how can i replace the system function? - c

code sample from server:
dup2( client, STDOUT_FILENO ); /* duplicate socket on stdout */
dup2( client, STDERR_FILENO ); /* duplicate socket on stderr too */
char * msgP = NULL;
int len = 0;
while (len == 0) {
ioctl(client, FIONREAD, &len);
if (len > 0) {
msgP = malloc(len * sizeof(char));
len = read(client, msgP, len);
When I send a command from the client I call the system function. This function is sufficient for many commands but not for all. I tried several different commands and I had problems with a few (ex: nano). The problem I'm facing is that after I call the system function I can not send any input any more for that command (if necessary).I can still send other commands.
My question is how can I solve this problem?
P.S. i did some test and cd command also dont work . who can explain me why?
Thanks for the help !

The test and cd commands are built into command-line shells: The shells do not execute them as external programs. They read those commands and process them by making changes inside the shell program itself.
When you execute a program with system or a routine from the exec family, it creates a separate process that runs the program. A separate process can read input, write output, change files, and communicate on the network, but it cannot change things inside the process that created it (except that it can send some information to that process, by providing a status code when it exits or by various means of interprocess communication). This is why cd cannot be executed with system: A separate process cannot change the working directory of another process. In order to execute a cd command, you must call chdir or fchdir to change the working directory for your own process.
There is a separate test command, but some shells choose to implement it internally instead of using the external program. Regarding nano, I do not know why it is not working for you. It works for me when I use system("nano") or system("nano xyz"). You would have to provide more information about the specific problem you are seeing with nano.
The way that ssh provides remote command execution is that it executes a shell process on the server. A shell is a program that reads commands from its input and executes them. Some of the commands, like cd, it executes internally. Other commands it executes by calling external programs. To provide a similar service, you could either write your own shell or execute one of the existing shells. On Unix systems, standard shells may be found in /bin with names ending in sh, such as /bin/bash and /bin/csh. (Not everything ending in sh is necessarily a shell, though.)
Even if you execute a shell, there are a number of details to doing it properly, including:
Ensuring that the standard input, standard output, and standard error streams of the shell are connected the way you want them to be.
Passing the desired environment and command-line arguments to the shell.


Is there a way to redirect stderr to a file that works in bash, csh and dash?

How do I redirect stderr (or stdout+stderr) to a file if I don't know which shell (bash, csh, dash) is interpreting my command?
My C code running on Linux/FreeBSD/OSX needs to call an external program via the system() function, which will use /bin/sh to interpret the supplied command line. I would like to capture the messages printed by that external program to stderr and save them to a file. The problem is that on different systems /bin/sh points to different shells that have different syntax for redirecting the stderr stream to a file.
The closest thing I found is that bash actually understands the csh-style syntax for redirecting stderr+stdout to a file:
some_program >& output.txt
but dash, which is the default shell on Ubuntu (i.e. very common), does not understand this syntax.
Is there a syntax for stderr redirection that would be correctly interpreted by all common shells? Alternatively, is there a way to tell system() (or some other similar C function?) to use /usr/bin/env bash instead of /bin/sh to interpret the supplied command line?
You have a mistaken assumption, that /bin/sh can be an "alternate" shell like csh that's incompatible with the standard shell syntax. If you had a system setup like that, it would be unusably broken; no shell scripts would work. Pretty much all modern systems attempt to conform, at least superficially, to the POSIX standard, where the sh command processes the Shell Command Language specified in POSIX, which is roughly equivalent to the historical Bourne shell and which bash, dash, ash, etc. (shells which are commonly installed as /bin/sh) are all 99.9% compatible with.
You can completely ignore csh and similar. They're never installed as sh, and only folks who actually want to use them, or who get stuck using them as their interactive shell because some evil sysadmin setup the login shell defaults that way, ever have to care about them.
On any POSIX-like system, you can use
system("some_program > output.txt 2>&1");
This is because POSIX system is equivalent to calling sh, and POSIX sh supports this kind of redirection. This works independently of whether or not a user opening a terminal on the system will see a Csh prompt.
How do I redirect stderr (or stdout+stderr) to a file if I don't know which shell (bash, csh, dash) is interpreting my command?
You don't. Bourne-family shells and csh-family shells have different, incompatible syntax for redirecting stderr. In fact, csh and tcsh do not have a syntax to redirect only stderr at all -- they can redirect it only together with stdout.
If you really could be in any shell at all, then you're pretty much hosed with respect to doing much of anything. One could imagine an obscure, esoteric shell with completely incompatible syntax. For that matter, even an unusual configuration of a standard shell could trip you up -- for example if the IFS variable is set to an unusual value in a Bourne-family shell, then you'll have trouble executing any commands that don't take that into account.
If you can count on executing at least simple commands, then you could execute a known shell within the unknown one to process your command, but that oughtn't to be necessary for the case that seems to interest you.
Alternatively, is there a way to tell system() (or some other similar
C function?) to use /usr/bin/env bash instead of /bin/sh to interpret
the supplied command line?
Not on a POSIX-conforming system. POSIX specifies explicitly that the system() function executes the command by use of /bin/sh -c [the_command]. But this shouldn't be something to worry about, as /bin/sh should be a conforming POSIX shell, or at least pretty close to one. Definitely it should be a Bourne-family shell, which both bash and dash are, but tcsh most definitely is not.
The way to redirect the standard error stream in a POSIX shell is to use the 2> redirection operator (which is a special case of a more general redirection feature applicable to any file descriptor). Whatever shell /bin/sh actually is should recognize that syntax, and in particular bash and dash both do:
some_program 2> output.txt
I think, there is another possibility worth mentioning: You could open the file you want to redirect on stderr in your c-code prior to calling system(). You can dup() the original stderr first, and then restore it again.
fflush(stderr); // Flush pending output
int saved_stderr = dup(fileno(stderr));
int fd = open("output.txt", O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0600);
dup2(fd, fileno(stderr));
dup2(saved_stderr, fileno(stderr));
This should perform the output redirection as you need it.
If you don't know the shell.... of course you don't know how to redirect from it, despite of the fact that you can see what value the $SHELL has, and act in consequence:
char *shell = getenv("SHELL");
if (*shell) { /* no SHELL variable defined */
/* ... */
} else if (!strcmp(shell, "/bin/sh")) { /* bourne shell */
/* ... */
} /* ... more shells */
Despite of what you say in your question, it is quite unusual to rename /bin/sh to use another shell, as shell scripts use syntax that depends on that. The only case I know is with bash(1), and I have seen this only in Linux (and remarkably, last versions of solaris), but the syntax of bash(1) is a superset of the syntax of sh(1), making it possible to run shell scripts made for sh(1) with it. Renaming /bin/sh to perl for example, would make your system probably completely unusable, as many system tools depend of /bin/sh to be a bourne compatible shell.
By the way, the system(3) library function always calls sh(1) as the command interpreter, so there should be no problem to use it, but there's no solution to capture the output and process it by the parent process (indeed, the parent process is the sh(1) that system(3) fork(2)s)
Another thing you can do is to popen(3) a process. This call gives you a FILE pointer to a pipe of a process. You popen its input in case you popen(3) it for writing, and you popen its output if you want or read its output. Look at the manual for details, as I don't know now if it redirects only its standard output or it also redirects the standard error (I think only redirects standard output, for reasons discussed below, and only if you popen(3) it with a "r" flag).
FILE *f_in = popen("ps aux", "r");
/* read standard output of 'ps aux' command. */
pclose(f_in); /* closes the descriptor and waits for the child to finish */
Another thing you can do is to redirect yourself after fork(2)ing the child, and before the exec(2) call (this way you can decide if you want only stdout or if you want also stderr redirected back to you):
int fd[2];
int res = pipe(fd);
if (res < 0) {
if ((res = fork()) < 0) {
} else if (res == 0) { /* child process */
dup2(fd[1], 1); /* redirect pipe to stdout */
dup2(fd[1], 2); /* redirect pipe also to stderr */
close(fd[1]); close(fd[0]); /* we don't need these */
execvp(program, argv);
} else { /* parent process */
close(fd[1]); /* we are not going to write in the pipe */
FILE *f_in = fdopen(fd[0]);
/* read standard output and standard error from program from f_in FILE descriptor */
wait(NULL); /* wait for child to finish */
You can see a complete example of this (not reading standard error, but it is easy to add --- you have only to add the second dup2() call from above) here. The program executes repeatedly a command you pass to it on the command line. It needs to get access to the output of the subprocess to count the lines, as between invocations, the program goes up as many lines as the program output, to make the next invocation to overlap the output of the last invocation. You can try it and play, making modifications as you like.
In your sample redirection, when you use >&, you need to add a number after the ampersand, to indicate which descriptor you are dup()ing. As the number before the > is optional, the one after the & is mandatory. So, if you have not used it, prepare to receive an error (which probably you don't see if you are redirecting stderr) The idea of having two separate output descriptors is to allow you to redirect stdout and at the same time, conserve a channel where to put error messages.

Controlling terminal and GDB

I have a Linux process running in the background. I want to take over its stdin/out/err over SSH and also be the terminal controller. The "original" file descriptors are pseudo terminals, too.
I have tried Reptyr and dupx. Reptyr fails around vfork, but dupx works very well. The GDB script it generated:
attach 123
set $fd=open("/dev/pts/14", 0)
set $xd=dup(0)
call dup2($fd, 0)
call close($fd)
call close($xd)
set $fd=open("/dev/pts/14", 1089)
set $xd=dup(1)
call dup2($fd, 1)
call close($fd)
call write($xd, "Remaining standard output of 123 is redirected to /dev/pts/14\n", 62)
call close($xd)
set $fd=open("/dev/pts/14", 1089)
set $xd=dup(2)
call dup2($fd, 2)
call close($fd)
call write($xd, "Remaining standard error of 123 is redircted to /dev/pts/14\n", 60)
call close($xd)
As soon as the dupx command finished, the shell is not returned and the target app receives my input (via pts/14) immediately.
Now I want to achieve the same result using my standalone binary application. I've ported the same syscalls (dup/dup2/close, etc) what being executed by the gdb by script driven by dupx:
int fd; int xd;
char* s = "Remaining standard output is redirected to new terminal\n";
fd = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY);
xd = dup( STDIN_FILENO);
dup2(fd, STDIN_FILENO );
fd = open(argv[1], O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_APPEND);
xd = dup( STDOUT_FILENO);
dup2(fd, STDOUT_FILENO);
write(xd, s, strlen(s));
fd = open(argv[1], O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_APPEND);
xd = dup( STDERR_FILENO);
dup2(fd, STDERR_FILENO);
write(xd, s, strlen(s));
Running the snipplet above is done by injecting a shared library into the remote process via sigstop/ptrace attach/dlopen/etc (using a tool similar to hotpatch). Lets consider this part of the problem to be safe and working reliable: after doing all this, the file descriptors of the target process are changed as I wanted. I can verify it by simply checking /proc/pidof target/fd.
However, the shell returns and it still receives all my input, not the target app.
I noticed if I simply attach/detach with gdb after this point (= fds changed by the injected C code) without actually changing anything, the desired behavior is accomplished (mean: the shell is not returned but the target app starts receiving my input). The command is:
gdb --pid=`pidof target` --batch --ex=quit
And now my question is: how? What happens in the background? How can I do the same without gdb? I've tried stracing gdb to get some hints, and also tried playing with the tty ioctl API's without any luck.
Please note, that obtaining the terminal controller status (if that is the key of this problem at all) by the fork/setsid way what Reptyr uses is not acceptable for me: I want to avoid forking.
Additionally, I cant control starting the target, so "why don't you run it in screen" is no answer here.
I've ssh access, thats where pts/14 was coming from. Shell and the
target app might be competing, but I've never experienced such
behaviour; dupx alwaysed did what I wanted in this scenario.
Well, sitting and wondering why the known problem by chance didn't show up in the past won't solve it, even if this point would be clarified. The way to go is to make it work by design rather than by accident. For this purpose it is necessary for your standalone binary application to not return to the shell (to avoid the concurrent reading of input) while the input is supposed to go to the target app.
See e. g. also Redirect input from one terminal to another, Why does tapping a TTY device only capture every other character?

Executing powershell script from Linux

I am trying to execute some powershell scripts from Linux using a C program automatically. I am using libexpect to send the commands to Windows and get the file descriptor of the powershell terminal and writing to it to run powershell scripts/commands. It works fine. But my requirement is that I want to be able to read the output of the powershell script from my C program.
C program looks like this:
fd = exp_spawnl( "sh", "sh", "-c", "telent -l username machine", (char*)0);
exp_expectl( fd, exp_glob, "password: ", 1, exp_end);
write(fd, "password\r", NUM_BYTES);
exp_expectl( fd, exp_glob, ".*>", 1, exp_end);
write(fd, "powershell \path\script.ps1\r", NUM_BYTES);
As it's above, it's not possible to get the stdout/stderr of powershell script.ps1 that's being executed on windows.
The whole setup of linux-windows-powershell-linux is in a local network. Hence, I am not too worried about using telnet at the moment. But I am open to any solutions (ssh or not) that helps achieve my goal.
I am open to not using libexpect as well if there are alternative options. Basically I can change anything in this approach. I am using it because I am not aware of any other way to send in username/password and commands to the remote shell as done expect (libexpect).
I am open to suggestions on writing a expect/bash script on linux OR some on-the-fly powershell script on windows as long as my primary objective is met i.e. execute powershell scripts/commands automatically and get stdout and stderr of them and their exit status $?. Note that I don't need the file pointers themselves, I am quite happy if I can get the values in a char[] (like OUTPUT=$(ls) in bash).
A (not very handy) solution: the expect's manual says: "If exp_loguser is nonzero, expect sends any output from the spawned process to stdout." (here). So, if you temporarily redirect your stdout on a pipe's write side, you can use the logging feature to actually intercept the spawned process' output by reading the pipe's read side. The output will be probably mixed with the input (the interactive programs are used to echo their input), so it's on you to identify the relevant data in the redirected stream.

UNIX run program within another program

I am trying to execute a program from within a C program (inside UNIX).
I have been given an executable ( the program requires a string input during execution and writes that input to another file called sample ) called exec and I want to execute it in program.c, but giving the string input through indirection.
For that I created a file as follows:
% vim input
I wrote the following inside the input file
Now in program.c,
int main()
const char* command = "./exec < input";
execvp(command, NULL);
return 0;
When I run the program, the content is not entered into the sample file.
But when I run it without indirection, i.e.
const char* command = "./exec";
then it works, and input entered in saved in sample file.
Can someone please tell what am I doing wrong in the indirection syntax.
The syntax you are using is supposed to be interpreted by a shell like bash, csh, ksh, etc.
The system call execvp only expects the path to the executable and a number of arguments, the shell is not invoked there.
To perform redirection in this manner, you'll have to use the dup2(2) system call before calling execvp:
int fd = open("input", O_RDONLY);
/* redirect standard input to the opened file */
dup2(fd, 0);
execvp("/path/to/exec", ...);
Of course, you'll need some additional error checking in a real-world program.
You can't do redirection like that with execvp. Use system() or start getting friendly with dup() and friends. You might google 'implementing redirection'.. you'll likely turn up plenty of examples of how shells (for example) handle this problem.
The exec(3) family of functions does not know anything about input redirection or parsing command lines: it tries to execute exactly the executable you give it. It's trying to search for an executable file with the name "./exec < input", which unsurprisingly does not exist.
One solution would be to use the system(3) function instead of exec. system invokes the user's shell (such as /bin/bash), which is capable of parsing the command line and doing appropriate redirections. But, system() is not as versatile as exec, so it may or may not be suitable for your needs.
The better solution is to do the input redirection yourself. What you need to do us use open(3) to open the file and dup2(3) to duplicate the file descriptor onto file descriptor 0 (standard input), and then exec the executable.

A Linux Daemon and the STDIN/STDOUT

I am working on a linux daemon and having some issues with the stdin/stdout. Normally because of the nature of a daemon you do not have any stdin or stdout. However, I do have a function in my daemon that is called when the daemon runs for the first time to specify different parameters that are required for the daemon to run successfully. When this function is called the terminal becomes so sluggish that I have to launch a seperate shell and kill the daemon with top to get a responsive prompt back. Now I suspect that this has something to do with the forking process closing the stdin/stdout but I am not quite sure how I could work around this. If you guys could shed some light on the situation that would be most appreciated. Thanks.
int main(argc, char *argv[]) {
/* setup signal handling */
/* check command line arguments */
pid_t pid, sid;
pid = fork();
if (pid < 0) {
if(pid > 0){
sid = setsid();
if(sid < 0) {
/* set syslogging */
/* do some logic to determine wether we are running the daemon for the first time and if we are call the one time function which uses fgets() to recieve some input */
while(1) {
/* do required work */
/* do some clean up procedures and exit */
return 0;
You guys mention using a config file. This is is exactly what I do to store the parameters recieved via input. However I still initially need to get these from the user via the stdin. The logic for determining whether we are running for the first time is based off of the existence of the config file.
Normally, the standard input of a daemon should be connected to /dev/null, so that if anything is read from standard input, you get an EOF immediately. Normally, standard output should be connected to a file - either a log file or /dev/null. The latter means all writes will succeed, but no information will be stored. Similarly, standard error should be connected to /dev/null or to a log file.
All programs, including daemons, are entitled to assume that stdin, stdout and stderr are appropriately opened file streams.
It is usually appropriate for a daemon to control where its input comes from and outputs go to. There is seldom occasion for input to come from other than /dev/null. If the code was written to survive without standard output or standard error (for example, it opens a standard log channel, or perhaps uses syslog(3)) then it may be appropriate to close stdout and stderr. Otherwise, it is probably appropriate to redirect them to /dev/null, while still logging messages to a log file. Alternatively, you can redirect both stdout and stderr to a log file - beware continuously growing log files.
Your sluggish-to-impossible response time might be because your program is not paying attention to EOF in a read loop somewhere. It might be prompting for user input on /dev/null, and reading a response from /dev/null, and not getting a 'y' or 'n' back, it tries again, which chews up your system horribly. Of course, the code is flawed in not handling EOF, and counting the number of times it gets an invalid response and stopping being silly after a reasonable number of attempts (16, 32, 64). The program should shut up shop sanely and safely if it expects a meaningful input and continues not to get it.
You guys mention using a config file. This is is exactly what I do to store the parameters recieved via input. However I still initially need to get these from the user via the stdin. The logic for determining whether we are running for the first time is based off of the existence of the config file.
Instead of reading stdin, have the user write the config file themselves; check for its existence before forking, and exit with an error if it doesn't. Include a sample config file with the daemon, and document its format in your daemon's manpage. You do have a manpage, yes? Your config file is textual, yes?
Also, your daemonization logic is missing a key step. After forking, but before calling setsid, you need to close fds 0, 1, and 2 and reopen them to /dev/null (do not attempt to do this with fclose and fopen). That should fix your sluggish terminal problem.
Your design is wrong. Daemon processes should not take input via stdin or deliver output to stdout/stderr. You'll close those descriptors as part of the daemonizing phase. Daemons should take configuration parameters from the command line, a config file, or both. If runtime-input is required you'll have to read a file, open a socket, etc., but the point of a daemon is that it should be able to run and do its thing without a user being present at the console.
If you want to run your program detached, use the shell: (setsid <command> &). Do not fork() inside your program, which will cause sysadmin nightmare.
Don't use syslog() nor redirect stdout or stderr.
Better yet, use a daemon manager such as daemon tools, runit, OpenRC and systemd, to daemonize your program for you.
Use a config file. Do not use STDIN or STDOUT with a daemon. Daemons are meant to run in the background with no user interaction.
If you insist on using stdin/keyboard input to fire up the daemon (e.g. to get some magic passphrase you wouldn't want to store in a file) then handle all I/O before the fork().
