Google Map cluster with images around - maps

I am working on project and i need to create google map clusters with images around like it is on image:Here
Did anyone have a similar problem? Any help?


Create a thumbnail of document after uploading?

I am making a tiny website with reactJS where users can upload documents and share them,since multiple extensions are being uploaded,I managed to make the viewing work by just using google docs viewer.
but now i want to have thumbnails of those files,maybe of the first page so that it shows up un the search feature.
seeing that theres many extensions flying around i cant figure out how to approach this,what can i use to solve this problem ?
thank you.

How can i automate Google map image on web page?

I am not able to automate google map screen which is present on my application web page.
I have web page where google map is present in square in half of screen. I want to click on the road present in map or a restaurant logo which is present on the google map.
When i tried to find the locators for the map then in the DOM it is present as an image and no other html properties or locators are associated with it.
Also i tried an option using moveToElement() function of action class but this solution is not reliable as most of the time it is not working.
Please suggest me any solution for this automation issue if someone faced this issue of Google maps automation before ?
Sounds like HTML5 issue over a google maps issue. This is tricky for Selenium, see these articles:
which recommend using action chains to move to and click certain x,y coordinates.
Also, check out the canvas javascript api; you may be able to use javascript_executor to manipulate the canvas.

Android map navigation

Hi I am new to programming so please bear with me.
Basically, I want to create a map for Android devices that load markers and navigate from point A to B while avoiding the markers. It is ok if the path is not the shortest.
I have tried loading markers from geojson file using both google map and mapbox with no problems. Now, what can I do to customize navigation within the app itself? Thanks in advance.
Unfortunately, it does not appear that this feature has direct support from the API. Please see these answers for alternate suggestions:
Google API (directions) - creating routes that avoid certain points
Blacklisting specific roads from Google Maps/Mapquest?

Photos being uploaded incorrectly

We are using Html, AngularJs 1.6.X, Dropzone.JS 4.3, Load Image and Azure Blob Storage.
On the client-side images are:
Rotated according to their EXIF information
Resized with a max size of 1280 x 960
Uploaded to Azure Blob Storage
There are occasions where images are being uploaded zoomed-in to the top left corner.
Any ideas on how to diagnose and fix the issue?
Thanks in advance.
After some attempts I was able to pinpoint the issue to the scaling method of Load-Image.js.
I am not sure of what is causing the issue but replacing the library by another, a custom version of Image-Uploader, fixed the issue.
Hope this helps someone else.

How to save esri map as an image file

I am using Silverlight 3 and I am trying to take a screenshot of esri map.
I was able to take a screenshot and save as a file for silverlight controls, but when I try to access Esri map image, I get "Pixel access not allowed" error. I heard this is because of different domain (I am trying to get map image on the client side, and map image is not accessible at server side in my silverlight application).
So I am trying to find a function from esri so that I can save the map image as a file.
does anybody know how to do this? or any other way around?
I am using a script from the Code Gallery for both printing and exporting map images.
The script requires a little bit of tweaking to get it to work (plus you need to dig a little bit into WCF and self-hosted services), but it has been working great for several months now. You can see it in action at our web site.
