how to implement iTestContext listener without adding to method argument testng(from XML) for PDFBox utility - selenium-webdriver

I am automating a salesforce application using Selenium TestNG. I am implementing a utility using apache PDFBox where i paste all my screenshots into a PDF to make client happy .
My logic is i create screenshots in each method with 1.png , 2.png etc until n.png and paste them in pdf using pdfbox methods.
The problem is my number of screenshots are variable so i implemented iTestContext where i set a variable counter to maximum number pass them to my after method where i retrieve the counter , and those number of screenshots are pasted- something like this
Class Login {
mymethod(ItestContext context){
context.setAttribute("Counter", "n");
String PATH = //Path of my test method
String MethodCounter = (String)context.getAttribute("Counter");
PDFUtility.addImagetoPDF(PATH,Integer.parseInt(MethodCounter) );
The problem is i have many methods that i need to implement and i dont want ITestContext listener as argument to each method.Can i pass it in xml file and use it for all methods?
Hope i have provided all details

If you need to get hold of the current ITestContext object (which is a representation of the current <test> tag being executed), you don't need to pass it as a parameter to your #Test method.
You can get access to it from within a #Test annotated test method via something like this:
org.testng.ITestContext context =
This way you dont need to pass the org.testng.ITestContext object as a parameter to your #Test method.
Can i pass it in xml file and use it for all methods?
No you cannot pass the ITestContext object via the xml file.


How can we initialize DataChangeDetectionPolicy using .netsdk?

I have created a new index that is populated using an indexer. The indexer's datasource is a SQL view that has a Timestamp column of type datetime. Since we don't want a full reindexing each time the indexer runs, this column should be used to determine which data have changed since the last indexer run.
According to the documentation we need to create or update the datasource by setting the HighWatermarkColumnName and ODataType to the DataChangeDetectionPolicy object. The example in the documentation uses the REST API and there is also way to do it using the azure search portal directly.
However I want to do it using .netsdk and so far I haven't been able to do so. I am using Azure.Search.Documents(11.2.0 - beta.2). Here is the part of the code I use to create the datasource:
SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection CreateIndexerDataSource()
var ds = new SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection(DATASOURCE,
new SearchIndexerDataContainer(SQLVIEW));
//ds.DataChangeDetectionPolicy = new DataChangeDetectionPolicy();
return ds;
The commented code is what I tried to do to initialize the DataChangeDetectionPolicy but there is no ctor exposed. Am I missing something?
Thanks in advance.
Instead of using DataChangeDetectionPolicy, you will need to use HighWaterMarkChangeDetectionPolicy which is derived from DataChangeDetectionPolicy.
So your code would be something like:
ds.DataChangeDetectionPolicy = new HighWaterMarkChangeDetectionPolicy("Timestamp");

How can i create a custom object in Salesforce with a '__' in the name?

I am trying to check if a change tables exists in Salesforce by calling
var name = "acme_npsp__Allocation_c__c";
salesforceObject = _service.describeSObject(name);
return sObject;
catch (Exception ex)
error = ex.Message;
but it gives an error:
INVALID_TYPE: salesforceObject type 'acme_npsp__Allocation_c__c' is not
supported. If you are attempting to use a custom object, be sure to append the
'__c' after the entity name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for
the appropriate names.
(107 - FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION) Cannot create a new component with the namespace: acme_npsp. Only components in the same namespace as the organization can be created through the API.
But if i replace the __ in the middle with a single _ it seems to work , but that isnt my object in salesforce so i cant reference it in other code.
Salesforce doesnt allow to create such an object with '__' in the middle, but it was created using the package Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP) which can be downloaded from the store.
How can i create the object with the '__' in the middle , ie after the npsp ?
Salesforce does not allow __ in API names, because double underscores serve a special meaning: they delimit the components of the API name. An API name, for a schema element like this, consists of up to 3 parts:
namespace is the first component, and is the (optional) namespace, which indicates that the component is part of a package. NPSP's namespace is npsp. You cannot create components in a namespace you do not own.
The name element is present on all components. For Account and other standard objects, it's the entire API name.
__c is the suffix, which indicates what kind of entity you have. __c is a custom object; __b a BigObject; __e a custom Platform Event; __mdt a custom Metadata Type. Lack of a suffix indicates a standard component.
Your question does not make much sense as written. You appear to be trying to work with the object npsp__Allocation__c. It's not clear why you are trying to prepend some other value to the namespace and suffix.
Accessing the describe does not create an object, so the behavior of your code is exactly as designed.

Nlog set Database target programatically and access custom log message properties

I need to support database logging.
For that I decided to use nlog because it brings database support.
But first of all I need to setup the configuration programatically.
As far as I understood it I have to set the layout for the target.
But the class "DatabaseTarget" does not have any property related to Layout :/.
var dbTarget = new DatabaseTarget();
dbTarget.ConnectionString = LogConnectionString;
dbTarget.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
dbTarget.CommandText = "exec dbo.InsertLog #level=${level}, #callSite=${callsite}, #message=${message}, #stackTrace=${stacktrace}, #machinename=${machinename}, #processname=${processname}";
Is the layout definition really necessary for the DatabaseTarget. If so how do I set it programatically?
Additionally I want to pass some information. But I am not sure how I can assign those informations for the procedure.
As far as I understood it I can assign those variables:
But NLog support generic arguments with his Log Method. It looks like this:
_nLog.Log<AJourFaultLevel>(ConvertLogLevel(logEntry.Level), logEntry.Message, logEntry.Fault);
How can I assign the passed "logEntry.Fault" value for my stored procedure?
Best regards
Your current log-statement injects logEntry.Fault as parameter into string.Format(logEntry.Message, logEntry.Fault):
_nLog.Log<AJourFaultLevel>(ConvertLogLevel(logEntry.Level), logEntry.Message, logEntry.Fault);
If you are using NLog 4.5 then you can use structured-logging where you can name the parameter like this:
_nLog.Log<AJourFaultLevel>(ConvertLogLevel(logEntry.Level), "Fault occurred: {AJourFaultLevel}", logEntry.Fault);
Then you can access the named parameter using ${event-properties:item=}:
dbTarget.CommandText = "exec dbo.InsertLog #level=${level}, #callSite=${callsite}, #message=${message}, #stackTrace=${stacktrace}, #machinename=${machinename}, #processname=${processname}, #faultLevel=${event-properties:item=AJourFaultLevel}";

How can i achieve dictionary type data access in Chromium embedded CEF1

I would like to achieve dictionary like data pattern that can be accessed from the
java script. Something like this:
pseudo Code:
for all records:
rec = //Get the Record
I am trying to achieve with CefV8Accessor, but i am not getting near to the solution.
Kindly provide few links for the reference, as i see the documentation is very less from chromium embedded.
If I understand correctly, you're trying to create a JS "dictionary" object for CEF using C++. If so, here's a code snippet that does that:
CefRefPtr<CefV8Value> GetDictionary(__in const wstring& sName, __in const wstring& sAddress)
CefRefPtr<CefV8Value> objectJS = CefV8Value::CreateObject(NULL);
objectJS->SetValue(L"Name", sName, V8_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_NONE);
objectJS->SetValue(L"Address", sAddress, V8_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_NONE);
return objectJS;
The CefV8Accessor can also be used for that matter, but that's only if you want specific control over the set & get methods, to create a new type of object.
In that case you should create a class that inherits CefV8Accessor, implement the Set and Get methods (in a similar way to what appears in the code above), and pass it to the CreateObject method. The return value would be an instance of that new type of object.
I strongly suggest to browse through this link, if you haven't already.

Change Value of ParamInfo after adding to DynamicParameters?

I'm calling a stored proc in a foreach loop and would like to change the value of one of the parameters on each iteration. Currently, there doesn't seem to be any way to access the parameters once they've been added to DynamicParameters although from reading the source, I can see that DynamicParameters does keep an internal Dictionary. Any reason why this isn't public or if there's another way to get at the ParamInfos to change values?
What I have currently:
foreach ( var fooID in fooIDs )
var dynamicParameters = new DynamicParameters();
dynamicParameters.Add( ParameterNames.BarID, barID );
dynamicParameters.Add( ParameterNames.FooID, fooID);
connection.Execute( ProcNames.MyProc, dynamicParameters, commandType:CommandType.StoredProcedure );
Re-Add the parameter.
// Call Add() with new values.
dynamicParameters.Add(ParameterNames.BarID, differentBarID);
There is no real reason DynamicParameters is so secret about what it does, the ParamInfo class could be exposed and I would be happy to provide proper iteration/modification properties and/or methods. If you feel like you would like to pitch in, please submit a patch.
In the mean time you can simply implement IDynamicParameters which is the trivial interface we use to dispatch this to the underlying command, in your app. You can use DynamicParameters as a starting point.
