Custom Service Method missing while creating SOAP webservices in ADF - oracle-adf

I created a function inside to be used as webservice.After that while going to ShipServiceModule.xml > Webservice > SOAP > Service Custom Method the above created method is not available.
Here the function definition:
public class ShipServiceImpl extends ApplicationModuleImpl{
public List<ResponseVO> updateLine(String orderNumber,String customer,String qty)
return list;

Does it work if you create a method that returns a simple type like a String instead of a List?

We cannot use Number data type . We should use Long instead


How can I call custom function from Model?

I'm using CakePHP3.0.5 and I'm just calling custom function from Model.
But it shows Unknown method error.
How can I call custom function from controller?
// Controller
class TopController extends AppController {
public function initialize() {
public function showTop(){
$data = TableRegistry::get('TopRawSql');
$data->getTest(); // Unknown method error occur
// Model
class TopRawSql extends Table {
public function getTest() {
return 'OK';
I tracked the error message and found following the code.
Does it mean, can't I use custom function name without 'find' prefix?
// vendor->cakephp->src->ORM->Table.php
public function __call($method, $args)
if ($this->_behaviors && $this->_behaviors->hasMethod($method)) {
return $this->_behaviors->call($method, $args);
if (preg_match('/^find(?:\w+)?By/', $method) > 0) {
return $this->_dynamicFinder($method, $args);
throw new \BadMethodCallException(
sprintf('Unknown method "%s"', $method)
Your table class name is wrong, all table classes must end in Table, ie TopRawSqlTable.
Given the wrong class name, I assume that the filename might be wrong too. And I don't know if you have the correct namespace set in the file, or any namespace at all since it's not shown in your question, but that needs to adhere to the conventions accordingly too, and would usually be App\Model\Table.
If the class for the requested alias cannot be found, then a generic instance of \Cake\ORM\Table will be used, which will then of course cause a failure as it won't have any of your custom code.
See also
Cookbook > CakePHP at a Glance > CakePHP Conventions > Model Conventions
Cookbook > Database Access & ORM > Table Objects
Cookbook > Configuration > Disabling Generic Tables
To answer your question, yes. The call() magic function is going to require every function within the body of a Model to be either a get* or set* function. But the code you quoted points you directly to the answer you're looking for: create a Behavior and call the function whatever you'd like.

How to call a controller method from an action

I'm new in CakepHP and I want to use a method (that returns a value) in an action in CakePHP 3. Sort of like this:
public function specify(){
// do something}
private isObject1($objname){
return true;
What is the right syntax?
CakePHP is PHP
The way to call a method from another method of the same class is the same as with any php project using objects - by using $this:
public function specify() {
$something = 'define this';
if($this->isObject1($something)) {
// do something
private function isObject1($objname) {
return true;
There's more info on how to use objects in The PHP manual.
The answer by #AD7six suggests adding a method within the controller which is not right if it is not going to be used as an action.
I think you should consider creating classes under vendor and including them in your controller and calling your class/method. The convention is vendor/$author/$package. You can either autoload them with composer or use a require call to include your file. If you don't want to create a class and just want to have functions, that can be done too.
Do take a look at cakephp's loading vendor files section.

ApiTransformer for parametrized, unavailable type

I'm using Objectify and wish to have its Key<> type passed around in my API. I've created an ApiTransformer, but my questions is where to declare it, since the serialized Key<> class is not available, hence I cannot declare its transformer as a class annotation. I tried declaring it in the #Api annotation, but it doesn't work, I still get the error:
There was a problem generating the API metadata for your Cloud Endpoints classes: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parameterized type com.googlecode.objectify.Key<[my package].User> not supported.
The ApiTransformer looks like:
public class KeyTransformer implements Transformer<Key<?>, String> {
public String transformTo(Key<?> in) {
return in.getString();
public Key<?> transformFrom(String in) {
return Key.valueOf(in);
And in my #Api I have:
#Api(name = "users", version = "v1",transformers = {KeyTransformer.class})
Unfortunately you can't. As you said you need to declare it on the Key class, your only chances to make this work are either.
1) Recompile the Key class for objectify with the #transformer annotation.
2) Extend the Key class with your own implementation and define the transformer there.
I don't really like any of those options so the way i usually resolve this is to hide the key object getter (by using #ApiResourceProperty(ignored=AnnotationBoolean.TRUE)) and only expose the id from that key.
That way you get a Endpoints frendly object, the only downside is you'll have to reconstitute the key using Key.create(YourClass.class, longId) manually whenever you need it.
You can add transforms to 3rd party classes by listing the transform in #Api annotation. I'm not dead sure it'll work parameterized class, but I don't see why not.

Passing indefinite Query Parameters with RESTful URL and reading them in RESTEasy

I have a requirement to design a RESTful Service using RESTEasy. Clients can call this common service with any number of Query Parameters they would want to. My REST code should be able to read these Query Params in some way. For example if I have a book search service, clients can make the following calls. pubName=somePublisher
I have to write a service class like below to handle this.
public class BookRestService{
// this is what I currently have, I want to change this method to in-take all the
// dynamic parameters that can come
public Response searchBook(#QueryParam("bookName") String bookName,#QueryParam("isbn") String isbn) {
// fetch all such params
// create a search array and pass to backend
public Response addBook(......) {
Sorry for the bad format (I couldn't get how code formatting works in this editor!). As you can see, I need to change the method searchBook() so that it will take any number of query parameters.
I saw a similar post here, but couldn't find the right solution.
How to design a RESTful URL for search with optional parameters?
Could any one throw some light on this please?
The best thing to do in this case would be using a DTO containing all the fields of your search criteria. For example, you mentioned 4 distinct parameters.
Book Name (bookName)
Author Name (authorName)
Publisher Name (pubName)
ISBN (isbn)
Create a DTO containing the fields having the following annotations for every property you want to map the parameters to:
public class CriteriaDTO{
private String isbn;
Other getter and setters of other properties
Here is a method doing that for your reference:
public ResultDTO search(#Form CriteriaDTO dto){
using following URL will populate the CriteriaDTO's property isbn automatically:
A similar question was asked here: How do you map multiple query parameters to the fields of a bean on Jersey GET request?
I went with kensen john's answer (UriInfo) instead. It allowed to just iterate through a set to check which parameters were passed.

Parameter must be an entity type exposed by the DomainService?

Trying to implement a domain service in a SL app and getting the following error:
Parameter 'spFolderCreate' of domain method 'CreateSharePointFolder' must be an entity type exposed by the DomainService.
public class FileUploadService : DomainService
public void CreateSharePointFolder(SharePointFolderCreate spFolderCreate)
SharePointFolder spf = new SharePointFolder();
spf.CreateFolder_ClientOM(spFolderCreate.listName, spFolderCreate.fileName);
void CreateSharePointFolder(SharePointFolderCreate spFolderCreate);
public class SharePointFolderCreate
private string m_listName;
private string m_fileName;
public string listName
get { return m_listName; }
set { m_listName = value; }
public string fileName
get { return m_fileName; }
set { m_fileName = value; }
So am I missing something simple here to make this all work?
It may be that the framework is inferring the intended operation because you have the word "Create" prefixing the function name (CreateSharePointFolder). Details of this behaviour can be found here
Although that is all fine for DomainServices and EntityFramework, following the information in that article, it can be inferred that methods beginning "Delete" will be performing a delete of an entity, so must accept an entity as a parameter. The same is true for "Create" or "Insert" prefixed methods. Only "Get" or "Select" methods can take non-entity parameters, making it possible to pass a numeric id (for example) to a "Get" method.
Try changing your method name temporarily to "BlahSharePointFolder" to see if it is this convention of inferrance that's causing your problem.
Also, as there is no metadata defined for your SharePointFolderCreate DC, you might need to decorate the class (in addition to the [DataContract] attribute) with the [MetadataType] attribute. You will see how to implement this if you used the DomainServiceClass wizard and point to an EF model. There is a checkbox at the bottom for generating metadata. Somewhere in your solution.Web project you should find a domainservice.metadata.cs file. In this file, you will find examples of how to use the [MetadataType] attribute.
For the RIA WCF service to work correctly with your own methods, you need to ensure that all entities existing on the parameter list have at least one member with a [Key] attribute defined in their metadata class, and that the entity is returned somewhere on your DomainService in a "Get" method.
