened.
Additionally, I tried to use useReducer instead of useState that didn't went well. Besides that, I tried to use React.memo on every child component but the compare function didn't get triggered no matter what I tried. compare function only got triggered on the parent component which has the state as props. At this point, I'm not even really sure what is the problem :D
To give more specific details on the design, here is how we define and pass the callbacks to child components.
const [formItemState, setFormState] = React.useState<FormItemState>({} as FormItemState);
const getAppState = useCallback(() => ({ state: props.state as AppState }), [props.state]);
const getAppAction = useCallback(() => ({ action: props.action as AppAction }), [props.action]);
const getFormItemError = useCallback((key: string) => formItemErrorState[key], [
const getFormItem = useCallback((key: string) => formItemState[key], [formItemState]);
const updateFormItem = useCallback(
(name: string, formItemData: FormItemData): void => {
const previousState = getFormItem(name);
if (!isEqual(previousState, formItemData)) {
formItemState[name] = formItemData;
setFormState((state) => ({
[formItemState, setFormState]
Passing them to Context.Provider:
return (
{props.children} // This children contains more than 250 nested components, and each one of them are using these provided functions to interact with the state.
Last note: Please ask me if more info is needed. Thanks!
Why dont you just rewrite your state management to redux and pull only the necessary state to be used on each component. React.memo only picks up changes from props

Do I have to worry about useState causing a re-render?

NB: I've asked this on wordpress.stackexchange, but it's not getting any response there, so trying here.
I'm not sure if this is WordPress specific, WordPress's overloaded React specific, or just React, but I'm creating a new block plugin for WordPress, and if I use useState in its edit function, the page is re-rendered, even if I never call the setter function.
import { useState } from '#wordpress/element';
export default function MyEdit( props ) {
const {
attributes: {
} = props;
const [ isValidating, setIsValidating ] = useState( false );
const post_id ="core/editor").getCurrentPostId();
console.log('Post ID is ', post_id);
const MyPlaceholder = () => {
<div>this is a test</div>
const Component = MyPlaceholder;
return <Component />;
If I comment out const [ isValidating, setIsValidating ] = useState( false ); then that console.log happens once. If I leave it in, it happens twice; even if I never check the value of isValidating, never mind calling setIsValidating. I don't want to over-optimize things, but, equally, if I use this block n times on a page, the page is getting rendered 2n times. It's only on the admin side of things, because it's in the edit, so maybe not a big deal, but ... it doesn't seem right. Is this expected behavior for useState? Am I doing something wrong? Do I have to worry about it (from a speed perspective, from a potential race conditions as everything is re-rendered multiple times)?
In your example code, the console.log statement is being immediately evaluated each time and triggering the redraw/re-rendering of your block. Once console.log is removed, only the state changes will trigger re-rendering.
As the Gutenberg Editor is based on Redux, if the state changes, any components that rely on that state are re-rendered. When a block is selected in the Editor, the selected block is rendered synchronously while all other blocks in the Editor are rendered asynchronously. The WordPress Gutenberg developers are aware of re-rendering being a performance concern and have taken steps to reduce re-rendering.
When requesting data from, useEffect() should be used to safely await asynchronous data:
import { useState, useEffect } from '#wordpress/element';
export default function MyEdit(props) {
const [curPostId, setCurPostId] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
async function getMyPostId() {
const post_id = await"core/editor").getCurrentPostId();
}, []); // Run once
const MyPlaceholder = () => {
return (
<div>Current Post Id: {curPostId}</div>
const Component = MyPlaceholder;
return <Component />;
As mentioned in the question, useState() is used in core blocks for setting and updating state. The state hook was introducted in React 16.8, its a fairly recent change and you may come across older Gutenberg code example that set state via the class constructor and don't use hooks.
Yes, you have to worry about always put an array of dependencies, so that, it won't re-render, As per your query, let's say are planning to edit a field here is the sample code
const [edit, setEdit]= useState(props);
useEffect(() => {
// logic here
that [edit] will check if there is any changes , and according to that it will update the DOM, if you don't put any [](array of dependencies) it will always go an infinite loop,
I guess this is expected behavior. If I add a similar console.log to native core blocks that use useState, I get the same effect. It seems that WordPress operates with use strict, and according to this answer, React double-invokes a number of things when in strict mode.
