React navigation not going to other screen - reactjs

I'm trying to navigate to other screen using TouchableHighlight / button but it does not navigate to the other screen .
there are no error's .
Nothing happens when i press the TouchableHighlight/button its in the same screen .
trackButton() {
const navigation = this.props.navigation;
return (
<View style={styles.footer}>
{/* <TouchableHighlight underlayColor='transparent' onPress={() => this.gotoTrackingScreen()}> */}
<TouchableHighlight underlayColor='transparent' onPress={() => this.props.navigation.navigate('faq')}>
<Text style={this.trackingButtonStyleOS()}>
{/* <Button
onPress={() => this.props.navigation.navigate('Tracking')}
title="Chat with Lucy"
/> */}
we are currently using react navigation:1.0.1 beta
StackNavigator is implemented in
const BeaconApp = StackNavigator({
Home: {
screen: App,
navigationOptions: {
header: null
Tracking: {
screen: TrackingScreen,
navigationOptions: {
header: null

I think that the naming of your component didn't come with the standards.
I saw that you try to make trackButton component which later will be implemented by TrackingScreen.
React will determined function as a component if it written in UpperCamelCase, not lowerCamelCase. Props will not be received in your component because it will be assumed as regular function and regular function don't have props passing feature.
Because of that, your trackButton component didn't receive the props.navigation and nothing happen when you click the button


How can I open BottomSheetModal (#gorhom/bottom-sheet) in different component, using React-Native (Expo)

I am using
I was wondering how can I open "BottomSheetModal" in a different file e.g Navbar Component.
This is what my code looks like at the moment to open the Bottom Sheet inside of the same component.
const BottomSheetModal: FC = () => {
const bottomSheetModalRef = useRef<BottomSheet>(null);
const snapPoints = useMemo(() => ["25%", "50%"], []);
const handlePresentModalPress = useCallback(() => {
}, []);
return (
<Button title="Test" onPress={() => handlePresentModalPress()} />
style={{ ...shadows.bottomSheet }}
<View style={styles.container}>
<Text>Awesome 🎉</Text>
So how can I use the opening code of the Bottom Sheet inside of my Navbar Component?
Navbar Component:
// Open BottomSheet here
<TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={() => openBottomSheet()}>
uri: "",
Thank you!
I found out to do this, incase anyone comes across this question, I'll post it here!
So what you have to do is pass the ref to the bottom sheet component. So in the Navbar component I created the ref for the bottom sheet, and then passed it into the bottom sheet.
// Create Ref
const userBottomSheetRef = useRef<BottomSheetModal>(null);
// Pass ref into the bottom sheet component
<BottomSheet ref={userBottomSheetRef} snapPoints={["30%"]}/>
Then inside the bottom sheet component you forward the ref using a react function, and then pass it in as normal:
<BottomSheetModal ref={ref} >
<View style={styles.container}>{children}</View>

InfiniteScroll using ScrollView - React Native

I have a list using the ScrollView of react native itself. Basically, I build a list dynamically through an API return.
async fetchData(userSearch) {
const {route} = this.props;
const {params} = route;
const {type} = params;
loading: true,
const responseProcedures = await scheduleResource.getProcedures(userSearch);
loading: false,
onScroll={(event) => this.shouldLoadMoreContent(event)}
{ => (
<ArrowBox key={} onPress={() => RootNavigation.navigate('ProcedureDetails', {procedure})}>
<Text bold style={styles.ProcedureTitle}>
{!!procedure.synonyms.length && (
<Text bold style={styles.ProcedureSynonymTitle}>
<View style={styles.ProcedureSynonymOptionsContainer}>
{ => <Text style={styles.ProcedureSynonymOption} key={synonym}>{synonym}</Text>)}
The problem is that I load the entire return from the API and it slows down.
I would like to know how to dynamically load the content and make new calls in the api, when I reach the end of the page.
Api allows me to place offset and limit.
Could someone give me some example?
Basically the ScrollView is not designed to handle dynamic data, the correct component that is designed to perform this function is called Flatlist. It works almost exactly like ScrollView but it is faster and will only render components that are shown on the screen.
Please import Flatlist from React Native like this...
//At the top of your file, please import FlatList together with all the modules that you want
import { FlatList, Text, View } from "react-native";
Then replace the entire ScrollView in your code with a Flatlist like this:
keyExtractor={(procedure) =>}
renderItem={(procedure) => {
return (
onPress={() =>
RootNavigation.navigate("ProcedureDetails", {
procedure })}>
<Text bold style={styles.ProcedureTitle}>
{!!procedure.synonyms.length && (
<Text bold style={styles.ProcedureSynonymTitle}>
{ => (

Question about custom header in React Navigation v5 (Not clickable back button)

Hi I am using React navigation v5.
I am trying to implement custom header for specific screen. So my custom header looks like this
export function CustomHeader({props}) {
const {scene, previous, navigation} = props;
const opacity = scene.route.params.opacity;
return (
<Animated.View style={[styles.headerStyle, {opacity}]}>
<View style={styles.influencerNameContainer}>
<Text style={styles.influencerName}>
{previous ? (
/* This is a back button */
style={[styles.iconButton, {left: 0}]}
onPress={() => {navigation.goBack}
) : (
Navigator looks like this
export function HomeStack() {
return (
style={{backgroundColor: 'yellow'}}>
header: props => <CustomHeader props={props} />,
It renders custom headers and custom back button but back button is not clickable.
So I tried.
header: props => <CustomHeader props={props} />,
headerLeft: () => (
<Button title="Back Button" onPress={() => alert('Pressed')} />
With this code, it doesn't show back button at all with custom header. But it shows custom back button when I remove custom header(header: props => ).
What am I missing?
You're showing a custom header, how you render the button is up-to you. React Navigation cannot show a back button since React Navigation is no longer rendering the header.
Instead of using headerLeft option, you need to put the back button inside your custom header.
Also your destructuring is incorrect. function CustomHeader({props}) should be function CustomHeader(props) (without the curly braces).
You're destructuring props twice.. Try:
export function CustomHeader({scene, previous, navigation}) {
// const {scene, previous, navigation} = props; // remove this
Also goBack is a method so call it with parentheses:
onPress={() => navigation.goBack()} // remove unnecessary `curly braces`

Navigate to same screen with different parameters using - ReactNavigation : React Native

I have been trying to navigate to the same screen with different parameters on react-native application. It is a category screen, where I don't want the user to go back and select different categories to view products. I have made a screen where products from categories are displayed.
Below is my code:
<View style={styles.horizontalSlider}>
keyExtractor={(item, index) => index.toString()}
renderItem= { ({item}) => (
<TouchableOpacity onPress={(category) => navigate.push('CategoryScreen', {item})}>
<ImageBackground style={styles.profileImgContainer} >
<Image source={{ uri: item.images }} style={[styles.profileImg, , { borderColor: 'green', borderWidth:2 }]} />
If you want to navigate to the same screen with different parameters and be unable to go back, use this.props.navigation.replace('CategoryScreen', { params here... })
If you want to change current navigation params without navigating, use this.props.navigation.setParams()
(navigation prop)
But your problem is not a navigation problem. You don't need multiple screens for that. Solve it with react. All you need to do is to render your list conditionally depending on what category (or circle item?) is currently selected. Store this information in state and use it in render
You can add unique key:
this.props.navigation.navigate({ routeName: route, params: params, key: route + })

React Native: Invariant Violation: Text strings must be rendered within a <Text> component

Alright, so I'm a bit new to react, and I've made a sample login screen like so:
export default class App extends Component{
this.state = {
login: '',
password: '',
// exists: false,
Button: './submitButton.png',
render() {
return (
//Login form here
<View style={styles.container}>
styles = {styles.container}
placeholder = "Login"
onChangeText = {(login) => this.setState({login})}
styles = {styles.container}
placeholder = "Password"
onChangeText = {(password) => this.setState({password})}
//Button here
<View style={styles.container}>
onPress = {() => Alert.alert("Alert!")}
But I get the error below:
Originally I had used a Button instead of TouchableHighlight because as I understand it, react-native 0.56 (the version I'm using) has a bug regarding buttons, and apparently gives the same issue as above, and the workaround was supposedly to use a TouchableHighlight or TouchableOpacity. But switching to a TouchableOpacity didn't really seem to fix anything.
What do? I've scoured google but I can't seem to find a solution.
(If there's no hope, is there a way to downgrade my installation of react without breaking nearly everything?)
In JSX, comment like //Login form here doesn't work. It will be treated as a text.
You have to change your comments into the shape like below
{/* Login form here */}
