Applying proxy object instead of array in MobX-React store - reactjs

I'm here trying to refactor a working app I made which get events from a Database (in order to be later displayed on a scheduler).
So here I am using an #observable events variable in which I'm setting an array I get using a POST request to my database.
But when I'm later trying to show in console what is now in my variable, instead of the array of strings I should have, I now have a Proxy object...
Can someone help me to understand what should I do in order to get back my array instead of the Proxy object ?
Thanks in advance !
PS : here's a bunch of the code
#observable events = [];
loadAgendaData = (event) => {
let viewModel = new SchedulerData('2017-12-18', ViewTypes.Week, false, false, {});'http://localhost:5002/api/getCreneaux', {
id_grpe: event.value
}).then((res) => { => {
element.start = moment.unix(element.start).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss");
element.end = moment.unix(element.end).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss");
console.log(; // this shows the Array =; // giving the value of the array
anotherFunction = (event) => {
console.log(events); // this unfortunately shows a Proxy object


How to upload images in react via api?

Today I saw a number of tutorials on how to upload photos in react via the api.
I did everything, tried all the methods. But in the end I get stuck.
(During the whole explanation I will focus only on the features of the image upload)
In Models I have groups and variable -
public IFormFile ImageFile {get; set; }
In api I get
[Route ("Add")]
public void Post (Group group)
And I have in state-
const initialFieldValues ​​= {
GroupName: '',
GroupAbout: '',
imageName: '',
imageSrc: defaultImageSrc,
imageFile: null
const [values, setValues] = useState (initialFieldValues)
When changing the image has a function-
const handleImg = (e) => {
if ( && [0]) {
let imageFile = [0];
const reader = new FileReader ();
reader.onload = x => {
setValues ​​({
... values,
reader.readAsDataURL (imageFile)
SetDisplayImg ("block");
else {
setValues ​​({
... values,
imageFile: null,
imageSrc: defaultImageSrc
And when submitting the form
const handleFormSubmit = e => {
e.preventDefault ()
const formData = new FormData ()
.append ('groupImage', values.imageFile)
addOrEdit (formData)
const addOrEdit = (formData) => { ('api / groups / add', formData) .catch (error => {
console.log (;
console.log (error.response.status);
console.log (error.response.headers);
In this code -makes error 415 (even regardless of uploading the image but, even if I put it only other variables that get stringed and work normally.)
If I add [FromForm] in the api it does not respond to me, i.e. it does not write me an error message nor does it reach the api (I checked in debugging)
If I change the axios to
const obj = {'groupImage': values.imageFile
} ('api / groups / add', obj) .catch (error =>
I get an error message 400-
"The JSON value could not be converted to System.String. Path: $ .groupImage
And if I send the value from state ('api / groups / add', values)
I get an error message System.NotSupportedException: Deserialization of interface types is not supported. Type 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IFormFile'. Path: $ .imageFile | LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 6939781.
---> System.NotSupportedException: Deserialization of interface types is not supported. Type 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IFormFile'.
Anything I try to fix, it causes another error, I'm really at a loss.
>.append ('groupImage', values.imageFile)
Firstly, please make sure the key of your formdata object can match your model class property's name.
formData.append('imageName', values.imageName);
//it should be imageFile, not groupImage
formData.append('imageFile', values.imageFile);
Besides, please apply the [FromForm] attribute to action parameter, like below.
public void Post([FromForm]Group group)
Test Result
Usually a 415 means you aren't setting the right Content-Type header. Does the API you are trying to upload to mention acceptable types or encodings it expects?

NodeJs Mongoose: Unable to receive recipes data outside of forEach loop even though it appears to show while iterating inside the loop

I am querying Category data via mongoose, grabbing an array of meal_ids, looping through each Id and finding it in another collection called Recipes where I am grabbing some more data. In each iteration I am pushing it to an array. In the end im attempting to send that array of objects as JSON. However all I am getting is blank output. While iterating when I console log the data, everything appears correctly.
I also console logged that same array twice, once in forEach and once outside and noticed that, the one outside is being executed first which isnt making sense to me. Is it because findById is an async call? And if thats the case how could I then control that flow so that the outside array has the data.
Below is my entire code for the endpoint:
const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const Category = require('../models/category');
const Recipe = require('../models/recipe');
Endpoint: /category/:id
Outcome: List of recipes belonging to category
router.get('/:id', (req, res) => {
Category.findById(, 'mealIds', (err, category) => {
const recipesReceived = [];
if(!err) {
if(category) {
category.mealIds.forEach(mealId => {
Recipe.findById(mealId, 'name category cuisine image' , (err, recipe) => {
console.log(recipesReceived); //shows data
console.log(recipesReceived); //shows blank. somehow ends up executing before the console log within forEach condition
else {
module.exports = router;
try this
category.mealIds.forEach(async (mealId) => {
let recipe=await Recipe.findById(mealId, 'name category cuisine image')

Perform Asynchronous Decorations in DraftJS?

I'm trying to perform real-time Named Entity Recognition highlighting in a WYSIWYG editor, which requires me to make a request to my back-end in between each keystroke.
After spending about a week on ProseMirror I gave up on it and decided to try DraftJS. I have searched the repository and docs and haven't found any asynchronous examples using Decorations. (There are some examples with Entities, but they seem like a bad fit for my problem.)
Here is the stripped down Codepen of what I'd like to solve.
It boils down to me wanting to do something like this:
const handleStrategy = (contentBlock, callback, contentState) => {
const text = contentBlock.getText();
let matchArr, start;
while ((matchArr = properNouns.exec(text)) !== null) {
start = matchArr.index;
setTimeout(() => {
// THROWS ERROR: Cannot read property '0' of null
callback(start, start + matchArr[0].length);
}, 200) // to simulate API request
I expected it to asynchronously call the callback once the timeout resolved but instead matchArr is empty, which just confuses me.
Any help is appreciated!
ok, one possible solution, a example, simple version (may not be 100% solid) :
write a function take editor's string, send it to server, and resolve the data get from server, you need to figure out send the whole editor string or just one word
getServerResult = data => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fetch(link, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
// figure what to send here
body: this.state.editorState.getCurrentContent().getPlainText(),
.then(res => resolve(res))
determine when to call the getServerResult function(i.e when to send string to server and get entity data), from what I understand from your comment, when user hit spacebar key, send the word before to server, this can done by draftjs Key Bindings or react SyntheticEvent. You will need to handle case what if user hit spacebar many times continuously.
function myKeyBindingFn(e: SyntheticKeyboardEvent): string {
if (e.keyCode === 32) {
return 'send-server';
return getDefaultKeyBinding(e);
async handleKeyCommand(command: string): DraftHandleValue {
if (command === 'send-server') {
// you need to manually add a space char to the editorState
// and get result from server
// entity data get from server
const result = await getServerResult()
return 'handled';
return 'not-handled';
add entity data get from server to specific word using ContentState.createEntity()
async handleKeyCommand(command: string): DraftHandleValue {
if (command === 'send-server') {
// you need to manually add a space char to the editorState
// and get result from server
// entity data get from server
const result = await getServerResult()
const newContentState = ContentState.createEntity(
type: 'string',
mutability: ...
data: result
const entityKey = contentStateWithEntity.getLastCreatedEntityKey();
// you need to figure out the selectionState, selectionState mean add
// the entity data to where
const contentStateWithEntity = Modifier.applyEntity(
// create a new EditorState and use this.setState()
const newEditorState = EditorState.push(
contentState: contentStateWithEntity
editorState: newEditorState
return 'handled';
return 'not-handled';
create different decorators find words with specific entity data, and return different style or whatever you need to return
const compositeDecorator = new CompositeDecorator([
strategy: findSubjStrategy,
component: HandleSubjSpan,
function findSubjStrategy(contentBlock, callback, contentState) {
// search whole editor content find words with subj entity data
// if the word's entity data === 'Subj'
// pass the start index & end index of the word to callback
if(...) {
callback(startIndex, endIndex);
// this function handle what if findSubjStrategy() find any word with subj
// entity data
const HandleSubjSpan = (props) => {
// if the word with subj entity data, it font color become red
return <span {...props} style={{ color: 'red' }}>{props.children}</span>;

Exporting an array within an ".then" doesnt work

I'm new to NodeJS and are only familiar with Java. I'm trying to create a file that creates objects based on a database and adds them to an array. This array I want to be able to export so that I can use it throughout the whole program, but when I try to export the array it doesn't work. I've tried googling and understanding but haven't come across anything that was helpful unfortunately.
I hope that someone can help me understand
I've tried calling module.exports after the ".then" call, but it just returns an empty array because its async.
I've also tried calling module.exports = teams inside the .then call but it didn't work neither.
var teams = [];
function assignTeamsToClasses() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
getAllTeamsInDb((teamList) => {
teamList.forEach((aTeam) => {
let newTeam = new Team(aTeam['teamid'], aTeam['teamname'], aTeam['teamrank']);
assignTeamsToClasses().then(() => {
module.exports = teams;
var teams = require('./initialize.js');
I expect it to return all teams that are in the database. I know that array is not empty when called within the ".then" call, but the export part does not.
the sequence require() + console.log() is synchronous
assignTeamsToClasses() is asynchronous, i.e. it updates teams at some unknown later point in time.
You'll have to design your module API to be asynchronous, e.g. by providing event listener interface or Promise interface that clients can subscribe to, to receive the "database update complete" event.
A proposal:
module.exports = {
completed: new Promise(resolve =>
getAllTeamsInDb(teams => {
const result = [];
teams.each(aTeam =>
result.append(new Team(aTeam.teamid,
How to use it:
const dbAPI = require('./initialize.js');
.then(teams => console.log(teams))
.catch(error => /* handle DB error here? */);
Every caller who uses this API will
either be blocked until the database access has been completed, or
receive result from the already resolved promise and proceed with its then() callback.

How to loop through an object and push into an array

What I'm working with
What I have
A returned object
Each item in the object has a URL property
What I would like to do
Loop through each of the items in the object and get the URL property
Pass that into a firebase storage variable
Push the URL property into an array to make available for my HTML
note: I have this working by hard coding a url, I just need some assistance looping through the object to get the other urls in the object.
'this.imagesToDisplay' will return an object of object (image below)
data: { issueData: any, issueImageData: any }) => {
this.issueToDisplay = data.issueData;
this.imagesToDisplay = data.issueImageData;
Comnponent TS - Testing method
So this is hardcoded and pushes the hardcoded url into the array and displays correctly through databinding with the HTML. Cool. However, I would like to loop through the 'imagesToDisplay' object and get both returned urls.
testing(imageToDisplayArray) {
// this works with one url
var storage ="image/-Kosd82P-bmh4SFetuf3/-Kosd8HhGmFiUhYMrlvw/30DD9F39-4684-4AA0-9DBF-3B0F0C3450A4.jpg");
storage.getDownloadURL().then(function(url) {
Any help here would be massively appreciated.
Note: I think this question here is what I'm trying to do, I'm just not sure how to integrate that into my current code. Any help would be awesome.
Stack Overflow question on firebase storage looping
So, I'm incredibly close now. I just have one issue. The code below loops through the returned data and extract the URL properties. I use the url properties to connect to the firebase storage and return the download URLs. Both of these are logged to the console! Awesome. I now have the URLs i needed! The issue I'm having is, it will only let me push these values to a local array. In this instance 'var array'. I need to push to an array that's outside of the 'activatedRoute' 'method'. Anytime I do, it returns as undefined.
data: { issueData: any, issueImageData: any }) => {
this.issueToDisplay = data.issueData;
this.imagesToDisplay = data.issueImageData;
var array = [];
data.issueImageData.forEach(image => {
// Reference to the image URL
var image = image.url;
// Firebase storage
var storage =;
// Path reference
var imagePathReference = storage.ref().child(image);
// Get Download URL
imagePathReference.getDownloadURL().then(function (url) {
I would recommend you to use the features rxjs provides you: => {
let parsedData = {
issueToDisplay: data.issueData,
imagesToDisplay: data.issueImageData
let imageUrls$ = => {
var imagePathReference = storage.ref().child(image);
return Observable.fromPromise(imagePathReference.getDownloadURL())
return Observable.forkJoin(imageUrls$).map((...urls) => {
return Object.assign(parsedData, { urls });
}).subscribe(data => {
data looks like this:
issueToDisplay: any,
imagesToDisplay: any,
urls: string[]
If I'm correct, you're looking for a solution to map an array-like object of objects to an actual array of objects.
Here is a way to do just that:
var object = {
'0': {
"url": "url1",
"name": "obj1",
"data": 1234
'1': {
"url": "url2",
"name": "obj2",
"data": 5678
'length': 2
var sliced = object, 0 );
Couple remarks:
If you wonder how this works, check this post.
Alternative syntax that you could encounter looks like []
If you want to perform array-like operations, you can probably do that right away with Array.prototype.<METHOD>.call(object, <CALLBACK>
For example:, function(el) { // return your enhanced element })
So, this works. Not entirely sure how clean it is. But it works.
data: { issueData: any, issueImageData: any }) => {
this.issueToDisplay = data.issueData;
this.imagesToDisplay = data.issueImageData;
var localImageArray = [];
data.issueImageData.forEach(image => {
// Reference to the image URL
var image = image.url;
// Firebase storage
var storage =;
// Path reference
var imagePathReference = storage.ref().child(image);
// Get Download URL
imagePathReference.getDownloadURL().then(function (url) {
// Get Image Array
getIssueImageArray(array) {
this.imageToDisplayArray = array;
