Antd select not working inside a full screen dialog - reactjs

I am using both materialui and antd as the ui component library in my react app. I have been using material ui's full screen dialog and tried to insert antd's select inside the dialog.
But looks like select list doesn't render correctly when placed inside material-ui's dialog component. I have tried to give antd select a very large zindex with absolute position but no luck.
Here's a the codesanbox link. You can the select work out the dialog but same select component doesn't render it's option list when placed inside the full screen dialog

If I add dropdownStyle={{ zIndex: 2000 }} to the select it seems to work.

Add zIndex=20 to Dialog Component and zIndex=2000 to Select
<Select style={{zIndex:2000}}>{...options...}</Select>


Dropdown on button click using Material UI

How to show dropdown on button click using material ui?
Currently, I'm able to do so but extra select field is getting populated which is not required. I don't want to hide select field with css.
Also, How can I change width, height, position and other properties of generated popover using material ui?
codesandbox url:
current implementation
You can use Menu component instead of a Select component.
You can change the Menu props using MenuProps which receives all Popover props.
From Menu documentation:
Any other props supplied will be provided to the root element (Popover).

Custom menu items and layout in react material select

I am using material select component in my react application. Can i specify the layout of menu items to next to each other and wrap to new line ? Desired componnent should look like this:

how to disable material ui autocomplete options

I'm new to reactjs and material UI.
I have struck in Materia UI autocomplete (without popper or 1st one).
Here I want to disable some country value based on some condition.
like if country is albania i want to disable the albania. user should able to select the country and the popper should not close on the click event.
i have tried like this
<Paper disabled={option.children=='Albania'?true:false} {...options.containerProps} square>
I have tried but nothing is working.
can anyone resolve this

How do I create a window in react?

Is there any component similar to ext.window in react?
I checked bootstrap/material ui and the closest thing to a window are modals, but I would like to find something resizable and draggable.
You can try specific components that do this, like react-rnd.
See the demo, you can both resize and drag the created component.
Here, you have a live example in codesandbox.
What you need is a draggable modal with React implementation:
Bootstrap draggable modal
Material UI draggable modal
I've been using Material-Ui for a while.
There's a standard modal and dialog (like a modal but with default template for easier customization)
Isn't modal (dialog) sufficient for the job that you want?

Material-UI show menu on IconButton click

I am looking at the material-ui website and trying to achevie the following functionality - show a menu when an IconButton is clicked ?
As per the example it seems there is a lot of code involved? What is the purpose of anchorEl in the example shown
From the MaterialUI Menu API page:
anchorEl: The DOM element used to set the position of the menu.
