bibtex2html - which bibstyles are acceptable? one produced by docstrip does not work - bibtex

I use bibtex2html to produce a webpage and would like to change the bibstyle. I have a style first.bst produced with docstrip. The command
bibtex2html ../frank2link.bib -s first.bst
bibtex2html ../frank2link.bib -s first
does not work. The file first.bst is in the local directory.
What styles are accepted? Anything else I do wrong?
Help is appreciated!

bibtex2html requires strictly to have the options before the .bib file. Thus something like
bibtex2html --title "Publicationlist xx" --style first.bst biblio.bib
Processing may produce errors for commands set up in the style file but not used in bibex2html.


How to make an executable script file without .bashrc

I want to be able to activate a C program anywhere in the terminal without having to type the path to it. So instead of:
[some_text]:~ [username]$ ./[insert_c_executable]
[some_text]:~ [username]$ Documents/Folder1/Folder2/.../[insert_c_executable]
That I can do something like this, like the programs ls or pwd:
[some_text]:~ [username]$ [some_cool_app_name]
I've seen a useful answer at the following link:
However, neither .bashrc nor bash_profile are available on my home directory (on a Mac with OS X). I can't comment on that question since I don't have enough reputation. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
mv path/to/your/executable_file /usr/local/bin/your_desied_command
Example mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
Best non-invasive way:
echo 'hash -p /path/to/executable executable' >> ~/.bashrc
This will add the command to your hashtable. However this means your not allowed to move the executable. (requires restarting of bash as the bashrc needs to be resourced).
To any and all that come here:
I just moved the script file (doesn't need a .sh extension either with this route) to the bin directory (which is a directory in root). That does the trick.

curl output file replacing path seperator with underscore when writing the file

I'm trying to create a fairly simple batch file to download a file from our ftp site and store it in a specific directory. I would like to be able to put the batch file in the path so I can call it from anywhere. Currently I have a line like the following:
curl -v -u %FTP_USER%:%FTP_PASS% -Q "TYPE I" -o %OUTPUT_PATH% "ftp://%FTP_HOST%/%JAR_FILE_NAME%"
What I've discovered is that no matter the value of the output path, the file is always written in the current directory, and any path seperators are converted to underscores in the file name. This happens no matter if I use a '\' or '/' and if I try to escape it with double slashes I just end up with two underscores. Quotes around things don't seem to help either.
My question is does the -o option allow for outputting to a folder other than current working dir? I guess I can have the next step in the script to be "move the file to its destination", but that seems really kludgey.
This sounds exactly like a regression (reported here) we unfortunately brought in curl 7.47.0. We hope to release an updated, fixed, version soon and in the mean time you can probably consider downgrading to an earlier version to work-around this annoying issue.

Cygwin bash.exe cannot run make, works in cmd.exe

I am having issues running any make command in a Cygwin bash terminal. The following is the error that is returned.
"'ygdrive' is not reconized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file"
However I am able to properly run the make file using cmd.exe, any help would be appreciated.
Thanks Eric E
Looks like you are referencing a path in some recipe with \cygdrive\<letter>\.... bash interprets a single backslash as an escape character and therefore ignores the c directly following it.
If you want the Makefile to be portable to Unix systems, just write forward slashes in paths like this /cygdrive/<letter>/....
If you instead want the Makefile to be compatible with cmd, too, use double backslashes like \\cygdrive\\<letter\\... -- both bash and cmd will understand this.
In any case, such a path should be in a make variable because it is probably completely different on another machine.
The above solution by Felix might be the answer for others, however the solution for my problem was removing "SHELL=C:/Windows/System32/cmd.exe" from the top of my Makefile..

Ubuntu - "mv" command renames file to empty file name

I have a simple script to move files between directories. Basically, it is:
mv /dir/* /dir/proc/
saved into a shell script "".
For some reason, when I run the script (sh the file indeed gets moved, but it does not retain the filename and instead gets just an empty filename. When I run the same command at the bash prompt, it works fine however.
This script used to work fine on Debian but we had a hard drive failure and I am now migrating everything over to a Ubuntu machine.
Any idea why this is happening? It seems so simple yet I cannot figure it out.
Many thanks.
I think I found the solution. For some reason it was putting in carriage returns and maybe line breaks or something that I could not see while editing the sh script in either Notepad++ or even gedit. To solve this, when I open the scripts in gedit, I do a Save As, and select Unix/Linux in the drop down menu towards the bottom. This hopefully gets rid of the weird carriage returns even though I could not see them.
Hopefully this helps some poor soul like me in the future pulling their hair out over this!
Try: mv /dir/file /dir/proc/file
You are indeed moving the file, but aren't specifying a destination name. Other usages of mv:
Move and rename: mv /dir/filename /dir/proc/newfilename
Rename: mv /dir/filename /dir/newfilename

GNU style configure batch file issues

I'm trying to create a GNU like configure script for Windows in a batch file. It seems to work ok so far except depending on the order options get ignored and in particular with the '--with-smtube' option it sometimes gets the path but again depending on the order causes it to result in:
test.cmd --enable-portable --with-smtube=C:\svn\smtube
configure: error: unrecognized option: `C:\svn\smtube'
Try `--with-smtube --help' for more information
(supposed to also say Try `test.cmd --help)
I copied the structure from another script I found but not having success. The order of arguments shouldn't matter and arguments can be omitted (all or some). Can someone steer me in the right direction?
The script is for a Qt program, it uses command prompt as the shell and not msys or cygwin or anything like that.
This is what I have so far:
