How to exclude association belongs-to-many from an instance in sequelize? - database

I'm trying to exclude a junction model from a query with the association of a model, this is how they are associated:
Warehouse.associate = function(models) {
Warehouse.Products = Warehouse.belongsToMany(models.Product, {
as: {
singular: 'product',
plural: 'products',
through: models.WarehouseProducts,
foreignKey: "warehouse_id",
otherKey: "product_id",
onDelete: 'CASCADE',
onUpdate: 'CASCADE'
Product.associate = function(models) {
Product.Warehouses = Product.belongsToMany(models.Warehouse, {
as: {
singular: "warehouse",
plural: "warehouses"
through: models.WarehouseProducts,
foreignKey: "product_id",
otherKey: "warehouse_id",
onDelete: 'CASCADE',
onUpdate: 'CASCADE'
And this is the code that I use to retrieve the product of a warehouse:
export const prefetchWarehouse = [
async function(req, res, next) {
try {
if (validator.errors(req)) {
throw validator.stack;
} else {
req.warehouse = await Warehouse.findById(req.params.warehouse);
} catch (err) {
export const getProduct = [
async function(req, res, next) {
const result = await req.warehouse.getProducts({
where: {
id: {
[Op.eq]: req.params.product
plain: true
console.log('===>', result);
And this is the output:
Is there anyway to avoid not getting back that association?

I've ran across this behavior, and i solved it by just setting joinTableAttributes to an empty array like so joinTableAttributes: [].
export const getProduct = [
async function(req, res, next) {
const result = await req.warehouse.getProducts({
joinTableAttributes: [], // Here
where: {
id: {
[Op.eq]: req.params.product
plain: true
console.log('===>', result);
hope that helps you.

One way to solve this is using the junction model in my handler to avoid it:
export function WarehouseProducts(WarehouseProducts) {
WarehouseProducts.associate = function(models) {
WarehouseProducts.Products = WarehouseProducts.belongsTo(models.Product, {
as: "product"
And then in the handler:
const result = await WarehouseProducts.findOne({
where: {
warehouse_id: { [Op.eq]: req.params.warehouse },
product_id: { [Op.eq]: req.params.product }
include: [ "product" ]
Although, it would be nice to doing in the way that I was looking for because the same function "prefetchWarehouse" is reused in others endpoints, so that would help to avoid. Even though the code looks more optimized, but anyway, if someone else has any suggestion I would appreciate it.


Pushing data to an array in already existing object with axios

i have a object which looks like this:
"title": "675756",
"release_date": "2022-01-16",
"series": "Better Call Saul",
"img": "",
"characters": [],
"id": 1
to an characters array i want to add the id of characters.
I do it by form and then i handle submit like this:
const handleSubmit = (values) => {
console.log("dodano aktora do filmu!");
the addActorToMovie action:
export const addActorToMovie = (resp) => ({
type: types.ADD_CHAR_TO_MOVIE,
payload: resp,
and the reducer:
case types.ADD_CHAR_TO_MOVIE:
return {
...state, (item) {
return === action.payload.episodeId
? {
title: item.title,
release_date: item.release_date,
series: item.series,
img: item.img,
characters: [...item.characters,],
: { ...item };
It all works, but the problem is that i dont want to do it loccaly. Im using an database with json-server, and I want to do an Axios Request so that it would add a data to the database.
And i don't know how to do this, when i use it adds an object to my episodes array, if im using axios.put it changes an object. Is there any possibility to push the data to an array as i do it with the code above, but with axios so that it would be added to database?
My approach looked like this:
export const addActorToMovieAxios = (value) => {
return async (dispatch) => {
try {
const response = await
} catch (ex) {
but as I said this does add a new object to an array.....
"episodes": [
"title": "675756",
"release_date": "2022-01-16",
"series": "Better Call Saul",
"img": "",
"characters": [],
"id": 1
"episodeId": 1,
"actor": "1",
"id": 2
So just to be clear I understand your question, you have an object that already exists in your DB, and you want to push something onto the 'characters' array in that existing object, without creating a new object, correct?
To do this, I would use Mongo for your DB and define two Mongoose Schemas, one for the existing object (let's call it TVShow) and one for the Characters within that object. Your two Schemas will look like this:
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const CharacterModel = require('./CharacterModel')
const TVShowScheme = new mongoose.Schema({
title: {
type: String,
release_date: {
type: Date,
series: {
type: String,
img: {
type: String,
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Student'
examQuestions: [
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'CharacterModel'
module.exports = mongoose.model('TVShowModel', TVShowScheme )
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const CharacterModel= new mongoose.Schema({
characterName: {
type: String,
actorName: {
type: String,
}) // add any other fields you want here
module.exports = mongoose.model('CharacterModel', CharactModelScheme )
Then, create your Axios post request. Make sure you send when you send the 'value' variable to your server, it contains the id (or perhaps the unique title) of the object you'll be 'pushing' to. Push won't work in axios/react, so we'll use the 'spread' opperator instead.
Your router will look like this:
const CharacterModel= require ('../models/CharacterModel');
const TVShowModel= require ('../models/TVShowModel');
const router = express.Router();'/episodes', async function(req,res){
const tvshow = await TVShowModel.find({title: req.body.title})
// edit as needed
console.log("FOUND TV Show: "+tvshow )
const characterName= req.body.characterName
const actorName = req.body.actorName
const newCharacter = new CharacterModel({
console.log("new character created: "+newCharacter)
tvshow[0].CharacterModel = [...tvshow[0].CharacterModel,newCharacter];
await tvshow[0].save()
.then(()=>res.json('New Character Added to DB'))
.catch(err=>res.status(400).json('Error: ' + err))
} catch(e){
Hope this was clear!

how to insert checkbox as array into mongodb

I don't know why it's not being inserted. it doesn't show an error or anything so i couldn't figure out the problem.
the tags [ '61c2102d165a5af742091a70', '61c37621165a5af742093a1a' ].
here is my insert function:
insert: async(req,res)=> {
const {userid,tags}=req.body;
console.log("userid", userid)
console.log("tags", tags) //tag [ '61c2102d165a5af742091a70', '61c37621165a5af742093a1a' ]
try {
{ $push: { tags: {$each : tags } }} ,
return res.status(200).send({msg:"success"});
} catch (error) {
res.status(500).send({ msg: "Something went wrong" });
my user schema:
tags: [{
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Tag'
tag schema:
const TagSchema = new Schema({
name: {
type: String
type: {
type: Object,
timestamp: {
type: Date,
Most codes i saw do it like that but i couldn't figure out why mine isn't working
Since you are using async, you can make use of await to see it if is saved or not. Rewriting logic in this way you can catch saved instance and return success or failure.
insert: async(req,res)=> {
const {userid,tags}=req.body;
console.log("userid", userid)
console.log("tags", tags) //tag [ '61c2102d165a5af742091a70', '61c37621165a5af742093a1a' ]
const doc = await User.findByIdAndUpdate(
{ $push: { tags: {$each : tags } }} ,{new:true}
if (!doc) return res.status(500).send({ msg: "Something went wrong" });
return res.status(200).send({msg:"success"});

Apollo Client delete Item from cache

Hy I'm using the Apollo Client with React. I query the posts with many different variables. So I have one post in different "caches". Now I want to delete a post. So I need to delete this specific post from all "caches".
const client = new ApolloClient({
link: errorLink.concat(authLink.concat(httpLink)),
cache: new InMemoryCache()
export const POSTS = gql`
query posts(
$after: String
$orderBy: PostOrderByInput
$tags: JSONObject
$search: String
$orderByTime: Int
) {
after: $after
orderBy: $orderBy
tags: $tags
search: $search
orderByTime: $orderByTime
) {
I tried it with the cache.modify(), which is undefined in my mutation([][1])
const [deletePost] = useMutation(DELETE_POST, {
onError: (er) => {
update(cache, data) {
id: cache.identify(thread), //identify is UNDEFINED + what is thread
fields: {
posts(existingPosts = []) {
return existingPosts.filter(
postRef => idToRemove !== readField('id', postRef)
I also used the useApolloClient() with the same result.
THX for any help.
Instead of using cache.modify you can use cache.evict, which makes the code much shorter:
variables: { id },
update(cache) {
const normalizedId = cache.identify({ id, __typename: 'Post' });
cache.evict({ id: normalizedId });
this option worked for me
const GET_TASKS = gql`
query tasks($listID: String!) {
tasks(listID: $listID) {
const REMOVE_TASK = gql`
mutation removeTask($_id: String) {
removeTask(_id: $_id) {
const Tasks = () => {
const { loading, error, data } = useQuery(GET_TASKS, {
variables: { listID: '1' },
сonst [removeTask] = useMutation(REMOVE_TASK);
const handleRemoveItem = _id => {
variables: { _id },
update(cache) {
fields: {
tasks(existingTaskRefs, { readField }) {
return existingTaskRefs.filter(
taskRef => _id !== readField('_id', taskRef),
return (...);
You can pass your updater to the useMutation or to the deletePost. It should be easier with deletePost since it probably knows what it tries to delete:
variables: { idToRemove },
update(cache) {
fields: {
posts(existingPosts = []) {
return existingPosts.filter(
postRef => idToRemove !== readField('id', postRef)
You should change variables to match your mutation. This should work since posts is at top level of your query. With deeper fields you'll need a way to get the id of the parent object. readQuery or a chain of readField from the top might help you with that.

Update Object Inside the Array of object in a mongoose document with projection or select

I am trying to update the object inside the document
Document: Cats
"_id": "5e5cb512e90bd40017385305",
"type": "cat"
"history": [
"id": "randomID",
"content": "xyz",
"id": "randomID2",
"content": "abc",
Code to select and update the object inside the history array:
const editHistory = async (_, { input }, ctx) => {
let query = { _id: input.catId, "": input.historyId };
let update = { $set: { "history.$": input.history } };
let options = {
new: true,
fields: { history: { $elemMatch: { id: "randomID" } } }
let cat = await ctx.models.cats.findOneAndUpdate(query, update, options);
return cat;
Input has following values
input: {
catId: "5e5cb512e90bd40017385305",
historyId: "randomID",
history: {
id: "randomID",
content: "new content"
I tried using Projection, I used select changed it to field, found in mongoose documentation.
I still couldn't update the values. Is there anything wrong with the way i am querying or selecting the subfield.
Found the Solution for it by going through more detail of the operator($set) and option(new, fields).
const editHistory = async (_, { input }, ctx) => {
let query = { _id: input.catId, "": input.historyId };
let update = { $set: { "history.$": input.history } };
let options = {
// using new option would return the new document
new: true,
/* using fields option would select the based on the given key, but using new:
true with fields will throw error: 'cannot use a positional projection and
return the new document'
fields: { history: { $elemMatch: { id: "randomID" } } }
let cat = await ctx.models.cats.findOneAndUpdate(query, update, options);
return cat;
This post below answers that question for *error: 'cannot use a positional projection and return the new document'.
Final Solution:
const editHistory = async (_, { input }, ctx) => {
let query = { _id: input.catId, "": input.historyId };
let update = { $set: { "history.$": input.history } };
let options = {
new: true
let cat = await ctx.models.cats.findOneAndUpdate(query, update, options);
return cat;
Removing field option, since I don't need the unmodified selection before atomic modification, solves the question.

Mongoose/Mongo: Update Not Saving

I'm extremely perplexed by this issue that I'm having with mongo/mongoose. I'm essentially trying to get an array of products, delete a certain product from the array, and then update the shopping chart with the new array that omits the selected product. Here's the snippet of code I'm dealing with:
const remove = (req, res, next) => {
console.log('here is the product id ' + req.body.cart.product)
delete req.body._owner // disallow owner reassignment.
Cart.find({_id: req.user.cartId})
.then((products1) => {
console.log("array of products: " + products1[0].product)
const index = products1[0].product.indexOf(req.body.cart.product)
console.log("index valeu: " + index)
if (index > -1) {
products1[0].product.splice(index, 1)
return products1[0].product
return products1[0].product
.then((products2) => {
console.log('Second Promise Input: ' + products2)
Cart.update({_id: req.user.cartId}, {$set: {product: products2}})
.then(() => res.sendStatus(204))
And here's the output from my server:
Server listening on port 4741
here is the product id 5952b57ea52d092b8d34c6b0
array of products: 5952b57ea52d092b8d34c6b0,5952b57ea52d092b8d34c6b0,5952b57ea52d092b8d34c6b0,5952b57ea52d092b8d34c6b0,5952b57ea52d092b8d34c6b0
index valeu: 0
Second Promise Input: 5952b57ea52d092b8d34c6b0,5952b57ea52d092b8d34c6b0,5952b57ea52d092b8d34c6b0,5952b57ea52d092b8d34c6b0
PATCH /carts-decrease/595b037e128cfd37e0c864d7 204 38.773 ms
According to my console.logs, I'm getting the array just the way I want it but it simply does not update the shopping cart with the new array. I've been staring at this code for far too long and I'd appreciate a second set of eyes on this. Thanks.
P.S. Ignore the fact that the product ids are all the same, its just a testing variable
Cart Schema:
'use strict'
const mongoose = require('mongoose')
const cartSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
product: {
type: Array,
required: false
owner: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'User',
required: false
}, {
timestamps: true,
toJSON: {
virtuals: true,
transform: function (doc, ret, options) {
const userId = (options.user && options.user._id) || false
ret.editable = userId && userId.equals(doc._owner)
return ret
const Cart = mongoose.model('Cart', cartSchema)
module.exports = Cart
Product Schema:
'use strict'
const mongoose = require('mongoose')
const productSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: {
type: String,
required: true
price: {
type: Number,
required: true
description: {
type: String,
required: true
}, {
toJSON: {
virtuals: true
const Product = mongoose.model('Product', productSchema)
module.exports = Product
Show request:
const show = (req, res) => {
const product = {}
product.array = []
// console.log(req.cart.product)
const promises = []
Promise.all( (id) {
return Product.find({_id: ObjectId(id)})
})).then(function (products) {
req.cart.product = products
return res.json({
cart: req.cart.toJSON({virtuals: true, user: req.user})
}).catch(function (err) {
return res.sendStatus(500)
I would recommend you to slightly modify your cartSchema and store products in the form of an array of embedded documents:
const cartSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
products: [{
name: { type: String },
price: { type: Number }
If you do this you can simply use the $pull update operator to remove products from your cart:
{ $pull: { <field1>: <value|condition>, <field2>: <value|condition>, ... } }
In your case the query should then look like this:
{ _id: req.user.cartId },
{ $pull: { products: { '_id': req.body.cart.product } }}
As the embedded documents will have their own ObjectId there will only be one document matching the query.
