Wait for redux action to finish dispatching when using redux saga - reactjs

I have a redux saga setup which works fine. One of my dispatches is to create a new order, then once that has been created I want to do things with the updated state.
// this.props.userOrders = []
Since the createOrder action triggers a redux saga which calls an API, there is a delay, so this.props.userOrders is not updated before my function doSomethingWith is called. I could set a timeout, but that doesn't seem like a sustainable idea.
I have read the similar questions on Stack Overflow, and have tried implementing the methods where relevant, but I can't seem to get it working. I'm hoping with my code below that someone can just add a couple of lines which will do it.
Here are the relevant other files:
export const createUserOrder = (data) => ({
function * createUserOrder () {
yield takeEvery('CREATE_USER_ORDER', callCreateUserOrder)
export function * callCreateUserOrder (newUserOrderAction) {
try {
const data = newUserOrderAction.data
const newUserOrder = yield call(api.createUserOrder, data)
yield put({type: 'CREATE_USER_ORDER_SUCCEEDED', newUserOrder: newUserOrder})
} catch (error) {
yield put({type: 'CREATE_USER_ORDER_FAILED', error})
export const createUserOrder = (data) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
api.post('/userOrders/', data, {headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}})
.then((response) => {
if (!response.ok) {
} else {
orders reducer:
if (action.newUserOrder) {
let newArray = state.slice()
return newArray
} else {
return state

This feels like an XY Problem. You shouldn't be "waiting" inside a component's lifecycle function / event handler at any point, but rather make use of the current state of the store.
If I understand correctly, this is your current flow:
You dispatch an action CREATE_USER_ORDER in your React component. This action is consumed by your callCreateUserOrder saga. When your create order saga is complete, it dispatches another "completed" action, which you already have as CREATE_USER_ORDER_SUCCEEDED.
What you should now add is the proper reducer/selector to handle your CREATE_USER_ORDER_SUCCEEDED:
This CREATE_USER_ORDER_SUCCEEDED action should be handled by your reducer to create a new state where some "orders" property in your state is populated. This can be connected directly to your component via a selector, at which point your component will be re-rendered and this.props.userOrders is populated.
class OrderList extends React.PureComponent {
static propTypes = {
userOrders: PropTypes.array.isRequired,
createOrder: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
addOrder() {
render() {
return (
<Button onClick={this.addOrder}>Add Order</Button>
<List>{this.props.userOrders.map(order => <Item>{order.name}</Item>)}</List>
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
userOrders: state.get('userOrders'),
const mapDispatchToProps = {
createOrder: () => ({ type: 'CREATE_ORDER', payload: {} }),
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(OrderList)
return state.update('userOrders',
orders => orders.concat([payload.newUserOrder])
If you really do need side-effects, then add those side-effects to your saga, or create a new saga that takes the SUCCESS action.


How middleware in react life cycle works?

I am new in react js. I have started doing a small product with react-redux. I am using saga middle-ware.
What i have done is as under.
This is the component
//all import work
import { activateAuthLayout, onLoad } from '../../../store/actions';
class EcommerceProductEdit extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
checked: false,
unselected_lists: [],
main_checked: false
//here I get the products props always null
componentDidMount() {
//dispatching an action to fetch data from api, done in midddleware
if (this.props.user !== null && this.props.user.shop_id)
payload: this.props.user
render() {
//here I get the products props
return (
//jsx work
const mapStatetoProps = state => {
const { user, is_logged_in } = state.Common;
const { products, is_loading } = state.Products;
return { user, is_logged_in, products, is_loading };
export default withRouter(connect(mapStatetoProps, { activateAuthLayout, onLoad })(EcommerceProductEdit));
Action is
import { FETCH_PRODUCT, FETCH_PRODUCT_SUCCESS } from './actionTypes';
export const onLoad = (action) => {
return {
payload: action.payload
export const productFetched = (action) => {
return {
payload: action.payload
Reducer is
import { FETCH_PRODUCT_SUCCESS } from './actionTypes';
const initialState = {
products: null,
is_loading: true
export default (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
state = {
products: action.payload,
is_loading: false
state = { ...state };
return state;
And saga is
import { takeEvery, put, call } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import { FETCH_PRODUCT } from './actionTypes';
import { productFetched } from './actions';
import agent from '../../agent';
function* fetchProduct(action) {
try {
let response = yield call(agent.Products.get, action.payload);
yield put(productFetched({ payload: response }));
} catch (error) {
if (error.message) {
} else if (error.response.text === 'Unauthorized') {
function* productSaga() {
yield takeEvery(FETCH_PRODUCT, fetchProduct)
export default productSaga;
I am being able to get the products props only in render function. How would i be able to get it it in constructor ?
I would be really grateful if anyone explained me about react life cycle a little bit more.
a constructor is called during object instantiation. According to the docs "The constructor for a React component is called before it is mounted". So if the props passed to the component are being changed after the component has been mounted you can use componentWillReceiveProps life cycle methods.
componentWillReceiveProps is deprecated so you can use componentDidUpdate instead. Example from the docs.
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
// Typical usage (don't forget to compare props):
if (this.props.userID !== prevProps.userID) {
// update your component state from here.
MiddleWare: Middleware just comes in between the flow after the action has been dispatched and before it reaches the reducers, like in your case once you fire onLoad action and before it reaches the reducers, its caught in Saga middleware which executes it according to code written in it
Lifecycle in your case goes the following way:
In your compoenentDidMount method, you dispatch an action of onLoad. The action type in such a case becomes "FETCH_PRODUCT" and same action is now caught in Saga.
Since this is async call, the code in your component continues executing while the Saga perform its action in parallel. It calls API through this line of code: yield call(agent.Products.get, action.payload); . Once API call is completed, it dispatches an action 'productfetched' through this line of code yield put(productFetched({ payload: response }));.
Now this action reaches reducer and modify the state of "products". Since the product state in your redux is modified, your component EcommerceProductEdit re-renders and you get your product list in render method. The point to be noted is that the flow must have already finished executing inside componentDidMount method by this time, so no chance of having products their
Solution to your problem:
Once an action is dispatched and which has become async due to Saga, you won't be able to get value in constructor, if you use Saga. You can just directly call upon the API using axios/fetch library in componentDidMount and await their (Making it synchronous). Once you get response, you may proceed further
In case you have functional component, then you may use Effect hook and bind the dependency to products state. You can write your code in this block, what you want to be executed after API call is made and product list modifies.
() => {
// You code goes here
You just have to console props rather than doing this.props. You should not reference props with this inside the constructor.
Do this instead:
Middleware is not related to react lifecycle at all, other than it updates and connected components "react" to props updating.
Check the constructor docs
Question: why are you trying to log props in the constructor anyway? If you want to know what the props are, use one of the lifecycle functions, componentDidMount/componentDidUpdate, don't use the render function to do side-effects like make asynchronous calls or console log.
componentDidMount() {
If you must log props in the constructor though, access the props object that was passed as the component won't have a this.props populated yet.
constructor(props) {

Does React batch props updates in some cases?

I'm curious whether React batches updates to props in some rare cases? There is no mention of this in the docs, but I couldn't come up with any other explanation of the following situation.
I have an equivalent to the following code:
// Connected component
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
state = {
shouldDisplayError: false,
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
console.log("componentDidUpdate: " + this.props.dataState);
if (
prevProps.dataState === "FETCHING" &&
this.props.dataState === "FETCH_FAILED"
) {
this.setState(() => ({ shouldDisplayError: true }));
render() {
return this.state.shouldDisplayError && <p>Awesome error message!</p>;
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
const dataState = getMyDataStateFromState(state);
// dataState can be "NOT_INITIALIZED" (default), "FETCHING", "FETCH_SUCCEEDED" or "FETCH_FAILED"
console.log("mapStateToProps: " + dataState);
return {
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(MyComponent);
// A thunk triggered by a click in another component:
export async const myThunk = () => (dispatch) => {
dispatch({ type: "FETCHING_DATA" });
let result;
try {
result = await API.getData(); // an error thrown immediately inside of here
} catch (error) {
dispatch({ type: "FETCHING_DATA_FAILED" });
dispatch({type: "FETCHING_DATA_SUCCEEDED", data: result.data});
// Let's say this is the API:
export const API = {
getData: () => {
console.log("> api call here <");
throw "Some error"; // in a real API module, there's a check that would throw in some cases - this is the equivalent for the unhappy path observed
// here would be the fetch call
What I would expect to see in the console after triggering the API call (which immediately fails), is the following:
mapStateToProps: FETCHING
componentDidUpdate: FETCHING
> api call here <
mapStateToProps: FETCH_FAILED
componentDidUpdate: FETCH_FAILED
However, I can see the following instead:
mapStateToProps: FETCHING
> api call here <
mapStateToProps: FETCH_FAILED
componentDidUpdate: FETCH_FAILED
So the MyComponent component never received the "FETCHING" dataState, although it has been seen in the mapStateToProps function. And thus never displayed the error message. Why? Is it because such fast updates to a component's props are batched by React (like calls to this.setState() in some cases)???
Basically, the question is: If I dispatch two actions, really quickly after each other, triggering a component's props updates, does React batch them, effectively ignoring the first one?
The first time, a component is rendered, componentDidUpdate is NOT called. Instead, componentDidMount is called. Log to console in componentDidMount as well to see the message.

How to warn react component when redux saga put a success action?

I am using the redux action pattern (REQUEST, SUCCESS, FAILURE) along with redux saga. I made a watcher and worker saga just like that:
import axios from 'axios';
import { put, call, takeEvery } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import * as actionTypes from 'constants/actionTypes';
import * as actions from 'actions/candidates';
const { REQUEST } = actionTypes;
// each entity defines 3 creators { request, success, failure }
const { fetchCandidatesActionCreators, addCandidateActionCreators } = actions;
const getList = () => axios.get('/api/v1/candidate/');
// Watcher saga that spawns new tasks
function* watchRequestCandidates() {
yield takeEvery(actionTypes.CANDIDATES[REQUEST], fetchCandidatesAsync);
// Worker saga that performs the task
function* fetchCandidatesAsync() {
try {
const { data } = yield call(getList);
yield put(fetchCandidatesActionCreators.success(data.data));
} catch (error) {
yield put(fetchCandidatesActionCreators.failure(error));
const postCandidate = params => axios.post('/api/v1/candidate/', params).then(response => response.data).catch(error => { throw error.response || error.request || error; });
// Watcher saga that spawns new tasks
function* watchAddCandidate() {
yield takeEvery(actionTypes.ADD_CANDIDATE[REQUEST], AddCandidateAsync);
// Worker saga that performs the task
function* AddCandidateAsync({ payload }) {
try {
const result = yield call(postCandidate, payload);
yield put(addCandidateActionCreators.success(result.data));
} catch (error) {
yield put(addCandidateActionCreators.failure(error));
export default {
My reducer has two flags: isLoading and success. Both flags change based on the request, success and failure actions.
The problem is that I want my component to render different things when the success action is put on the redux state. I want to warn the component every time a _success action happens!
The flags that I have work well on the first time, but then I want them to reset when the component mounts or a user clicks a button because my component is a form, and I want the user to post many forms to the server.
What is the best practice for that?
The only thing I could think of was to create a _RESET action that would be called when the user clicks the button to fill up other form and when the component mounts, but I don't know if this is a good practice.
You need to assign a higher order component, also called a Container, that connects the store with your component. When usgin a selector, your component will automatically update if that part of the state changes and passes that part of the state as a prop to your component. (as defined in dspatchstateToProps)
Down below i have a Exmaple component that select status from the redux state, and passes it as prop for Exmaple.
in example i can render different div elements with text based on the status shown in my store.
Good luck!
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
const ExampleComponent = ({ status }) => {
return (
{status === 'SUCCESS' ? (<div>yaay</div>) : (<div>oh no...</div>)}
const mapStateToProps = state => {
return {
status: state.status
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
return {}
export default connect(

next.js mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps and getInitialProps

i am currently still trying to wrap my head around redux when using next.js and i am not sure what is the best way to use redux with next. I am used to using mapDispatchToProps for my actions and mapStateToProps for my props. After some research i am now using next-redux-wrapper in my _app.js like recommended but now i am fighting with how to best get my props and dispatch my actions. I had look at a few examples and practices and now have a counter component based on one of these examples.
class Counter extends Component {
increment = () => {
const {dispatch} = this.props
decrement = () => {
const {dispatch} = this.props
reset = () => {
const {dispatch} = this.props
render () {
const { count } = this.props
return (
<h1>Count: <span>{count}</span></h1>
<button onClick={this.increment}>+1</button>
<button onClick={this.decrement}>-1</button>
<button onClick={this.reset}>Reset</button>
function mapStateToProps (state) {
const {count} = state.counter;
return {count};
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Counter)
Most examples i have seen so far do something similar to this or only dispatch actions in getInitialProps. Is there a reason to do it this way and not use mapDispatchToProps?
Cause this work perfectly fine as well:
export default connect(null, {authenticate})(Signin);
Dispatching actions in getIntialProps seems to have some drawback (or i made some mistakes), cause they do not get executed again when the props change. In my user-profile component i get the current user based on a token from the redux store like this:
const Whoami = ({isAuthenticated, user}) => (
<Layout title="Who Am I">
{(isAuthenticated && user && <h3 className="title is-3">You are logged in as <strong className="is-size-2 has-text-primary">{user}</strong>.</h3>) ||
<h3 className="title is-3 has-text-danger ">You are not authenticated.</h3>}
Whoami.getInitialProps = async function (ctx) {
const token = ctx.store.getState().auth.token;
if(token) {
const response = await axios.get(`${API}/user`, {headers: {
authorization: token
const user = response.data.user;
return {
const mapStateToProps = (state) => (
{isAuthenticated: !!state.auth.token}
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Whoami);
This works perfectly fine for the initial page-load or when navigating there one the client, but when the token expires or i logout the page does not reflect that without reload or navigating there again without my mapStateToProps. But it seems super clunky to split the concern over 2 seperate functions. But i cant find a cleaner way to do it.
Thanks in advance
About mapDispatchToProps:
It is better to use mapDispatchToProps at least because it is easier to test: you can just pass a mock function to your component. With using this.props.dispatch to dispatch some imported actions it can be much harder.
About getInitialProps:
This answer may be helpful:
GetInitialProps: is provided by Next.js and it is NOT always triggered, so be careful with that, it happen when you wrap 1 component inside another. If the parent Component has GetInitialProps, the child's GetInitialProps will never be triggered, see this thread for more info.
I found some answers to my questions after playing around with next a bit more. For pages where the data does not change after intial load, i could get rid of mapStateToProps by rewriting my thunks a bit to return the dispatches and only use getInitialProps like this:
export function fetchShow(id) {
return (dispatch) => {
dispatch({ type: actionTypes.FETCH_SHOW_REQUESTED,id});
// we need to return the fetch so we can await it
return fetch(`http://api.tvmaze.com/shows/${id}`)
.then((response) => {
if (!response.ok) {
throw Error(response.statusText);
return response;
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((data) => dispatch({type: actionTypes.FETCH_SHOW_SUCEEDED,id, show: data, time: Date.now() }))
.catch(() => dispatch({ type: actionTypes.FETCH_SHOW_ERROR,id }));
Post.getInitialProps = async function ({store, isServer, pathname, query}) {
const { id } = query;
const {show} = await store.dispatch(fetchShow(id));
return {show};
For pages where the data should update upon store changes i am not sure yet. My current idea is to try and write a helper function that will be called from both getInitialProps and mapStateToProps to reduce code duplication but i am not sure yet.

How to pass argument to React Redux middleware inside mapDispatchToProps

The situation is I am creating a single board which will hold a collection of note cards (each note has an id, title and body), and each note card will have a button to delete it. Also the application will be syncing with firebase, so my main question is how to pass arguments to middlewares AND do it inside of mapDispatchToProps. The following is my code to point out where my success with middleware and where I am currently blocked.
To hydrate the app on startup, I dispatch a middleware function that gets the data from firebase, and then dispatches actions handled by reducers and finally gets updated by the container/presentation component.
Middleware function:
export function hydrateApp(dispatch) {
dispatch({type: 'PENDING'});
fireBaseDBRef.once('value').then(snapshot => {
let firebaseNotes = snapshot.val()
let notes = [];
// populate notes using firebaseNotes, nothing exciting
dispatch({ type: 'DONE', notes: notes });
// the 'DONE' action.type is handled by the reducer and passes data
// to the container component successfully
}).catch(e => {
dispatch({type: 'ERROR', error: e});
Container component:
const mapStateToProps = state => {
return {
notes: state.boardReducer.notes
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
return {
addNote: () => {
const BoardContainer = connect(
So far so good, and this is what I added to the same middleware and container component files to handle delete scenarios.
Middleware function:
export function deleteNote(id) {
return (dispatch) => {
dispatch({type: 'PENDING'});
//firebase stuff happening here
dispatch((type: 'DONE'});
Container component:
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
return {
addNote: () => {
removeNote: (id) => {
The problem is that deleteNote gets called non-stop on startup, I don't even need to click the button.
I know the code presented may not make a whole bunch of sense, but the crux of my problem is that I need to some how pass an id to the middleware function when the user clicks on the button, and because I'm passing the function as a prop, it for some reasons decides to just call it a million times.
I could call boardMiddleware.deleteNote function inside the presentation component just like the examples in the official redux page do, but I'm wondering if there is a way of doing it the way I'm trying to do.
I also thought about binding the argument into the middleware function, but that also doesn't feel right, something like this
removeNote: (id) => {
Thanks for any help in advance!
