Oracle ADF Table vertically Rows - oracle-adf

I was using Oracle forms 6i for long time, forms 6i have option to change tabular block to vertical. Is their any option in ADF table view to make vertical rows.
Example as below:

You can look at the pivot table component of ADF Faces for such a behavior.
Or you can use an f:iterator component to layout this type of page:


Access Database - Display different data

Good morning everybody, this is the first time I write in this forum so, i'm sorry if I do some error!!!
I'm working on a project in Visual Studio where I'm connecting to an Access Database. The most important thing is that this Database is not mine and I can't modify it because it is updated daily by another automatic software.
I have to think that this database is "Read Only".
This database only has tables with primary key but there are no relation between really looks like different Excel sheets!!!
I don't have problem to import the tables in a DatagridView of my Visual Studio project but in these tables the data are not easy to be understood for example:
there is a column named "Color" where the color are filled like number but there is not another Table who contain the color code. I know in my mind that color 1=Red, 2=Orange, 3=Brown etc.....
What I want to do?
I want that in my DataGridView won't be show the numbers but the color name so I need to modify my DataGrid source before display data.
How is did my project?
I have my DatagridView whose data source is a BindingSource that has a Dataset as DataSource. On my Load event I use the "Fill" method of my TableAdapter to display my tables data
Could someone suggest me how modify data before display them?
Thanks a lot
If all you are dealing with is a limited number of values in one or two fields, you could select the records using a query and obtain the color as follows:
SELECT Table1.ID, Table1.FldA, Table1.ClrFlag, IIf([clrflag]=1,"RED",IIf([clrflag]=2,"Orange",IIf([clrflag]=3,"Brown","Unknown")))
AS MyClr
FROM Table1
If there are many lookup's to do, I would create my own database with tables of code translations and join the two databases to produce my result. The following is an example of SQL pulling from two databases:

SSAS Label for a Measure is Different in Pivot Table than Source Project

I'm reviewing a SSAS database designed by someone else who is long gone. The SSAS project was designed in BIDS 2010 and has an Excel pivot table as the front-end to do the reporting.
When I look at a particular measure in the Excel pivot table it has a label "Actual 2014". However, when I look at the design in BIDS (looked in the cube design, data source view, and a few other areas) the label name is "Actual".
Where can I find where I can change the label being displayed in the Excel Pivot table?
Here's a picture of what it looks like. You can see where it says "2014 Actual" and "2015 Budget". In the field list, but the underlying database all labels say "Actual" and "Budget" respectively (as it shows even in the "values" section).
It could be an Excel issue, not an SSAS.
In the Excel Pivot, Display the field list, and on the left, under Values, check the Value Field settings (right click to display).
The custom Name is probably different.

How to add a dropdown to datasheet form in MS Access which is based off a SQL Server query

I have a form in MS Access (datasheet view) which is based on the output of a SQL Server query. Now this is used in a front end where the user needs to be able to select from a drop down the value for one of the columns, 'NAME'. I tried adding a combo box which is mapped to take distinct names from the SQL Server table to the datasheet form but the results were not as desired.
Kindly provide advice on how this can be possible. I did this before by using a lookup on a similar MS Access database, but in a multi-user environment, the database was corrupted and now I moved my back end to SQL Server.
Just got the answer to my question. here are the steps I followed.
a) Add a combo box to the datasheet form in design view like Johnny Bones suggested.
b) Create a drop down with values.
c) Point the Control Source property to the field in the SQL Server table which needs to be updated, in this case NAME.
d) And voila, your drop-down now shows the values in the table and you can include a drop down for the user.
Thank you for pointing me in the right direction Johnny.
In datasheet view, I think you'll need to set up the field in the table.
Open the table in Design View
Click on the specific field in question
At the bottom you will see 2 tabs; General and Lookup (I
apologize, my work doesn't allow me to upload pics, so I hope you
can visualize it)
On the Lookup tab, change the Display Control from Text Box to
Combo Box
At that point, the properties should look familiar if you've worked with Combo Boxes, and you can change them to suit your needs.

Combining multiple datasets in PowerPivot

Essentially what I want to do is to create an interactive dashboard using slicers in Excel 2010 PowerPivot.
I have 3 different data sets from a sql database which share "dimensions."
Incoming Orders
Sales Order Backlog - essentially what products are currently in production and waiting
to ship or invoice
Invoiced Sales
Each data set shares certain "dimensions" such as Customer, Product, Time Period, Category, etc.
I want to have a specific chart for each of the business processes and have the slicers filter each chart at the same time. When someone chooses ACME Rockets as a customer, I want all three charts to update and show only information about ACME Rockets.
I could probably accompish this wiht a union statement and then hard filter each chart only to show it's subsection of the data, but I was hoping for something more intuitive.
Can anyone point me toward how I would accomplish this with PowerPivot?
You can create four charts at once and delete one and they will all be connected to the same slicers by default. Or, if you have already created three separate charts and have one slicer you want to connect them all to:
Select the chart not connected to the slicer.
On the PowerPivot ribbon, click the PowerPivot Window button.
Click the "Analyze" tab
Click on "Insert Slicer"
click on "Slicer Connections".
Put a check in the box next to the slicer(s) you want to connect your chart to.
Repeat for each chart.
It the tables are related to the fact tables in the underlying model then it should be really easy to have shared slicers. What you have to do is "connect" the slicers representing shared dimensions to all pivottables/charts that you are interested in.
1. insert pivot chart on sheet1
2. add a shared dimension attribute to the slicers pane
3. insert another pivotchart to the same sheet (sheet1)
4. add any measure from another fact that you are interested in slycing to the values pane for that chart
5. select the slicer representing the shared dim attribute
6. click on the "Options" tab and then on "PivotTable Connections" or right-click on the slicer and click "PivotTable Connections"
7. put a checkbox on all pivottables that you want for this slicer to "slice" :) - in this example it would be "PivotTable1 - Data for Sheet1 Chart1" or something like that
Additionally check a great powerpivot resource by Rob Collie (#powerpivotpro) at for examples of using a main sheet with all slicers connected to all other pivots on other sheets.
Best regards,
Are you using PowerPivot 2010 or PowerPivot 2012? What kind of data source is it?
I would write a union when importing my data sets. I see you merging the three data sets into one fact table with a 'status' category containing 'incoming', 'backlog', 'invoiced'. You need a field to filter on, i.e. status. This will be based on the dataset the record is sourced from.
Do you want all the charts on the same sheet? In that case, choose the 'four charts' option, and delete one of the charts. If you add a slicer, it will automatically apply to all the charts on the sheet. Filter each chart by a 'status' type as described above. Create a slicer for 'customer'. That should give you what you described above.
Shout if this didn't answer your question.
In addition to what's already been said, if you are using PowerPivot 2012, be sure to do the following:
1) Use the new diagram view to verify that all of the appropriate relationships were detected and created on data import
2) Add or update any valid relationships between the tables in PowerPivot
Note: you may have to 'fix' your source data so that the joined results conform to business requirements. You can just write a T-SQL query check to verify prior to import, or you could use SSIS with Data Profiling Task and then view the output of the profile in the Data Profile Viewer tools (listed under SSIS) in the start menu.

Linking MS Excel to MS Access queries

I have an Access database that I use to to run a bunch of aggregate TOP 5 queries. The end game of this particular function is ppt presentations with charts. So to automate this a bit, I created an excel spreadsheet with a bunch of pre-made charts in it. The I linked/data imported the query results into the excel spreadsheet, and set the cell ranges to match the source ranges for the charts. Finally I set the spreadsheet to enable auto refresh upon every "file open", and presto, I run the queries in access with a button press, then open the excel file, and the data refreshes, and they are my charts. I then use some VB to copy paste all active charts into ppt, but that is another matter.
Okay so here is the snag I hit. I needed to do the exact same procedure with another spreadsheet from another ag query. Before the process I was using was just clicking data > import external data > import data and then choosing the file of the database, and then it would populate a list of tables and queries to choose from. Only now, it will not show any queries in that populated list; only tables!?!
any ideas? btw MSO 2003
I can't reproduce that Justin. In the dialog that shows the tables, scroll over to the right and check the TYPE column. Queries will have a type of VIEW and tables of TABLE. Verify that they all say TABLE.
Next, try using Data - Import External Data - New Database Query instead of 'Import Data'. Select the Access driver and the Access mdb. This will bring up a different dialog, but should show both tables and queries. See if that shows only tables or shows both.
I presume this is a security feature that has been introduced?
Try selecting any table then select Data>Import External Data>Edit Query
Then select SQL as the command type and either enter the query SQL or just select from a query i.e.:
select * from qryCat;
Hope this helps
thanks Mark
