Is it possible to create a responsive table that looks great on mobile in Semantic-UI-React? - responsive-design

I have created a table using the Table component that is a child of the Grid component in Semantic-UI-React. The problem is that the table is too sensed on mobile.
I would really like to create something like this:
where one column is fixed and the rest are not (talking about mobile view).
I believe that this is not possible when using Semantic-UI-React.
At the very least I will like something like this:
Where I can see the data in the table when I swipe left and right on mobile.
How can we achieve this using Semantic-UI-React?


React MUI MS Word like add row functionality to Table

How could I implement an add row functionality for MUI's Table, sg like in MS Word, when you hover over a row and on the side a little plus icon appears and you can insert a row in that position?
I would also have to somehow connect it to react-hook-form's fieldarray.
I was wondering if it's even possible to add such a feature for MUI or it would be wiser to create it from the ground up using native html tags.

Can display two record detail with different fields on Account object layout page?

I have one currency field named Full Fleet Potensial and i want display only this currency field only on left side column, middle column i need to display all detail field and right side i need to display activity.
I can't display only single field on right side column when i drag record detail component it has no filter to display only one field.
is there any way to display single field?
I try to create new layout and try to apply on right side column record detail component but it will change layout for middle record detail component also
Edit: dynamic forms work on standard objects from Winter'23 onwards.
Not out of the box (yet).
The feature to drop single fields on lightning page layout is called "Dynamic Forms". But it works only for custom objects and Account is standard. Keep an eye on roadmap, next releases, maybe there's idea to upvote...
A developer can create aura or lightning web component with your field, then you'd drop it on that section of the page layout.
If you have VSCode, sfdx configured (bit of upfront investment to set it up but the result will be the bleeding endge of technology SF offers) - look into If you don't - in a pinch you can work out of developer console to create Aura version of this component (click the button in upper right of that documentation).
This is also a cool working example if documentation is not your thing: Aura version is here:

How to combine row filtering and highlight functionality in React tables?

I'm trying to create this functionality in React Tables:
This functionality has been created for another table that is not using useFilters. But now I want to use React useGlobalFilter functionality for this.
I followed this tutorial for that purpose, and now my tables are being correctly filtered using globalFilters.
But the highlight functionality is not working properly. My cell render receives an HTML like this:
so if I try to filter by: Registered, it will never work, as plain text contains <mark> HTML tags.
So I'm trying to combine both functionalities playing with Column filters based on dataSource instead of column value, but with no luck.
My render functionality accepts any component to render content. That's why I can draw HTML content inside.
I want my filter to search based on dataSource or a specific value I set
Any clues on how to get this?

Ant Design Table Scroll Event

I use ant design table and I want to fix the height of table and add scroll when data is large
antd table demo
And I want when user scrolls to the bottom of the table, then more data is fetched from the server. But ant design table does not have the onScroll event, I cannot know when and where user scrolls to
I find these people having the same issue as me
antd gihub
and they suggest to use refs and I use this ref solution but it does not work
gist solution
Could you show me how to do it?
This issue should be resolved by two things:
Use scrollToFirstRowOnChange , it keeps position consistent after every re-render.
Add scroll event on the .ant-table-body.
You can use React Lazyload and wrap your components on frontend side. If you need backend lazy loading you can check this example: Node.js + MongoDB example and set the amount of data you need to distribute per page

how to change the position of textfield in adf forms?

Hi friends i am using jdev 11g release2 ( want to create a registration form from dragging datas from data control and my question was how to change or move the position of textfield in that form into different areas?
You should be using various layout components to achieve the layout you want, and remember that layout components can be nested to create more complex layouts.
See some examples here:
You can use the view source menu to see how they achieved that.
Please be a bit more clear in your query. From what I was able to make out:
You can either use the "code view" of the JDev to move the code which represents the component to a different location or use the "Design view" to drag and move the component.
I would recommend the first approach as it makes it easier to manage the code/layout
You can change the position of the fields within the form or you can drag them out. However for this you should try out some tests and see which suits you best. I think if you surround each attribute with "Panel label and message" you will have a better view of your page.
