Extract indices of sets of values greater than zero in an array - arrays

I have an array of length n. The array has braking energy values, and the index number represents time in seconds.
The structure of array is as follows:
Index 1 to 140, array has zero values. (Vehicle not braking)
Index 141 to 200, array has random energy values. (Vehicle was braking and regenerating energy)
Index 201 to 325, array has zero values. (Vehicle not braking)
Index 326 to 405, array has random energy values. (Vehicle was braking and regenerating energy)
...and so on for an array of length n.
What I want to do is to get starting and ending index number of each set of energy values.
For example the above sequence gives this result:
141 - 200
326 - 405
Can someone please suggest what method or technique can I use to get this result?

Using diff is a quick way to do this.
Here is a demo (see the comments for details):
% Junk data for demo. Indices shown above for reference
% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
x = [0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0, 1, 1, 7, 9, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0];
% Logical converts all non-zero values to 1
% diff is x(2:end)-x(1:end-1), so picks up on changes to/from zeros
% Instead of 'logical', you could have a condition here,
% e.g. bChange = diff( x > 0.5 );
bChange = diff( logical( x ) );
% bChange is one of the following for each consecutive pair:
% 1 for [0 1] pairs
% 0 for [0 0] or [1 1] pairs
% -1 for [1 0] pairs
% We inflate startIdx by 1 to index the non-zero value
startIdx = find( bChange > 0 ) + 1; % Indices of [0 1] pairs
endIdx = find( bChange < 0 ); % Indices of [1 0] pairs
I'll leave it as an exercise to capture the edge cases where you add a start or end index if the array starts or ends with a non-zero value. Hint: you could handle each case separately or pad the initial x with additional end values.
Output of the above:
>> [4, 9]
>> [6, 14]
So you can format this however you like to get the spans 4-6, 9-14.

This task is performed by two methods Both works perfectly.
Wolfie Method:
bChange = diff( EnergyB > 0 );
startIdx = find( bChange > 0 ) + 1; % Indices of [0 1] pairs
endIdx = find( bChange < 0 ); % Indices of [1 0] pairs
startIdx =
endIdx =
Second Method:
startends = find(diff([0; EnergyB > 0; 0]));
startends = reshape(startends, 2, [])';
startends(:, 2) = startends(:, 2) - 1
startends =
141 212
370 426
608 642
843 912


How to reconstruct a 2D K-by-K square matrix from a 1D vector that contain its upper diagonal element given that the other element are zeros?

I got a vector of numbers with length 6 like this a = [1 2 3 4 5 6] and I want to reconstruct the corresponding 4-by-4 matrix A like this where all the element from the diagonal to the other lower diagonal are all zero.
A = [0 1 2 3
0 0 4 5
0 0 0 6
0 0 0 0]
The relationship between the vector a and the corresponding matrix A is that if the dimension of the matrix is K then the length of vector a is K(K-1)/2. In this case the length of a is 6 which mean K = 4.
Another example case would be a = [1 2 3] then
A = [0 1 2
0 0 3
0 0 0
How can I do this?
If you have the Statistics Toolbox, just use squareform and triu:
a = [1 2 3 4 5 6];
A = triu(squareform(a, 'tomatrix'));
Without the toolbox:
a = [1 2 3 4 5 6];
n = (1 + sqrt(1+8*numel(a)))/2; % size of matrix
A = zeros(n); % initiallize
A((1:n).'>(1:n)) = a; % build logical mask using implicit expansion, and fill the
% lower half of the matrix with the desired values in column-major order
A = A.'; % transpose to put the values into the upper half in row-major order

MATLAB store indices maximum in logical matrix

Lets say I have a 4 dimensional matrix, from which I would like to retrieve the maximum values over the 2nd and 3rd dimension.
A = rand(4, 4, 4, 4);
[max_2, in_2] = max(A, [], 2);
[max_3, in_3] = max(max_2, [], 3);
How could I use ind_2 and ind_3 to obtain a logical 4 dimensional matrix, where a 1 entry means this entry is maximum in the 2nd and 3rd dimension?
I would use this approach:
A = rand(4, 4, 4, 4); % example data
B = permute(A, [1 4 2 3]); % permute dims 2 and 3 to the end
B = reshape(B, size(A,1), size(A,4), []); % collapse last two dims
C = bsxfun(#eq, B, max(B, [], 3)); % maximize over collapsed last dim
C = reshape(C, size(A,1), size(A,4), size(A,2), size(A,3)); % expand dims back
C = permute(C, [1 3 4 2]); % permute dims back. This is the final result
Here's an approach working with linear indices and uses argmax indices from max function, so it would only consider the first argmax in case of ties for the max value -
% Get size parameters
[m,n,p,q] = size(A);
% Reshape to merge second and third dims
[~, in_23] = max(reshape(A,m,[],q), [], 2);
% Get linear indices equivalent that could be mapped onto output array
idx1 = reshape(in_23,m,q);
idx2 = bsxfun(#plus,(1:m)', m*n*p*(0:q-1)) + (idx1-1)*m;
% Initialize output array an assign 1s at linear indices from idx2
out = false(m,n,p,q);
out(idx2) = 1;
Explanation with a sample
1) Input array :
>> A
A(:,:,1,1) =
9 8
9 1
A(:,:,2,1) =
2 9
8 1
A(:,:,1,2) =
1 7
8 1
A(:,:,2,2) =
8 5
9 7
2) Reshape array for a better visualization :
>> reshape(A,m,[],q)
ans(:,:,1) =
9 8 2 9
9 1 8 1
ans(:,:,2) =
1 7 8 5
8 1 9 7
3) The question is to take max value from each of the rows. For that, we had idx2 as the linear indices :
>> idx2
idx2 =
1 13
2 14
Looking back at the reshape version, thus we chose (bracketed ones) -
>> reshape(A,m,[],q)
ans(:,:,1) =
[9] 8 2 9
[9] 1 8 1
ans(:,:,2) =
1 7 [8] 5
8 1 [9] 7
So, looking closely, we see that for the first row, we had two 9s, but we are choosing the first one only.
4) Finally, we are assigning these into the output array initialized as logical zeros :
>> out
out(:,:,1,1) =
1 0
1 0
out(:,:,2,1) =
0 0
0 0
out(:,:,1,2) =
0 0
0 0
out(:,:,2,2) =
1 0
1 0

Creating Vector with Condition

How can I create this kind of array in R?
iii <- seq(from = 1, to = 49, by = 2)
this only creates values:
1 3 5 .. 49
The array that I need to create:
1, 0, 3, 0, 5, 0, 7, . . . , 0, 49
x <- 1:11
x * (x %% 2)
[1] 1 0 3 0 5 0 7 0 9 0 11
What this does:
x %% 2 creates a vector of one's for the uneven values of x and zero's for the even values of x.
Multiplying x with x %% 2 thus gives a vector with uneven values with zero's in between.
Based the suggestion of #lmo, you could also do:
x <- seq(1, 11, 2)
head(rep(x, each = 2) * (1:0), -1)
which will give the same result.

find a list of integers for a checksum

I would need a list of n positive integers L that has following properties:
for each possible subset S of L, if I sum all items of S, this sum is not in L
for each possible subset S of L, if I sum all items of S, this sum is unique (each subset can be identified by his sum)
Working example 1:
n = 4
L = [1, 5, 7, 9]
1+5 = 6 ok
5+7 = 12 ok
7+9 = 16 ok
9+1 = 10 ok
1+7 = 8 ok
5+9 = 14 ok
1+5+7 = 13 ok
5+7+9 = 21 ok
1+5+9 = 15 ok
1+7+9 = 17 ok
1+5+7+9 = 22 ok
All sums are unique -> L is OK for n = 4
As an easy to construct sequence, I suggest using power series, e.g.
1, 2, 4, 8, ..., 2**k, ...
1, 3, 9, 27, ..., 3**k, ...
1, 4, 16, 64, ..., 4**k, ...
1, n, n**2, n**3,..., n**k, ... where n >= 2
Take, for instance, 2: neither power of 2 is a sum of other 2 powers; given a sum (number) you can easily find out the subset by converting sum into binary representation:
23 = 10111 (binary) = 2**0 + 2**1 + 2**2 + 2**4 = 1 + 2 + 4 + 16
In general case, a simple greedy algorithm will do: given a sum subtract the largest item less or equal to the sum; continue subtracting up to zero:
n = 3
sum = 273
273 - 243 (3**5) = 30
30 - 27 (3**3) = 3
3 - 3 (3**1) = 0
273 = 3**5 + 3**3 + 3**1 = 243 + 27 + 3

How to assign values to image in matlab

I have 5 columns x, y, r, g, b with values of line number, column number, red, green and blue. The lines of this n by 5 matrix are not in a particular order, however they are consistent with image(x,y) and the r,g,b.
I would like to do something like I=uint8(zeros(480,640,3) and just change those rgb values based on the n by 5 mat.
Something along the lines of I(mat(:,1), mat(:,2), 1)=mat(:,3) for red etc
The following uses the concept of linear indexing and the versatile bsxfun function:
m = 640; %// number of rows
n = 480; %// number of columns
I = zeros(m, n, 3, 'uint8'); %// initiallize directly as uint8
I(bsxfun(#plus, x(:)+(y(:)-1)*m, (0:2)*m*n)) = [r(:) g(:) b(:)]; %// fill values
Small example: for
m = 2;
n = 3;
x = [1 2 1];
y = [1 1 2];
r = [ 1 2 3];
g = [11 12 13];
b = [21 22 23];
the code produces
I(:,:,1) =
1 3 0
2 0 0
I(:,:,2) =
11 13 0
12 0 0
I(:,:,3) =
21 23 0
22 0 0
An alternative:
INDr = sub2ind([480, 640, 3], mat(:, 1), mat(:,2), ones([numel(mat(:,3)), 1]));
INDg = sub2ind([480, 640, 3], mat(:, 1), mat(:,2), 2*ones([numel(mat(:,3)), 1]));
INDb = sub2ind([480, 640, 3], mat(:, 1), mat(:,2), 3*ones([numel(mat(:,3)), 1]));
I=uint8(zeros(480,640, 3));
Note that in Matlab, the convention between axes is different between images and arrays.
