We are developing a kernel device. There is a list in a device that keeps the messages. We want to delete the head of the list. The related part of the code is below:
Device Message and Device Struct:
typedef struct dev_message
char *data;
int *message_count;
struct list_head list;
typedef struct queue_dev
device_message *message_head;
struct semaphore sem;
struct cdev cdev;
Adding to head of the list is done with
and adding the other entries are done with
We can delete every element of the list except the head of the list. How can we delete the only head of the list?
I coded a Queue, the enqueuing function works correctly. It adds the new node to the back of the list. To save time, I used another pointer for the dequeuing method. I used a tail pointer that points to the oldest node. During queue creation(first node), the head pointer is assigned to the tail pointer. After that, in the dequeuing function, the tail pointer becomes its parent, and then the pointer is freed, and then the structure is returned. Now, when I coded a program that tests the queue, when dequeue() is called, it throws a memory segmentation error. Why?
Here's the code of the queue:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/*uncomment the 4th line of size is more important to you than speed. The program will then take
more cpu cycles to read certain members of the structure, but it wont use padding, which wastes memory
but increases speed.*/
#pragma pack(1)
struct node{
int data;
struct node *next;
struct node *parent;
#pragma pack(0)
typedef struct node _LINKED_LIST_QUEUE;
void enqueue(int value, _LINKED_LIST_QUEUE **queue_head, _LINKED_LIST_QUEUE *tail){
_LINKED_LIST_QUEUE *save_head=*queue_head;
_LINKED_LIST_QUEUE retstruct=*tail;
return retstruct;
Here's the code of the tester program.
#include "main.c"
void normal_traverse(_LINKED_LIST_QUEUE *head){
_LINKED_LIST_QUEUE *selected=head;
int main(){
_LINKED_LIST_QUEUE *head, *tail;
int end=0;
return 0;
#Gerhardh pointed out that the head pointer was being assigned to the local copy of tail'. So, I made tail` a double pointer. That solved my problems.
I'm new in working with kernel.
I want to add a linked list to my kernel, and I try to fix it like this link : Linux Kernel Programming–Linked List
here is code's that I added to sys.c :
syscall defenition:
struct scallNode* newNode;
newNode = kmalloc(sizeof(*newNode), GFP_KERNEL);
newNode->ID = ppid;
INIT_LIST_HEAD(&newNode -> list);
list_add_tail(&newNode -> list , &processList.list);
printk(KERN_INFO "INIT PROCESS UID: %u\n", ppid);
return 0;
and my struct for linked list:
struct scallNode{
int ID;
struct file_struct ffs;
struct task_struct ts;
struct list_head list;
struct scallNode processList;
and when I compile the kernel, I saw this error:
error: ‘struct list_head’ has no member named ‘list’ list_add_tail(&newNode -> list , &processList.list);
thanks for your replies.
that error disappeared, but another one is still exist.
kernel/sys.c:2136:24: error: field ‘fs’ has incomplete type struct file_struct fs;
again thanks for your replies.
The list_add_tail function is
void list_add_tail(struct list_head *new, struct list_head *head);
The second param should a pointer to a struct list_head so just use like this:
list_add_tail(&newNode -> list , &processList);
I never did any kernel programming. But as per my knowledge below memory allocation is not correct:-
newNode = kmalloc(sizeof(*newNode), GFP_KERNEL);
I think it should be like:-
newNode = (struct scallNode *)kmalloc(sizeof(struct scallNode), GFP_KERNEL);
finally answer finded.
in list_add_tail(&newNode -> list , &processList.list);
, &processList most be use instead of &processList.list .
list_add_tail find list of processList itself.
I am trying to implement a low-level thread lock without the use of dynamic memory allocation; this code will basically be used on a completely bare-bones kernel.
However, I am running into the problem of receiving a seg fault when I am trying to dereference a member inside this global static struct. My code is as such
My wrapper struct
struct lock {
int free;
struct thread_list* wait_list;
struct thread* current_holder;
The nested struct(intended as a linked list sort of deal)
struct thread_list {
struct thread *head;
And the member inside this list
struct thread {
void *top; // top of the stack for this thread
void *sp; // current stack pointer for this thread (context)
void (*start_func)(void *);
void *arg;
int state;
int exit_value;
struct thread *join_thread;
struct thread *next_thread;
int id;
The method I'm trying to implement is as such
void lock_init (struct lock *lk) {
lk->free = 1; //Set lock as free
struct thread_list waiting = lk->wait_list; //Get waitlist, works fine
waiting->head = NULL; //Set waitlist's head to null, SEGFAULTS HERE
I am not super proficient at C, but I can't seem to figure out the correct methodology/syntax to make my code work like this.
struct thread_list waiting = lk->wait_list; //Get waitlist, works fine
waiting->head = NULL; //Set waitlist's head to null, SEGFAULTS HERE
waiting is not a struct pointer but a struct variable . To access member using it you need to use . operator -
waiting.head = NULL;
Or to use -> operator declare it as a struct pointer .
Helle everyone, I'm stuck in a problem for 1 week and I come here..
I have few structures:
typedef struct s_task{
unsigned int id;
char *name;
typedef struct s_element_task{
task *t;
struct s_element_task *next_element;
} element_task;
typedef element_task* task_list;
typedef struct s_agenda{
task_list *task_by_date;
} agenda;
I want to add a task to an agenda but I don't know how to make the link betewwen theses structures..
I start with:
task* my_task = malloc(sizeof(task));
but that's all..
thank you un advance
task* my_task = malloc(sizeof(task)); // data object
element_task* my_node = malloc(sizeof(element_task)); // node object
my_node.t = my_stask; // node now knows where data is
element_task* next_node = malloc(sizeof(element_task)); // next node object
my_node.next_element = next_node; // "link" to next node in linked list
As a side note, I'd make sure to initialize element_task.next_element to NULL so you can tell whether that node HAS a child or not.
I'm trying to understand how this list works, by looking at the macro expansion of list_for_each_entry, the condition to exit the for is
&pos->list_member != head
but I see code that written like this and works fine, I don't understand why it works
struct entry {
int some_var;
struct list_head list;
struct global {
struct list_head entries_list;
struct global Global;
entry = kmalloc(new_entry..)
list_for_each_entry(entry,&Global.entries_list,list) {
So by the end of the for, I should expect &entry->list == &Global.entries_list?
How is this possible?
So by the end of the for, I should expect &entry->list == &Global.entries_list?
How is this possible?
Condition above means that entry is fake: it is not an element in the list, but just a raw pointer, which satisfies to given condition.