Augment Registration Model - identityserver4

I've been looking at the latest version of identity server with .net core 2.2 and I have a general question about the registration model. At the moment, the default account controller provides pretty much everything I need out of the box. Unfortunately, I have a small requirement to augment the registration model to include a registration code that the user must know in order to register. This could be further augmented with a recaptcha code. Can you override the one individual registration endpoint or would I have to build my own account controller with all the standard endpoints i.e. forgot password, change password etc. endpoints. Also, is there a way to get swagger to output the details about the endpoints that are provided through the identity account controller?


Identityserver and SQL server Database

we are looking for brand new implementation for Identityserver4,
I wnet thru the documentation and install the Project on VS2017 and DB in sqlserver.
Database is created with the default migration script provided for bot ConfigurationData as well as Operational DAta.
I am very much confused , where the user will be how the clients will be add etc?
Also in the startup the default ASPNEtIdentity is add, but in database there is no ApplicationUser table, so where the userdata will be?
My requirement is simple - User will be aple to login to application by his credentials(or may be by 3rd party application) and will use the application or
API will directly use Identity server to with clientcredential scope,
Here please do let me know:
Should I introduce AspNetIdentity or Not, and Why?
Where is the user table and Password of the user in the database generated by the migration.
How we can add User clients and resources to the Created Database
Do I need to add Login/Logout page ?
In API APIResource is used to defined the Resources "api1" and same is used by the client code to get the access but this "api1" is not used anywhere with the definition/signature of the Method, so ow will it be correlated?
First off, IdentityServer4 on it's own does not handle users or authentication thereof - you either need to use ASP.Net Identity and the integration library that hooks it up to IdentityServer4 or build all of that stuff yourself.
So to sum up:
Yes you'll need to use that or roll your own user store and authentication logic
Either provided by ASP.Net Identity or built yourself may fit your needs or you could build your own tooling and/or scripts to do so
Yes although the quickstart samples provide good basic starting points
The bearer token middleware by default will validate the audience (ApiResource.Name) but I prefer to enforce scope at a more granular controller or action level using a filter (e.g. [ScopeAuthorize("my.api")] public MyResult ApiAction() { ... }). This filter will check that the specified scope is defined in the set of claims in the ClaimsPrincipal).

Profile Management with Identity Server

So from what I have read on IdentityServer I should be storing details about the user such as first name and last name inside claims. How would a web application then be able to access the claim information? Since the User Info endpoint requires a valid access token representing the user, I suppose I would need to make an API that could access that returned the profile information of other users? Is this the right way to do it? (use case, web page needs to display contact details that are stored in claims of another user)
Also what would be the way for multiple language profile information be stored and retrieved in the claims? For example a user can have a name/title in multiple languages. I'm thinking of making [LanguageCode]_[ClaimType] (fr_first_name) naming convention and either adding all languages to just the profile IdentityResource or creating separate resources per language.
Your best bet is to set up a project using the IdentityServer4 QuickstartUI example and review that code to better understand how it all works. As of version 4, Identity Server is only focused on the sign-in / sign-out process and the various flows around authentication. They also provide a basic EF-driven persistence model, and they also support the ASP.NET Core Identity persistence model (also EF-driven), but both of those are not meant to be production-ready code.
Basically, persistence of user details is considered your responsibility. That being said, the cookies used for ASP.NET Core authentication greatly restricts how much data you can/should store as claims. The best model is to keep "real" identity provider (IDP) claims as claims, don't add new claims to that list, copy what you need into some other separate user-data table you manage completely, and use the unique claims identifier (almost always "subject id") as the key to your user data. This also makes it easier to migrate a user to another IDP (for example, you'll know user details for "Bob" but he can re-associate his user data away from his Facebook OIDC auth to his Google auth).
Basic persistence isn't too difficult (it's only 12 or 13 SQL statements) but it's a lot more than will fit in a Stackoverflow answer. I blogged about a non-EF approach here -- also not production-ready code (for example, it has ad-hoc SQL to keep things simple), but it should get you started.

Identity Server 4, EF Core, share DbContext between API and IS4

I'm using Identity Server 4, Asp Identity, EF Core and one database.
I have 3 projects at the moment
IdentityServer - Contains all data contexts and all migrations with my app tables
Api - no context, no migrations however I need to access database somehow from here
Clinet - javascript
The question:
How do I access data context from IdentityServer project and still have all settings (db connection, etc) in one place. I understand I can reference IdentityServer from API and use data context but it seems not right to me. What is the preferred way to do this ?
Since you are interested in this option, I've decided to move my comments to this answer.
First of all, IdentityServer is not the place for your app tables. These are seperate contexts and separate migrations. The preferred way is to maintain the separation of concerns.
As I explained in my answer here, you don't need a relation between the login user and your business context. Instead create a user in the business context. The login user has a different purpose than the business user.
I don't have code for you, but you can take one of the sample apps from IdentityServer. Adjust the API to use your business context. In that context add a user table (which links to the sub claim) and the fields you need for the business context. BTW it doesn't matter if the tables are in the same database, just don't mix the contexts.
In IdentityServer: if the user may register for one website then you can extend the registration form with a drop-down of available websites. Or a list if the user can register for multiple websites.
Now it depends on the chosen strategy. You can wait to register the user in the API, but I think it is far more easy to register the user straight away. There are other options, but here's one where it is part of the IdentityServer configuration (without adding business logic to IdentityServer):
Extend IdentityServer to call the API after registering the user. For this I would add a table in the IdentityServer context with URLs to register per website. When the login user is created, call the configured API(s) to register the business user.
In the API you need to add the method that IdentityServer can call to create the user, linked to the sub claim and including the required user information. This way you can suffice with the sub claim to identify the login user and link this to the business user.
You can use a similar strategy for client apps. Extend IdentityServer with an API method to allow client apps to register users.
If you want to withdraw access, you can delete the login user without having to delete the business user. Which you don't want if you don't want to destroy historical information. You can also use claims to specify if the user has access to the website without having to delete the login user.

What's the simplest way to get user Groups from WAAD?

I've got AngularJS and Web.API WAAD authentication up and running. For client side I use great library ADAL.JS. For backend I use Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth. This part went quite smooth.
Now I want to implement authorization based on roles (which will be mapped to WAAD groups). Groups are not included in authentication token so I must ask Azure Graph API for them. I saw various ways to do it, using custom claims providers, adding web services to project, etc. Some examples already providing mapping between groups and roles to use in [Authorize] attribute.
But what is just the simplest example of how to get a list of group ids/names from WAAD providing User ID or username, when I'm already authenticated?
Also, is there any way to get this data in JS to use in Angular frontend, or should I create an API service which Angular should call for roles info?
In the non-JS case, the simplest way of getting groups in the token is by opting in. Download your application’s manifest, locate the “groupMembershipClaims” entry, change its value to “SecurityGroup” or “All”, upload back the manifest.
However note that this won't work for your scenario, because it uses the implicit grant - here the token is returned in an URI fragment, hence a big token would risk blowing past the URL length limits of the browser.
You can always request groups to the Graph and make it available to your frontend via custom action on your API, but from what you wrote you are already familiar with that. Let me discuss the matter here - if there's a simpler route to make this work in SPAs, I'll get back to this thread.
Update: I verified and in the implicit grant case you will receive groups always via the overage claim. Please refer to - it will show you how to process the overage claim to retrieve groups. All you need to do is apply the same guidance to a web API instead, and if you need to make the info available to the client expose one or more actions doing so.

Get input email address from ACS when using LiveID

Is it in any way possible to wire up an ACS rule to return/PassThrough the user's email adress from ACS using $(InputValue) when using Live ID?
I am using Passive authentication and get redirected out to Live ID but I was wondering if there is any way to wire up a rule from ACS that might get the InputValue email address
From what I can see I think this might be possible by hosting a login page of course but I would prefer to be able to get it in some other way from ACS if possible.
(I should have added that the current scenario is to implement Live ID authentication on top of an existing ASP.Net application with a database backend for user identity and roles.)
Extra information related to the current scenario : The current scenario is an EXISTING system with its own home-grown database authentication security model. I tried all sorts of ways to see if I could intercept the user's email address and eventually decided the available approaches for doing this were not desirable (in this specific scenario).
The only suitable and secure pattern found to transition to Live ID authentication in this scenarioo is to build a Registration system around your application which allows an existing user to register their LiveID and then bring them back to your application to capture their Live ID 'nameidentifier'.
However, given that any unknown user could do this it would be necessary to have an interim authentication step via email or some-such mechanism to validate the Live ID email address being used.
I hope this is of help to someone.
Possible but it requires a bit of code for a custom sts:
Code doesn't build and dependencies aren't included... but it's largely based off an early thinktecture starter site ported to MVC4 with changes shown above.
Unfortunately it is not possible to get any identifiable claims when using ACS with Windows Live. This is due to Windows Live user privacy policy.
With windows live you will only get a ID claim which is unique to your Relying Party application.
