Issue with new table in oracle - database

I have to add a new table according to some new requirements, the model currently consists of two tables: DETAIL and SUMMARY.
The relation is that every detail has associated one summary, so now I need to add a new table called SUMMARY_ESP, which has the a FK ( SUMMARY) and two more columns, something like this:
1 | 123 | 34 | 1 | 122 | 1
2 | 123 | 35 | 2 | 111 | 2
3 | 123 | 30 | 3 | null | null
4 | 1111 | 34 | 4 | null | null
Other tables info:
1 | 1000 | 14/05/2018 | 1111 | 4
2 | 2000 | 18/07/2016 | 1111 | 4
3 | 1200 | 11/07/2017 | 123 | 1
4 | 1300 | 21/09/2018 | 123 | 2
123 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 3
1111 | 2 | 1 | 5 | 3
33 | 3 | 2 | 5 | 9
4 | 4 | 8 | 5 | 10
So according to this, SUMMARY_ID , ESP_ID and PTY_ID are unique, the thing is at some point to know the what is the ESP_ID of certain detail, but since the relation is with SUMMARY table, I have no idea which one was when it was added, so I was asked to create a new column to the DETAIL table called EXTERNAL_ID, so I can know what is the code from the SUMMARY_ESP.
So if the row is the first one, it can be either 24 or 122 in the new column according to some previous logic, but I'm worried about the implications this might have in the future, because somehow I might be duplicating information, also I would need to make some weird logic in order to get the priority depending on whether it's ESP_ID or PTY_ID.
The new table along with SUMMARY are somehow parameters table, their values do not change that often and only the PRIORITY column would change, DETAIL instead is more transactional, and it has insert and update everyday according to some business logic.
I was thinking of adding the ID of the new table as a FK to the DETAIL table, but at the end would be the same, because it'll be hard to maintain and update would be harder, also it's like a circular dependency, so I'm kind of stuck with this , so any kind of help would be really helpful, below the complete model, with the current idea.
Also I can't add those new columns to the table SUMMARY, because there could be more than one associated to the same code in that table and since it's the PK I cant add two rows with the same code.

The relation is that every detail has associated one summary
You need to represent that relationship in your database layout : if you have a 1-N relationship between SUMMARY and DETAIL, you want to create another column in DETAIL that holds the primary key of the SUMMARY record that it is related to.
With this relation in place, you can start from a DETAIL row, relate a row from SUMMARY and identifiy all SUMMARY_ESP records that are linked to it.
Now if you need to uniquely relate a DETAIL record to a SUMMARY_ESP record, then you want to either add a foreign key to SUMMARY_ESP in DETAIL, or the other way around (add a foreign key to DETAIL in SUMMARY_ESP), depending on the way your data flows.


Using tables to categorise resources with

I'm trying to design a database that allows for filtering according to if a specific resource fills certain categories. I've gotten to the point where I can input data that seems to be how it should be filled out but I'm not sure how I should pull it out again.
The main resource table looks like this:
Table1 - resources
| resourceID | AutoNum |
| title | short text |
| author | short text |
| publish date | date |
| type | short text |
Table2 - Department Categories
| ID | AutoNum |
| 1 | Yes/No |
| 2 | Yes/No |
| fID| Number |
Table3 - Categories
| ID | AutoNum |
| cat | Yes/No |
| dog | Yes/No |
| bird | Yes/No |
| fID | Number |
I have built a form where you can fill in items to the resource ID, and at the same time check off the Yes/No boxes in tables 2 & 3.
I'm trying to use the primary key ID from table 1 and copy it into the table 2 & 3 with referential integrity to cascade deletes, updates. Which I think is the right way to do this.
Currently, I've learnt that I can implement a search function for the columns in table 1, this seems to work fine. However I am stuck with applying the relevant columns in table 2 and 3 as filters.
apply search>
[X] - Cats
Should only return records from table 1 where in table 3 the relevant column has a tick in the Yes/No box.
I hope I have explained this properly, very new to Access and databases so if you need clarity, don't mind offering.

Database 1:N tables structure, two approaches (one or multiple tables)

Let's assume we have application with pages, posts and events. With each part of this application we want to have comments. Now let's take a look into tables for our DB.
1. One comment table, object and object_id as foreign key
Page/Post/Event has many comments, foreign key object, object_id
comments table
| id | object | object_id | text |
| 1 | Page | 1 | Comment 1 |
| 2 | Post | 1 | Comment 2 |
| 3 | Event | 1 | Comment 3 |
2. Multiple comments tables
Page (Post, Event) has many page comments, foreign key page_id
page_comments table
| id | page_id | text |
| 1 | 1 | Comment 1 |
post_comments table
| id | post_id | text |
| 1 | 1 | Comment 2 |
event_comments table
| id | event_id | text |
| 1 | 1 | Comment 3 |
I have used specific example, but this can apply to any other 1:N tables or even with M:N (tags), but for simple showcase, this should be good.
We should discuss
Performance concerns
Design pros and cons
Initial thoughts
case 1 means less tables in DB, easier to read, reusable application code
case 1 is better when doing query on all comments (would have to use union at case 2)
case 2 is better in regards of normalization (3NF)
case 2 is easier to backup (dump) parts of the system, e.g. pages itself with their comments
case 2 should be better with performance because less rows => faster

What's the fastest way to perform large inserts with foreign key relationships and preprocessing?

I need to regularly import large (hundreds of thousands of lines) tsv files into multiple related SQL Server 2008 R2 tables.
The input file looks something like this (it's actually even more complex and the data is of a different nature, but what I have here is analogous):
| Diner | Beverage | Food | Dessert |
| Nancy | coffee | salad_steak | pie |
| Joe | milk | soup_steak | cake |
| Pat | coffee | soup_tofu | pie |
Notice that one column contains a character-delimited list that needs preprocessing to split it up.
The schema is highly normalized -- each record has multiple many-to-many foreign key relationships. Nothing too unusual here...
| id | name |
| 1 | January_1_Lunch |
| id | name |
| 1 | coffee |
| 2 | milk |
| id | name |
| 1 | salad |
| 2 | soup |
| 3 | steak |
| 4 | tofu |
| id | name |
| 1 | pie |
| 2 | cake |
Each input column is ultimately destined for a separate table.
This might seem an unnecessarily complex schema -- why not just have a single table that matches the input? But consider that a diner may come into the restaurant and order only a drink or a dessert, in which case there would be many null rows. Considering that this DB will ultimately store hundreds of millions of records, that seems like a poor use of storage. I also want to be able to generate reports for just beverages, just desserts, etc., and I figure those will perform much better with separate tables.
The orders are tracked in relationship tables like this:
| mealId | dinerId | beverageId |
| 1 | 1 | 1 |
| 1 | 2 | 2 |
| 1 | 3 | 1 |
| mealId | dinerId | foodId |
| 1 | 1 | 1 |
| 1 | 1 | 3 |
| 1 | 2 | 2 |
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 1 | 3 | 2 |
| 1 | 3 | 4 |
| mealId | dinerId | dessertId |
| 1 | 1 | 1 |
| 1 | 2 | 2 |
| 1 | 3 | 1 |
Note that there are more records for Food because the input contained those nasty little lists that were split into multiple records. This is another reason it helps to have separate tables.
So the question is, what's the most efficient way to get the data from the file into the schema you see above?
Approaches I've considered:
Parse the tsv file line-by-line, performing the inserts as I go. Whether using an ORM or not, this seems like a lot of trips to the database and would be very slow.
Parse the tsv file to data structures in memory, or multiple files on disk, that correspond to the schema. Then use SqlBulkCopy to import each one. While it's fewer transactions, it seems more expensive than simply performing lots of inserts, due to having to either cache a lot of data or perform many writes to disk.
Per How do I bulk insert two datatables that have an Identity relationship and Best practices for inserting/updating large amount of data in SQL Server 2008, import the tsv file into a staging table, then merge into the schema, using DB functions to do the preprocessing. This seems like the best option, but I'd think the validation and preprocessing could be done more efficiently in C# or really anything else.
Are there any other possibilities out there?
The schema is still under development so I can revise it if that ends up being the sticking point.
You can import you file in the table of the following structure: Diner, Beverage, Food, Dessert, ID (identity, primary key NOT CLUSTERED - for performance issues).
After this simply add the following columns: Dinner_ID, Beverage_ID, Dessert_ID and fill them according to your separate tables (it's simple to group each of the columns and to add the missing data to lookup tables as Beverages, Desserts, Meals and, after this, to fix the imported table with the IDs for existent and newly added records).
The situation with Food table is more complex because of ability to combine the foods, but the same trick can be used: you can also add the data to your lookup table and, among this, store the combinations of foods in the additional temp table (with the unique ID) and separation on the single dishes.
When the parcing will be finished, you will have 3 temp tables:
table with all your imported data and IDs for all text columns
table with distinct food lists (with IDs)
table with IDs of food per food combination
From the above tables you can perform the insertion of the parsed values to either structure as you want.
In this case only 1 insert (bulk) will be done to the DB from the code side. All other data manipulations will be performed in the DB.

Convert table to 2NF - strange table to convert?

I have the following table below and am supposed to convert it to 2NF.
I have an answer to this where I have gone:
SKILLS: Employee, Skill
LOCATION: Employee, Current Work
I have a feeling I'm wrong with this ^above^ though.
Also can someone explain what the differences are between 1NF, 2NF and 3NF. I know 1 comes first and you have to break it all up into smaller tables but would like a really good description to help me understand better. Thanks
I am new to learning 2NF but I have solved the answer like this. Let me know if this is correct so that I can understand my mistake and practice more.
Only two tables. Thanks
Employee Table
EmployeeID | Name
1 | Jones
2 | Bravo
3 | Ellis
4 | Harrison
Skills Table
SkillId | Skill
1 | Typing
2 | Shorthand
3 | Whittling
4 | Light Cleaning
5 | Alchemy
6 | Juggling
Location Table
LocationId | Name
1 | 114 Main Street
2 | 73 Industrial Way
EmployeeSkill Table
EmployeeId | LocationId | SkillId | SkillName
1 | 1 | 1 | Typing
1 | 1 | 2 | Shorthand
1 | 1 | 3 | Whittling
2 | 2 | 4 | Light Cleaning
3 | 2 | 5 | Alchemy
3 | 2 | 6 | Juggling
4 | 2 | 4 | Light Cleaning
In the EmployeeSkill table the primary key would be EmployeeId + LocationId, this gives you the skill they have at that location. Including the SkillName column violates 3NF in this example.
This practice is actually used sometimes in database design (and called "denormalization") in order to reduce joins to increase performance reading data that is commonly used together.
Ususally this is only done in tables used for reporting.

Schema to support dynamic properties

I'm working on an editor that enables its users to create "object" definitions in real-time. A definition can contain zero or more properties. A property has a name a type. Once a definition is created, a user can create an object of that definition and set the property values of that object.
So by the click of a mouse-button, the user should ie. be able to create a new definition called "Bicycle", and add the property "Size" of type "Numeric". Then another property called "Name" of type "Text", and then another property called "Price" of type "Numeric". Once that is done, the user should be able to create a couple of "Bicycle" objects and fill in the "Name" and "Price" property values of each bike.
Now, I've seen this feature in several software products, so it must be a well-known concept. My problem started when I sat down and tried to come up with a DB schema to support this data structure, because I want the property values to be stored using the appropriate column types. Ie. a numeric property value is stored as, say, an INT in the database, and a textual property value is stored as VARCHAR.
First, I need a table that will hold all my object definitions:
Table obj_defs
id | name |
1 | "Bicycle" |
2 | "Book" |
Then I need a table for holding what sort of properties each object definition should have:
Table prop_defs
id | obj_def_id | name | type |
1 | 1 | "Size" | ? |
2 | 1 | "Name" | ? |
3 | 1 | "Price" | ? |
4 | 2 | "Title" | ? |
5 | 2 | "Author" | ? |
6 | 2 | "ISBN" | ? |
I would also need a table that holds each object:
Table objects
id | created | updated |
1 | 2011-05-14 | 2011-06-15 |
2 | 2011-05-14 | 2011-06-15 |
3 | 2011-05-14 | 2011-06-15 |
Finally, I need a table that will hold the actual property values of each object, and one solution is for this table to have one column for each possible value type, such as this:
Table prop_vals
id | prop_def_id | object_id | numeric | textual | boolean |
1 | 1 | 1 | 27 | | |
2 | 2 | 1 | | "Trek" | |
3 | 3 | 1 | 1249 | | |
4 | 1 | 2 | 26 | | |
5 | 2 | 2 | | "GT" | |
6 | 3 | 2 | 159 | | |
7 | 4 | 3 | | "It" | |
8 | 5 | 3 | | "King" | |
9 | 6 | 4 | 9 | | |
If I implemented this schema, what would the "type" column of the prop_defs table hold? Integers that each map to a column name, varchars that simply hold the column name? Any other possibilities? Would a stored procedure help me out here in some way? And what would the SQL for fetching the "name" property of object 2 look like?
You are implementing something called Entity-Attribute-Value model
Lots of folks will say it's a bad idea (usually I am one of those) because the answer to your last question, "What would the SQL for fetching..." tends to be "thick hairy and nasty, and gettting worse."
These criticisms tend to hold once you allow users to start nesting objects inside of other objects, if you do not allow that, the situation will remain manageable.
For your first question, "what would the "type" column of the prop_defs table hold", everything will be simpler if you have a table of types and descriptions that holds {"numeric","Any Number"}, {"textual","String"}, etc. The first value is the primary key. Then in prop_defs your column "type" is a foreign key to that table and holds values "numeric", "textual", etc. Some will tell you incorrectly to always use integer keys because they JOIN faster, but if you use the values "numeric", "textual" etc. you don't have to JOIN and the fastest JOIN is the one you don't do.
The query to grab a single value will have a CASE statement:
SELECT case when pd.type = "numeric" then pv.numeric
when pd.type = "textual" then pv.textual
when pd.type = "boolean" then pv.boolean
from prov_vals pv
JOIN prop_defs pd ON pv.prop_def_id =
WHERE pv.object_id = 2
AND = "Name"
You must accept that relational databases are not good at providing this kind of functionality. They CAN provide it, but are not good at it. (I hope I'm wrong). Relational databases lend themselves better to defined interfaces, not changing interfaces.
--EAV tables give dynamic fields but suck on performance. Sucks on indexing. And it is complex to query. It gets the job done in many situations, but can fall apart on big tables with lots of users hitting the system.
--"Regular" tables with several place holder columns are OK for performance, but you get non-descriptive column names and are limited in the number of columns you can "add". Also it does not support sub-type separation.
--Typically you create/modify tables at development time, not run time. Should we really discriminate against modifying the database at run time? maybe, maybe not. Creating new tables, foreign keys, and columns at run-time can achieve true dynamic objects, while giving the performance benefits of "regular" tables. But you would have to query the schema of the database, then dynamically generate all of your queries. That would suck. It would totally break the concept of tables as an interface.
