Recursively delete folders where folder name contains a number - arrays

Good afternoon all,
I am attempting to delete folders at a specific location containing a number in the name, which can be any number in the array.
$fso = New-Object -com "Scripting.FileSystemObject"
$Versionarray = (13..20)
$folder =
foreach ($subfolder in $folder.SubFolders)
If ($subfolder.Name -match "$Versionarray")
remove-item $subfolder.Path -Verbose
Please see an example of the following folders it will sift through below:
If I change the "VersionArray"array to the variable "18" instead, it will start to remove the folders. It doesn't appear to be going through each number of the array. I need it to be an array to future-proof the script as the number represents a version of OneDrive.
Thank you for looking over this.

Going from your initial idea to have a list of items that must be contained in the subfolder name, we can do a pipeline like this:
$Versionarray = 13..20
Get-ChildItem "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Microsoft\OneDrive" -Recurse | Where-Object {
$item = $_
$item -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo] -and (
$Versionarray | Where-Object { $item.Name.Contains($_) }
} | Remove-Item -WhatIf
Get-ChildItem returns all subfolders and files in a folder. Drop -Recurse if you don't need that.
Where-Object filters any list of objects according to a condition. Any result other than 0, $false, $null, or the empty string/empty list will be considered $true. It's not necessary to actually return $true, as long as anything is returned at all.
$_ is the "current item" in the pipeline
$foo -is [Fully.Qualified.ClassName] checks if an object is of a certain class. In this case, we only want to look at System.IO.DirectoryInfo objects and ignore all files.
$Versionarray | Where-Object { $item.Name.Contains($_) } filters the $Versionarray down to those elements that are contained in the folder name. You could use .StartsWith() or any other method of .NET strings in its place.
Any object that "survives" the Where-Object filter is passed to Remove-Item
-WhatIf performs a dry-run, drop it when you're sure the right thing will happen.


Rename AD groups using two PowerShell arrays

I'm trying to rename existing AD groups in this way.
AD groups starting # to be renamed to the same name without #. For example , I have #dl1 and I wish to get it renamed dl1 (omitting #)
Im trying to rename following four users first.
I have written two arrays, in this manner. ($myArray and $myArray2).
$myArray =#(
$data = Get-ADGroup -Filter {name -like "#*"} |select samaccountname
$data.samaccountname | foreach {$_.split("#")[1]
$myArray2 =#(
$assdf=Get-ADGroup -Filter {name -like "#*"}
$myArray2 =#($assdf)
foreach($a in $assdf)
If I print $myarray it gives exact results, that I wish, in this way.
and also if I print $myarray2 it gives the desired results in this way,
the missing piece of the puzzle is combining those two arrays to run the final command that is
set-adgroup -identity (members indide $myArray2) -samaccountname (members indide $myArray)
For hours, I have tried numerous methods to get set-adgroup .. using for each loop etc.
for example,
foreach ($item in $myArray2)
Set-adgroup -identity $item.samaccountname -samaccountname $nameto_replace
Can anyone please shed some light, please? I am totally out of ideas now. thanks in advance
There is no need to perform Get-ADGroup twice, where you can use it once and loop over the results in a ForEach-Object loop:
Updated as per Aravinda's helpful observation
Get-ADGroup -Filter "Name -like '#*'" | ForEach-Object {
$newName = $_.Name.TrimStart('#')
Write-Host "Renaming group $($_.Name).. to '$newName'"
# replace only the SamAccountName
$_ | Set-ADGroup -SamAccountName $newName
# or replace multiple properties at the same time.
# You need to use the LDAP names here, so mind the casing !
# See
# $_ | Set-ADGroup -Replace #{sAMAccountName = $newName; displayName = $newName}
You can limit the search to a specified OU if you want by adding the OU's DistinguishedName with the -SearchBase parameter
Theo's answer is fantastic!
Following is the one finally I used derived from theo's answer.
Get-ADGroup -Filter "Name -like '#*'" | ForEach-Object {
$newName = $_.Name.TrimStart('#')
$_ | Set-ADGroup -Replace #{sAMAccountName = $newName;displayName = $newName}
$_ | Rename-ADObject -NewName $newName
If you try using set-adgroup to change 'name' and 'CN' and it gives below error.
"Set-ADGroup : The directory service cannot perform the requested operation on the RDN attribute of an object"
To change multiple attributes, especially including Name and CN, combination of Rename-ADObject and Set-ADGroup can be used.

Attempting to use two arrays as variables to search file names (powershell)

I need to search multiple (named) folders on multiple servers for files matching a specific date and copy those files to a local folder using Powershell. The number of folders are not the same size arrays as the number of servers. I.e. I need \server1\interfacefolders\folder1, \server1\interfacefolders\folder2, \server2\interfacefolders\folder1, \server2\interfacefolders\folder2, etc.
I have the following set up as arrays/variables preparing for this, I thought "nested" foreach loops would work, but it bombs out...any ideas how to get started on this?:
[string[]]$ProdServerArray = "server1", "server2", "server3"
[string[]]$InterfaceArray = "folder1", "folder2" "folder3" do {
$date = Read-host "Enter date (MM/DD/YYYY) : " } while ($date -as [datetime] -isnot [datetime])
$date = $date -as [datetime]
$destination = new-item c:\GetFilesResults\$($date.toshortdatestring().replace("/","-")) -type directory
$path = foreach ($ProdServer in $ProdServerArray)
$folder = foreach ($Interface in $InterfaceArray)
$file = "\\$path\InterfaceFolder\$folder\*"
if ("$file".LastWriteTime -gt $
Copy-Item -Path $file.fullname -Destination $destination
to build the full folder names from those two arrays, you can use two nested foreach loops. once you have the values, you can build the paths via something like the -f string format operator.
i left out the rest of your code since it does not appear to pertain to the question you asked. [grin]
$ProdServerArray = 'serverAAA', 'serverBbBbBb', 'server_CCC'
$InterfaceArray = 'folder1', 'folder2', 'folder3', 'folder666'
foreach ($PSA_Item in $ProdServerArray)
foreach ($IA_Item in $InterfaceArray)
'\\{0}\InterfaceFolders\{1}' -f $PSA_Item, $IA_Item
'=' * 30
output ...
First of all, you are missing a comma in the line:
[string[]]$InterfaceArray = "folder1", "folder2" "folder3"
Additionally, as far as I can tell, your do while loop doesn't appear to be accomplishing anything, as the only time this will ever be true is if the time 12:00:00AM exactly on the date specified. No matter what date you input in the format (MM/DD/YYYY), they will not be equal unless the case I said above.
Since you are searching multiple servers, Invoke-Command is your friend, as a foreach loop will act in series, while this will work in parallel. It will send out the search command to each server simultaneously.
I am not quite sure exactly what you are trying to do, so I did not fill in the actual search code(seen below), but the part i have left blank would be where you enter what filename/filename schema you are looking for. If you provide more clarity I can assist further if needed.
(Note: $filepath, although self explanatory, is the file paths you wish to search. You can generate them in a way similar to the one provided by Lee_Dailey. I'd recommend removing the divider lines and saving the paths generated to a String System.Array Object)
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ProdServerArray -ScriptBlock {Get-Childitem –Path $filepath -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |where {<your code here>}}

Powershell form: how can I find controls based on name-property

How can I list all the controls in my form where (name)-property begins with something spesific and then use it in a foreach?
I have multiple groupboxes under multiple tabpages where the name starts with gbs (Example: gbs1, gbs2, gbs3 ++). Now I want to disable all the groupeboxes that begins with gbs* at say a click of a botton without having to list all the groupboxes manually.
I've tried to look it up, but I can't find good documentation on it. I might be searching for the wrong words...
I'm guessing this is a start, and it's as far as I've come, but I'm not sure where to go from here or if I'm way off;
$list = #($MainForm.Controls.Find -like 'gbs*')
foreach ($item in $list){$item.enabled = $false} #Just a example of what I'm thinking
I am creating a .exe form that is going to automate active directory. The form contains a bunch of settings, and all of them is within these groupboxes. I’m going to have a ‘edit-mode’, so that when it’s active - the groupboxes are enabled. When not, disabled.
Solution, thanks to help from #Clijsters :
#Get all the tabpages
$script:tabpages = $tabTasks.Controls | Where-Object { $_.Name -like "tp*" } | select Name, Controls
$script:tabpages += $tabSettings.Controls | Where-Object { $_.Name -like "tp*" } | select Name, Controls
#Get groupboxes in tabpages
$script:groupboxes = [System.Object]$tabpages.Controls
$groupboxes | Where-Object { $_.Name -like "gbs*" } | ForEach-Object { $_.Enabled = $true }
For finding Items in a list, Where-Object is your CmdLet of choice!
In your case something like
$list = $MainForm.Controls | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "gbs*"}
will work fine. You can store the result in a variable (like shown above) and use it in foreach or pipe the resulting list directly to ForEach-Object and process it there like below:
$MainForm.Controls | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "gbs*"} | ForEach-Object {Do Something}

Use child-item result object in array

I encountered a problem in PowerShell in listing its child items.
$file = Get-ChildItem \\compname\c$\folder\ -Recurse -Filter *filename.txt* |
Select-Object -Property DirectoryName, FullName
When I try this to get its objects it was empty:
If there is a many files in that directory with the same file name, how can I backup up those files in the same folder by by adding .bak on its file extension.
You're still using PowerShell v2 or earlier. These early versions don't support member enumeration on arrays, which would allow you to access properties of array elements via the array object itself. Instead you get an empty result, because the array object does not have a property DirectoryName or FullName.
If you can't upgrade to at least PowerShell v3 you can work around this issue with a loop:
$file | ForEach-Object { $_.FullName }
or by expanding the property:
$file | Select-Object -Expand FullName

ACL "fuzzy" comparision

I'm trying to compare ACLs on a folder with a reference set of ACLs, and then list any exceptions. The "fuzzy" part of the equation is that I want to be able to disregard any unknown SID. So creating a reference folder with the perms I want to test won't work to use Compare-Object between it and my test folder.
The underlying scenario is that I am cleaning up old user directories where the actual user account has been deleted (this is where the non-resolved SID comes in). By default, the folders include perms for Administrator and the like, which I don't care about. There are some folders, however, where another user has been granted explicit permissions, and I want to capture these. Unfortunately, there aren't any shortcuts I can use to check: e.g. -IsInherited or the like to exclude ACLs I don't care about.
Per the below, I can dump the ACLs out into an array
$acl = get-acl f:\user_folder
$access = $acl.Access | ForEach-Object { $_.identityReference.value }
MYDOMAIN\Domain_Group ###Yes, the group has an underscore in the name
I can create another array of the users I want to ignore, including a partial string to match any unresolved SID.
$defaults = #("BUILTIN\Administrators","MYDOMAIN\DomainGroup","S-1-5-21")
So how do I compare my $defaults array with the $access array and output only the exceptions like "MYDOMAIN\JBLOGGS"?
I'm trying a foreach, but I'm stumped about grabbing that exception. The following still outputs the SID I want to avoid. I'm hoping to also avoid too many nested "IFs".
$access | ForEach { If ($defaults -notcontains $_) { Write-Output $_ } }
S-1-5-21-4444444444-9999999-1111111111-74390 #Do not want!
If I put the wildcard $_* into the -notcontains, I get the whole contents of $access again.
I'd do something like this:
$defaults = 'BUILTIN\Administrators', 'MYDOMAIN\DomainGroup', 'S-1-5-21*'
$acl.Access | Where-Object {
$id = $_.IdentityReference
-not ($defaults | Where-Object { $_ -like $id })
} | Select-Object -Expand value
$defaults | Where-Object { $_ -like $id } does a wildcard match of the given identity against all items of $defaults. The wildcard * at the end of S-1-5-21* allows to match all strings starting with S-1-5-21. The negation -not inverts the result so that only identities not having a match in $defaults pass the filter.
give the users you want to ignore some right on a dummy folder, get the acl of that folder and then compare whith the acl of your actual folder
$genericACL = get-acl c:\temp\dummy
$folderacl = get-acl f:\user_folder
$exceptions= $folderacl.Access.identityreference.value |?{ ($_ -notin $genericACL.access.identityreference.value) -and ($_.strartswith('S-1-5-21') -eq $false)) }
In the end, it was fairly simple, thanks to the help above.
I managed to omit the fact in the original question where I required it to work in Powershell v2.
$defaults = #("BUILTIN\Administrators","MYDOMAIN\DomainGroup")
$acl = get-acl $folder
$access = $acl.Access | ForEach-Object { $_.identityReference.value }
# check that no other account still has access to the folder
$access | ForEach {
If ($defaultACL -notcontains $_ -and $_ -notlike 'S-1-5-21*') {
write-output "Extra perms:$user $_"
