Cannot configure existing React-Native project - reactjs

I am new learner for the React-Native and trying to setup the project on Mac.
I'm able to create the fresh project but unable to do so with the existing project using WebStorm IDE. I am trying since a week.

You are trying to run your application using node node_modules\react-native\local-cli\runIOS\runIOS.js. This is not the right way to start React Native application. You need using React Native run configuration for this.
See and for more info.


How to Create White-Label Project using Expo React Native

I am wondering how to create a white-label project in using react native without ejecting from expo. I understand how to use dynamic styles based on settings/configuration that I choose, but I do not get how to compile and publish the project with app.json matching those settings. Should I create multiple app.json files and use them for each setting/project I have?

How deploy React app locally only in my PC?

I’m working on a project. In this project, I'm creating a React user interfaces to enter data. So now, I only can run the React project with npm start. That mean I need code to run the project
Is there any way to deploy my project locally? I mean, I need a way to run the React project without use of code. I need to deploy only on my local PC.
You can do this following:
Build your react project
Use server and visit your url. ex: localhost:8887
You can use Web Server for Chrome for server.
Consider checkbox:
If you check those checkboxes, others can access your site.

React JS into Eclipse IDE

I'm new to React JS and trying to use in my front end design. Using Eclipse IDE,I would like to integrate React JS into my existing web application. Is it enough to add Jars associated with React into WEB-INF/lib and proceed?
Your help and time is much appreciated.
Another approach could be using something lightweight like VSCODE with create-react-app. Once you build the project you'll load it into your existing project as a singular widget.

Can i still use expo after i detach my react native app?

I want to use expokit and also other native library, how can i do this?
Do i need to start my app using create-react-native-app and then detach it or can i start from react-native init app?
If you create an app with create-react-native-app and then detach you can still use most of Expo's feature such as maps for instance.
But if you create a react native project with react-native init you won't be able to use any of expo's feature.
I started my first project with create-react-native-app but then quickly realized most libraries weren't supported by expo yet and required you to detached. After I detached tho I got into a lot of bugs when trying to link new libraries so I finally decided to make a new app from scratch with react-native init and import all my components.
I know this is a late answer by for anyone else trying to get a better understanding of this topic, I decided to write an answer and share my experience with you.

Getting started with React in WebStorm

I am very new to React and IDEs for frontend development.
I am trying to use React in WebStorm. I made a new project with "React starter kit" in WebStorm. Now a whole bunch of packages got created under my project. Where should I start writing my react code?
Also I have read that I need to add library "node.js v1.8.1 core modules" and "Node.js Globals" but I'm not able to find them. I am attaching snippets for better understanding.
If you are starting with react-native you better not start with a "starter-kit".
I recommend you start form the very beginning, with the simple tutorial in the react-native docs:
After you get some familiarity with it, you will be able to use a stater-kit more properly.
As for the project in your WebStorm, you need to look for the files under the src directory to edit the react code.
Good luck
