Select distinct Wagtail images by tag - wagtail

I am trying to select images by tag:
images = Image.objects.filter(tags__in=[1,2,3,4,5,6])
When an image has more than one tag in the tag set, then the image renders as its tags are in the tag set. If I add .distinct() at the end of the above filter with no field name, then the multiple images are still returned.
If I add a field name within the distinct() operator, then I get the following error (this error is when I tried 'id'):
SELECT DISTINCT ON expressions must match initial ORDER BY expressions
LINE 1: SELECT DISTINCT ON ("wagtailimages_image"."id") "wagtailimag...
I have tried .distinct('title') and .distinct('id'). How do I return a set of photos that are distinct?


Convert SSRS parameter to Null

I have SSRS report that showing Marketing Features. we have in the MF a field called "Test", the values are "PSI 1" or PSI 2" and also the field can be empty.
I added a dataset for the Test parameter with this query:
FROM [Tfs_Warehouse].[dbo].[CurrentWorkItemView]
WHERE ProjectNodeGUID = #ProjectGuid
AND System_WorkItemType = 'Marketing Feature'
ORDER BY Corp_Test
Now in the report, the values are PSI 1 PSI 2 and Null:
In the Main Query I filtered the results according to the parameter like this:
where COALESCE(Corp_Test, 'Null') IN (#TestParam)
The report works fine, and if I selected all values I get also Marketing Features with empty Test field.
My question is:
Instead of Null on the dropdown, I want it to be written No PSI and actually in the main query it will be Null. is it possible?
In your parameter properties, on the Available Values screen you will see an option for the Value and the Label. This allows you to show one thing to the end user (eg: user friendly description) whilst passing another (eg: key value) to the report.
In your dataset for the test parameter add a column to hold the Label of the value you want to pass through to the query. This can be the same as your Value if you so wish, but gives you the flexibility you require on the Null entry:
SELECT DISTINCT Corp_Test as Value
,Corp_Test as Label
FROM [Tfs_Warehouse].[dbo].[CurrentWorkItemView]
WHERE ProjectNodeGUID = #ProjectGuid
AND System_WorkItemType = 'Marketing Feature'
UNION ALL -- As you have DISTINCT above, UNION ALL will work faster and give the same results as UNION (which removes duplicates)
SELECT 'Null' as Value
,'No PSI' as Label
ORDER BY Corp_Test
Once you have done this, change your parameter to use the Value field as the parameter value and the Label field as the label shown to the user.
ISNULL(Corp_Test,'No PSI') AS Corp_Test
FROM [Tfs_Warehouse].[dbo].[CurrentWorkItemView]
WHERE ProjectNodeGUID = #ProjectGuid
AND System_WorkItemType = 'Marketing Feature'
) AS Corp
Remember to implement the change in your where clause main query. By main query, I mean the query that is feeding your report
The simple and easiest way is what #sgeddes answered in his comment.
I just repleced the where COALESCE(Corp_Test, 'Null') IN (#TestParam) with where COALESCE(Corp_Test, 'No PSI') IN (#TestParam), and in the dataset I replaced the SELECT 'Null' with SELECT 'No PSI'.

Read XML columns in SQL

Trying to get the values and element names extracted from one XML column.
Values are getting just in one row and not able to extract the element name.
The elements in the cell are like this:
And they are dynamically generated.
Here is the code:
SELECT mainSku, r.value('.[1]','NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'value', r.query('.') AS 'secondarySku'
FROM [productsMatrix]
CROSS APPLY details.nodes('/') AS x(r)
WHERE mainSku = 'TP40106'
This is the wrong actual result
This is the result that is pretended
Thanks for reading :)
Your question is far away from being clear, but my magic crystall ball is showing, that you might be looking for this:
SELECT mainSku
,r.value('text()[1]','int') AS [value]
,r.value('local-name(.)') AS [secondarySku]
FROM [productsMatrix]
CROSS APPLY details.nodes('/*') AS x(r)
WHERE mainSku = 'TP40106'
Your table [productsMatrix] has got an XML column called details. This column contains an XML with no root node, just a list of XML-Elements with names like <AC486>.
The CROSS APPLY on .nodes() will return a list of all first-level-nodes, while the query picks the content (text()-node) and the element's name.

How to do exactly same thing as array_to_json(array_agg(tags.*)) for N columns

I am currently using PostgreSQL JSON capabilities to create JSON objects out of my query so I can easily use it on my application or pass it to the frontend.
array_to_json(array_agg(tags.*)) does exactly when I need to (creates JSON objects with columns as a keys from the data and convert it into array), however I haven't found any way how to do the same if I need only one or two columns from tags. I played with various JSON and array functions but I've never achieved the same result. Thanks for help
Whole query
array_to_json(array_agg(tags.*)) as tags
FROM tags_components
LEFT JOIN tags ON = tags_components.tag_id
AND tags_components.component_name = 'company'
GROUP BY tags_components.component_id
Use a derived table, e.g.:
array_to_json(array_agg(tags.*)) as tags
FROM tags_components
SELECT id, name -- only two columns
FROM tags
) tags
ON = tags_components.tag_id
AND tags_components.component_name = 'company'
GROUP BY tags_components.component_id

fetching picklist records from sales force using soql

I am trying to fetch picklist records from sales force using soql. My Table name is Industry__c its having a field called Industry_Group__c whose data type is picklist. How can I fetch the records of the Industry_group__c picklist.
I have tried the below queries but it did not work.
select Industry_Group__c from Industry__c
First get the DurableId from the FieldDefinition:
Select DurableId
From FieldDefinition
where EntityDefinition.DeveloperName='Industry__c'
and DataType = 'Picklist'
and DeveloperName = 'Industry_Group__c'
Then you can run the following query to get out the picklist values, replacing the EntityParticleId with the DurableId from the last query:
SELECT DurableId, EntityParticleId, IsActive, IsDefaultValue, Label, ValidFor, Value
FROM PicklistValueInfo
WHERE EntityParticleId = 'Account.00N1a00000ZZSAS'
Actually the field is not accessible to user .. Please check the field level security whether it has a read/Write access to system Administrator and then try to access it..

How do I build XQuerys to include/exclude rows based on the presence of certain tags and attributes?

I have an auditing/logging system that uses raw XML to represent actions taken out by an application. I'd like to improve on this system greatly by using an XML column in a table in the application's SQL Server database.
Each row in the table would contain one log entry and each entry should contain one or more tags that are used to describe the action in a semantic fashion that allows me to search in ways that match the auditing needs of the application, example:
<updateInvoice id="5" userId="7" /><fieldUpdate name="InvoiceDate" /><invoice /><update />
<deleteInvoice id="5" userId="6" /><invoice /><delete />
My intention is to return rowsets from this table by specifying combinations of tags and attributes to include or exclude rows by (e.g. "Include all rows with the tag invoice but exclude rows with the attribute userId='7'", or "Include all rows with the tag invoice but exclude rows with the tag delete)
I wish to do so programatically by using combinations of a simple filter structure to represent combinations of tags and attributes that I want to cause rows to be either included or excluded.
The structure I use looks like this:
enum FilterInclusion { Include, Exclude };
public struct Filter
FilterInclusion Inclusion;
string TagName;
string? AttributeName;
object? AttributeValue;
My goal is to accept a set of these and generate a query that returns any rows that match any single inclusion filter, without matching any single exclusion filter.
Should I and can I encode this boolean logic into the resulting XPath itself, or am I looking at having multiple SELECT statements in my outputted queries? I'm new to XQuery and any help is appreciated. Thanks!
I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for, but to filter nodes in XML methods you use the brackets [ and ]. For instance to select the elements foo but filter to only those that have the attribute bar you'd use an XPath like /foo[#bar]. If you want those that have the attribute #bar with value 5 you use /foo[#bar=5]. If you want to select the elements foo that have a child element bar you use /foo[bar].
declare #t table (x xml);
insert into #t (x) values
(N'<foo bar="abc"/>');
insert into #t (x) values
(N'<foo bar="5"/>');
insert into #t (x) values
(N'<foo id="1"><bar id="2"/></foo>');
select * from #t;
select c.value(N'#bar', N'varchar(max)')
from #t cross apply x.nodes(N'/foo[#bar]') t(c)
select c.value(N'#bar', N'varchar(max)')
from #t cross apply x.nodes(N'/foo[#bar=5]') t(c)
select c.value(N'#id', N'int')
from #t cross apply x.nodes(N'/foo[bar]') t(c)
I tried to show the examples on the XML snippets in your post, but there those are too structureless to make useful examples.
