Fb.ui send on mobile alternative or workaround - mobile

I am using the send dialog from Fb.ui. On Desktop this works fine, but the method doesn't have mobile support.
It will always end in an API error code 4202: This dialog is not available on this device.
With a little research I found the send-button as an alternative. But this is no longer supported.
Has anyone another alternative or a workaround?


What is the best option to create share button? (react)

I saw a lot of option in order to create share interaction with users:
Web share API: https://www.w3.org/TR/web-share/#sharedata-dictionary
It seems compatible with Progressive-Web-App, but it's not well supported by firefox (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/share#browser_compatibility)
Simple Sharer: https://reactjsexample.com/a-javascript-framework-to-share-url-to-social-media-sites-like-facebook-twitter-reddit-whastapp/
If I understood well, it doesn't work for mobile, am I right?
react-share: https://reactjsexample.com/social-media-share-buttons-and-share-counts-for-react/
Seems to work on every browser, but I don't know if it's PWA-friendly. Seems to be the best option, but I'm not sure... The last update was 1 year ago (https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-share) so maybe it will not be maintained through times...
What do you use for your app? What do you recommand?
Do you know better alternatives?
My need for the App is to share URL through social media or mail/text or ??? etc. No file in theory. And I'd like to have adapted preview on social media when the user share something.
I have used react-share personally and it was unable to open some of the apps in mobile like whatsapp, etc.
The workaround is deep-links.
if user is using a smartphone or a tablet (we can easily get this using navigator.userAgent) then you can use the app based deep-links otherwise the traditional way in which you can redirect user to a new web page.
Some of the examples:
Whatsapp: https://faq.whatsapp.com/563219570998715/?locale=en_US
Instagram: Answer is already given here
NOTE: deep-link works if the user has installed the application on desktop as well (never tried for macOS but for windows and ubuntu it works)
After edit:
You can use emailto: in href while writing <a .../>.
Share this link
For more reference about mailto please visit this MDN doc: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/a#attr-href

how to build a mobile website using html on ubuntu 12.04

I'm working on a simple mobile website for a hotel.they don't need much dynamic feature.most are simple HTML.So my question are as below.
I find it's hard to debug mobile website on Ubuntu.cause you know ,desktop browser are to big to show a mobile website.each time i need to put it on a server.then using a phone to test the mobile website.is't too annoy.is there a better way to do this?
On windows u have Dreamweaver to change the css style.but on Ubuntu can I find a tool like Dreamweaver?
is any any JavaScript code for animation for a mobile website.
Jquery mobile is a good js lib to create the basic element in webpages.but if I want to do some transition between pictures.how could I do that.
PS:if you want to use php to send a email to a email address how to do that?
In chrome you can emulate a mobile device, the viewport and user agent will adjust to desired device. In your developer tools you have something called Emulation where you can change your device.
To send a email with PHP, check the documentation:
Link to php docs
FWIW, I would reccomend you start with a resposive framework. There are plenty of great options, including Bootstrap , Foundation or Skeleton
From what you describe about your requirements, responsive is going to be a good fit for your client and you'll future-proof your design.
Then with a responsive design, you can test everything in a standard web browser by making the viewport or window wider or smaller.
Good luck!

Browser Automation with Selenium: Fingerprints, recognizability and traceability?

I want to use selenium/webdriver to simulate a browser and scrape some website-content with it. Even if its not the fastest method, for me it has many advantages such as executing scripts etc.
For many websites it is forbidden to access them via an automated method, for example search engines like google or bing.
For one tool i need to scrape the estimated resultstat from google for several keywords. This will look like the following: simulate the browser that visits google.com and types in a keyword and scrapes the results, then after a little pause type in the next keyword, scrape the results and so on...
My question is: Is it possible for a website to recognize that I'm using selenium to simulate the browser instead of using the browser by hand? Especially the google case gives me some doubts. I know selenium is partly developed by google or at least by some guys working for google. So does leave selenium some fingerprints or isn't it possible to decide if I'm using the browser by myself or simulated by selenium, even for google?
No, nobody can actually see that you're using Selenium and not hand-operating the browser yourself with WebDriver. I'm not sure about the old Selenium RC, but it should be the same way. Here's how it works:
Selenium opens up a browser with a clean profile (or with a profile you selected)
Selenium is hooked up to the browser so it can steer it, control it. But the browser still does most of the work. Basically, Selenium replaces the user inputs to the browser, but not more.
You can easily verify this by reading the contents of the HTTP headers sent by your browser.
If you ever actually needed Selenium to be recognized by your server, you can use Browsermob-proxy and add a custom header to your requests.
All that said, there is one thing you must be aware of. While there's no way to detect Selenium directly, there can be some indirect clues picked up by the website you're visiting. Those usually include scanning for too many requests made in virtually no time - this might be an issue for you. Make sure your Selenium is behaving like a user.
EDIT 2016/04:
Apparanetly it is possible as https://stackoverflow.com/a/33403473/2930045 states that a company can do it. My guess - and it is nothing but a guess - is that they can run some JS that Selenium installs into the browser to operate.
Signs point to yes, sites are able to regonize that you are using Selenium.
Counter Example: www.stubhub.com detects and blocks my browser instance launched using Selenium while "normal" browsing done manually (not using the browser launched by the Selenium web driver) work with out issue.
See this stackoverflow question for additional details
Can a website detect when you are using selenium with chromedriver?

Prompt user to install/view app on mobile site

Does there exist some kind of plugin or lightweight method of determining whether
A. A user is using a mobile device
B. The user has a particular app
C. The user does not have a particular app.
And depending on what criteria the user satisfies, display a prompt (modal, overlay, pop-up) that allows the user to view the app (if installed) or to install it (if they do not have it installed).
I realize "A" can be achieved by using media queries but I am not sure how to configure the others.
I've seen this done on many many sites so I know that it is not uncommon (view screenshot). Ideally I just want to implement some quick solution. I'm looking for something similar to "Hello Bar" for mobile only, I suppose.
Any help will be appreciated.
Example: http://i.imgur.com/VkWKu.png (the prompt at the top of the browser)
I ended up finding this:
Which is exactly what I was looking for and will work in tandem with the other solutions.
I would try this approach if you really need to know if a user has your app installed.
When your app is installed and first run have it create a cookie. The only thing you have to remember to use is the CookieSyncManager because the set Cookies are stored in RAM and not storage, CookieSyncManager will sync these two.
Once you've set the cookie you can then read the Cookie with the website, if its there show popup etc. Oh and only show this popup only if its a mobile device: http://www.quirksmode.org/js/detect.html
Android Developer On CookieSyncManager: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/webkit/CookieSyncManager.html
Bolg Post Explaining the Usage of the CookieSyncManager:
I know how to do this with android not iOS or Windows...
There's no standard way to do this.
See the end of this post: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ieinternals/archive/2011/07/14/url-protocols-application-protocols-and-asynchronous-pluggable-protocols-oh-my.aspx for one mechanism available to JavaScript in IE10.
IE10's Metro environment offers this: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ie/archive/2011/10/20/connect-your-web-site-to-your-windows-8-app.aspx but I don't think that exists for the mobile browser.

Google App Engine Channel API and Chrome Extensions

Over Christmas I implemented some code to open a channel to my App Engine application using the channel API and it was working fine.
I recently returned to the code and find that it is broken, and the problem seems to lie in talkgadget that the client code is trying to load into a frame.
I took a snapshot of the code returned by /_ah/channel/jsapi on December 21 and I am comparing it to today's code.
When the older version tried to get talkgadget.google.com/talkgadget/d?token=[my-token] it was hardcoded to use http. Sensibly enough, the code was later changed to check the page's protocol in document.location and adapt to cases where https is used. The problem now is that when running in a chrome extension it grabs chrome-extension: as the protocol and naturally the channel fails to open in the extension.
Setting the base of the background page to my appspot URL does not change document.location, although I had some vague notion that it should. (Not sure what the standards say.)
Is there a workaround for this? One thought was to create my own iframe loaded from my site, but then it will nest the actual channel iframe, complicating things.
I wonder if Moishe or someone else on the App Engine team could comment on this. It seems like the this is a bug and the code should take into chrome extensions either by testing for the protocol and searching for a base tag as an alternative, or provide some way to configure this through the javascript object.
Yep, this is a bug. There's a fix submitted, and it's in the process of rolling out to production; it'll probably be out in about a week.
In the meantime, your idea of an iframe embedded in the extension should work.
