Using two times the substing() is giving me an error.
Is there a way to get the same result ?
select [Identifiant] as [ID payment],
[Etat de la dépense] as [Status payment],
[Code bénéficiaire] as [Recipient code of payment],
substring(substring([Information projet], 83, 100) as [sting], 1, PATINDEX('%Code Branche%', [string])-1) as [Recipient of payment]
into [DB].[dbo].[Check_Result]
from [DB].[dbo].Expenses_SAP$
You can't alias the inner substring. It's unclear what you would try to achieve by doing this, so I can't really suggest the correct way to do whatever it is.
Take out as [sting] and at least you should have valid syntax:
substring(substring([Information projet], 83, 100), 1, PATINDEX('%Code Branche%', [string])-1) as [Recipient of payment]
I have a feeling that you're trying to do something like the following...
es.Identifiant as [ID payment],
es.[Etat de la dépense] as [Status payment],
es.[Code bénéficiaire] as [Recipient code of payment],
substring(ss.sub_string, 1, PATINDEX('%Code Branche%', ss.sub_string)-1) as [Recipient of payment]
into [DB].[dbo].[Check_Result]
DB.dbo.Expenses_SAP es
CROSS APPLY ( VALUES (substring([Information projet], 83, 100)) ) ss (sub_string);
This is the SQL statement I want to code in CakePHP 4:
SELECT visits.member_id, members.mbr_name, visits.created, batches.grade_id
FROM visits
LEFT JOIN members ON members.mbrid = visits.member_id
LEFT JOIN batches ON batches.member_id = members.mbrid
WHERE batches.batch = '2020' AND (batches.sub_batch = '0' OR batches.sub_batch = '1')
ORDER BY visits.created DESC
As you can see, the second LEFT JOIN clause is only related to members, instead of the main table visits.
This is the way I code it in CakePHP 4:
->contain('Members.Batches', function (Query $q) {
return $q
->select('member_id', 'batch', 'sub_batch', 'grade_id')
->where(['Batches.batch' => '2020', 'Batches.sub_batch' => '0']);
->order(['Visits.created' => 'DESC'])
In the Debug mode, I can see two(2) SQL generated. Not what I expected:
SELECT AS Visits__id,
Visits.member_id AS Visits__member_id,
Visits.vst_datetime AS Visits__vst_datetime,
Visits.location_id AS Visits__location_id,
Visits.created AS Visits__created,
Visits.modified AS Visits__modified, AS Members__id,
Members.mbrid AS Members__mbrid,
Members.mbr_name AS Members__mbr_name,
Members.mbr_type AS Members__mbr_type,
Members.created AS Members__created,
Members.modified AS Members__modified
visits Visits
LEFT JOIN members Members ON Members.mbrid = (Visits.member_id)
Visits.created DESC
Batches.member_id AS Batches__member_id
batches Batches
Batches.member_id in (
187, 1471, 1470, 1463, 250, 350, 1000,
501, 300, 255, 254, 253, 3, 303, 215,
305, 202, 201
AND Batches.batch = '2020'
AND Batches.sub_batch = '0'
Here's the code that gives me the sql that I need:
$visits = $this->Paginator->paginate($this->Visits->find()
->select(['Members.mbrid', 'Members.mbr_name', 'Visits.created', 'Batches.grade_id'])
->where(['Batches.batch' => '2020', 'Batches.sub_batch' => '0'])
->order(['Visits.created' => 'DESC'])
As suggested by #ndm by using leftJoinWith.
It seems like I can't do this:
user=csv_reader[0 + row_count]
This code is for a university project and I'm running it on If you want to take a look, it's posted here:
import csv
def comprobando_usuario(usuario_var):
csv_reader = open("ale.csv")
row_count = len(csv_reader.readlines())
while row_count >= 1:
user=csv_reader[0 + row_count]
while usuario_var in useri:
usuario_var=str(("Ingrese nuevo usuario o escribe no para
row_count=row_count - 1
if usuario_var in abc:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 14, in <module>
respuesta_de_usuario= usuario.comprobando_usuario(usuario_var)
File "/home/runner/", line 6, in comprobando_usuario
user=csv_reader[0 + row_count]
TypeError: '_io.TextIOWrapper' object is not subscriptable
Indeed, you can't do user=csv_reader[0 + row_count] as csv_reader is a file object that you created from csv_reader = open("ale.csv").
Also, you should get rid of this complex while loop and follow the doc to know how to read a file properly in Python:
Trying to webscrape from HTML.
Using Inspector gadget.
No problems with the 1st table on page. With 2nd table, Iget character(0) or Nodeset(0)
gdf1 <- data.frame(matrix(0, ncol = 11, nrow = 1))
# date1=newdate[d]
#for (yr in 1:10){
#tables<-html_nodes(nbc,".center , #games , .right:nth-child(5), .right:nth-child(3), #games a")
tables<-html_nodes(nbc,"#stats .right , #stats a")
I would like to extract text between a start and end string with SWI-Prolog, e.g., all the titles from Wikipedia dumps. I don't want to use an XML-parser, as I want to deal with different file types in the same way. I got it working for small files, but run into problems for large files.
For big files (e.g., Romanian Wikipedia) prolog runs out of memory (prolog -G1G -L1G -T1G -s -t main, see content of below):
Welcome to SWI-Prolog (threaded, 64 bits, version 7.4.2)
SWI-Prolog comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software.
Please run ?- license. for legal details.
For online help and background, visit
For built-in help, use ?- help(Topic). or ?- apropos(Word).
found: 'Rocarta'
found: 'Muzică'
found: 'Iris (formație românească)'
found: 'Pagina principală'
...[removed hundreds of lines]
found: 'Zadar'
found: 'Australia'
found: 'Slovenia'
found: 'Croația'
ERROR: Out of global stack
Exception: (5,861) between([60, 116, 105, 116, 108, 101, 62], [60, 47, 116, 105, 116, 108, 101, 62], _264890370, [10, 32, 32, 32, 32, 60, 110, 115|...], []) ?
How to accomplish this task with big input files?
:- use_module(library(pio)).
:- use_module(library(dcg/basics)).
main :-
phrase_from_file(between(`<title>`, `</title>`, _), `wiki.xml`).
between(Start, End, Found) -->
string(_), string(Start), string(Found), string(End),
{ format("found: '~s' \n", [Found]) },
between(Start, End, _).
between(_, _, []) -->
{ format("finished parsing") }.
example input (wiki.xml):
>< Don't use an XML parser! ><
<page><title>Albert Einstein</title></page>
<page><title>Elvis Presley</title></page>
example output (expected):
found: 'Albert Einstein'
found: 'Elvis Presley'
finished parsing
If we remove the recursive call from between/3, the output changes, and doesn't correspond to what I expect:
found: 'Albert Einstein'
found: 'Albert Einstein</title></page>
<page><title>Elvis Presley'
found: 'Elvis Presley'
finished parsing
this construct
..., string(_), string(Start), ...
it's very inefficient. It turns a linear parse into an exponential one.
But we have a really simple solution, since a string literal performs an exact match in a DCG:
:- use_module(library(dcg/basics)).
main(Titles) :-
%phrase_from_file(between(`<title>`, `</title>`, Titles),`wiki.xml`).
phrase(between(`<title>`, `</title>`, Titles), `
>< Don't use an XML parser! ><
<page><title>Albert Einstein</title></page>
<page><title>Elvis Presley</title></page>
between(_Start, _End, []) --> [].
between(Start, End, [Found|Rest]) -->
Start, string(String), End,
{ atom_codes(Found, String) },
!, between(Start, End, Rest).
between(Start, End, List) --> [_], between(Start, End, List).
I would simplify the code, though:
phrase(tag(`title`, Titles), `
tag(_Tag, []) --> [].
tag(Tag, [Found|Rest]) -->
"<", Tag, ">", string(String), "</", Tag, ">",
{ atom_codes(Found, String) },
!, tag(Tag, Rest).
tag(Tag, List) --> [_], tag(Tag, List).
My bet is that on large files this is slightly more efficient.
It's also easy to generalize:
phrase(tags([title, footnote], Contents), `
tags(_Tags, []) --> [].
tags(Tags, [Key-Found|Rest]) -->
"<", {member(Tag, Tags)}, Tag, ">", string(String), "</", Tag, ">",
{ maplist(atom_codes, [Found,Key], [String,Tag]) },
!, tags(Tags, Rest).
tags(Tags, List) --> [_], tags(Tags, List).
but not very efficient. Better (but should profile to prove it)
"<", string(Tag), ">", {memberchk(Tag, Tags)}, string(String), "</", Tag, ">",
Edit: at least on a small set of Tags, "<", {member(Tag, Tags)}, Tag, ">" seems to require a lot less inferences than "<", string(Tag), ">", {memberchk(Tag, Tags)},.
The challenge set is to use the UNION keyword with the following datasets and return a list of grandads.
RELDB1 holds 2 useful tables:
The fatherOf table has this data:
Table fatherof:
('Chuck', 'Paul'),
('Chuck', 'Bonnie'),
('Jerry', 'George'),
('Jerry', 'Mary'),
('Chuck', 'Olivia'),
('Paul', 'Joan'),
('George', 'John'),
('George', 'Carole'),
('Ringo', 'Yoko'),
('Ringo', 'Peter')
and the table Person has:
Table person:
('Sara', 64, 'f'),
('Nancy', 68, 'f'),
('Mary', 27, 'f'),
('Olivia', 37, 'f'),
('Bonnie', 35, 'f'),
('Carole', 7, 'f'),
('Yoko', 6, 'f'),
('Joan', 9, 'f'),
('Chuck', 67, 'm'),
('Jerry', 65, 'm'),
('Paul', 30, 'm'),
('George', 25, 'm'),
('Ringo', 39, 'm'),
('John', 8, 'm'),
('Peter', 11, 'm')
I tried this query:
>SELECT ?x ?y ?z
>WHERE {{?x rdf:type ex:Person}
>{?x ex:fatherOf ?y . ?y ex:fatherOf ?z}}
>ORDER BY (?x)
The output was everyone in the Person table and then also the son and grandchild for Chuck (Paul, Joan) and Jerry (George, John and George and Carole). I tried removing ?y ?z. The query returned a list of the person table!
How can I modify the query so that the UNION remains but I get only grandparents. Any guidance would be appreciated.
You are trying to return every person who is a grandfather. In your question you show that you are only returning paternal grandparents...
A grandfather has children who has children who has children.
Son Daughter
Son Daughter Son Daughter
The union part come into play because you are going to return the following:
?z father of ?a
?a mother of ?b
?a father of ?b
?a ?a
?b ?b ?b ?b
You need a union on the mother and father of ?b as you are combining the results of multiple triple patterns. I won't provide you with the query for this as this is classwork, however, this should help you arrive at the answer using what you have.