How to migrate data from SQL Server database to another over internet - sql-server

I have two databases in SQL Server 2016 Express, one on the server and the other is local. I want to sync data from the local to the server database every day, one way.
I could not use replication or log shipping because SQL Server edition is Express.
I found the MS Sync framework could help but it is too old.
What is the latest technology for doing that?

Azure SQL Data Sync feature may be a very easy solution for your goal. Take a look at

If you want the data synched not once per day but simultaneously, you could have a look at Microsoft Sync Framework 2.1.
I've used it over a custom WCF service, but I think you can use it directly with db connections.


SharePoint 2016 and Workflow manager same sQL server

I got a task to define various SharePoint farm topologies.
But I haven't any experience about SharePoint and anything else like that.
I found some information about the system requirement and the supported topologies, but I´m not sure if they are really supported.
It's hard to find helpful information. So my question.
I define a three tier topologie.
SharePoint 2016 Server
MSSQL 2016 Server
Workflow Manager Server
Is it supported to share the Database Server with the SharePoint and the Workflow Manager Server?
You can use the same SQL server for the workflow and SharePoint databases without a problem.
In fact I have a site that runs workflow manger from the SQL Server, database and IIS. This was due to the fact the all servers in the farm were Server 2016 and workflow manger is not supported on Server 2016. The only server available to install workflow manager was the SQL server which was Server 2012 R2.
Unless you have an insane amount of workflows, I wouldn't both with a dedicated workflow server, I would split the SharePoint server out into a Web and App Server.
NO, Based on Microsoft best practices SQL server should has its own box, SP and WFM should not be located on the same server to reduce any possible dependency in the future.
ex. sometimes, you will need to renew the certs which are expired. to do so, you need to change the time back.
if SQL and SP sharing the same box, the sites and db transactions will be infected.
another example: if WFM caused any memory leak or throttling, then the SP and SQL will also be infected.
you should dedicate a box for each platform.
1 more thing, the WFM should has odd number of servers. as the Windows/ service fabric uses voting to decide which server to handle the traffic. odd number of servers will allow one of the servers to be identified as preferred server to do so.

2016 answer to sync SQL Azure with local SQL Server

SQL Data Sync Tool is old and unsupported for PROD. It is also for SQL Server 2012, Azure has SQL Server 2014 now..
I simply need a way to sync my local full version of SQL Server 2014 with Azure SQL database.. both ways... meaning I want to pull down the azure version locally.. AND push my local version up.. at will.
The permissions are totally different and break when you use sync tools..
Has ANYONE solved this for 2016? All the answers I see say to use manually options or SQL Data Sync Tool..either of which work for us.
One option would be SQL data sync as you mention. We hope to be able to share more plans in this space soon.

Sync framework with SQL Server 2008 Change Tracking

Is there a way to synchronize two SQL Server 2008 databases(any edition) using Microsoft Sync Framework and SQL Server 2008 Change Tracking mechanism, instead of provisioning the databases with the required schema changes(triggers, sps, aux tables) to track changes?
Is there any code sample?
Yes, this is possible. Use the Sql Express sample sync provider (
It is not supported by Microsoft and it uses Sync Framework 2.0 techniques instead of the newer 2.1 techniques for collaborative sync.
Enable change tracking on the server, create the anchor and guid table on the client. Create sync adapters per table in the sync agent and you're off. You have to keep in mind that the sql express client provider uses the server provider under the covers, so you need to reverse it's thinking in some places (download becomes upload).

Sync Framework: Can I synchronise Stored Procedure

Does the sync framework allow me to synchronise (download only) the Store Procedures on a sql server 2008 server with the Stored procedures on the SQL Server 2008 client?
i.e. overwrite the SP on the client when the server SP's have been modified or new ones created?
No you cant do that, The Sync Framework is designed to sync data from server to a users pc and back again. While it can synchronize between servers, you are better off using SQL2008 replication engine, or a 3rd party API, such as Redgates SQLcompare, which you can operate programatically.
Microsoft Sync Framework is used to synchronize data not the database schema or the periphery. Generally speaking, this is an application update issue.

Replicating between SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server Compact Edition

Can it be done and if so, how?
You can also check out Sync Services for Sql Server and Compact edition. The benefit of Sync Services is that you don't need a replication server or IIS and you can also sync between compact edition databases. This method involves writing a fair bit more code and is fairly involved, but I'd recommend looking into it as a lightweight service.
You can use Merge Replication. Theres a tutorial here SQL Server Compact 3.5 How-to Tutorials (Number 5).
Certainly replication is possible, as is Sync Services if you're not afraid to get your hands dirty. It depends on the details of what you need:
Sometimes-connected application wanting to have a read-only cache: Sync Services
Sometimes-connected application wanting to have part or full update ability: Sync Services
Remote site with multiple workstations needing read/write access to data: replication if you can get a secure network connection that's stable enough, otherwise look at extending Syn Services to work with SQL Express (or full SQL Server) based on the sample here: Sync using SQL Express
If you just want a SQL CE database and you're working with a SQL 2008 server then the wizard in Visual Studio 2008 SP1 will do all the work for you, you need only add 1 line of code to it if you want bi-directional support. If you can't upgrade then it will take more work with SQL 2005, and it's only reliable if you have at least SP2.
I'm in the middle of a project that requires multiple sites to have a sub-set of data in an environment where each site may lose it's connection to the head office at times, we've managed to get Sync Services to work with SQL 2008 at the head office and SQL Express 2008 at each site with full change tracking (2008 feature) and it's working great. It does require a reasonable amount of code (C# and SQL), so we've used some pretty smart templates to help. Be aware that.
Perhaps you could refine your question with more details?
Because of budget constraints I think it will have to beta-tester's approch,i tried following the guide and cant seem to get it working. Before I spend time getting it to work, I just confrim, Replicating between SqlServer 2005 and Compact Edition is something that can be done?
I just confrim, Replicating between
SqlServer 2005 and Compact Edition is
something that can be done?
Yes it can definately be done using either Merge Replication or Sync Services
