Can You Change Site Logo URL? - mura

Is it possible to change the url for the site logo in the nav bar?


the code is getting compiled but local host page is blank

Navbar.js code
the nav bar is not reflecting on the localhost page..

Only header and footer showing when react app is opened
App.jsx code
When react app is opened only the header and footer show until you click on a link. How is this fixed?

How to highlight Nav Menu on scroll the component with react?

I want to highlight the nav menu when scrolling this component in react.
If the Navbar is "Home About Products"
When I will scroll in the about section, About nav menu will be active or highlight.
How can I do this in react and is there any npm package for this?
You can use intersection observer.
You can also use waypoint Library

Link back to previous page while link's text changes using React Router

Please take a look at my code here on stackblitz.
Now this is what I want:
I want the Home link on the Navbar to be a link to the previous page. (e.g. In the Level1 page, the Home link should take me back to Category1 page.)
In the same example cited above, when I'm at the Level1 page, I want the "Home" link's text change to "Category 1"; and when I'm at the Category1 page, I want the link to change back to "Home". In short, the link's text would be the name of the previous page. But when I'm at the homepage, I want it to change to "Welcome!"
I want this all to be dynamic.
This is the initial Navbar.js:
import React from "react";
import { Link } from "react-router-dom";
const Navbar = () => {
return (
<Link to="/">
<p className="home-link">Home</p>
export default Navbar;
Please help.
you cant get parent of current route by this example and set it on inner text of home BTN.
window.location.pathname.split('/')[window.location.pathname.split('/').length - 2]
every where you want to back to last step this line of code can help you show previous step name and router of previous step too depends on whats your current URL so you can push into history to change route or show to users

React Routing Image not found on redirect to a route

Inside package.json file update-
"homepage": "."
"homepage": "",
Every thing is working fine on locally but on production server/ hosting serve when I go landing page to another page the Navbar brand image not found.
image on landing page:
image on profile page:
And import image on Navbar component is:
import LOGO from '../images/sundarbanX-logo.png';
<img onClick={()=>history.push('/')}
style={{cursor:'pointer',marginRight: 160 }}
src={LOGO} alt="logo" className={classes.logo} />
Thanks in advance
Use require instead of import for importing images.
const Logo = require('../images/sundarbanX-logo.png');
