Is it possible to setup the ASK CLI profile without setting up an AWS profile - alexa

I've been trying to install and setup the ASK CLI for a days now. I've followed the setup instructions and was able to install it. Whenever I try to run the ask init command and choose the "No. Skip AWS credentials association step.", a browser opens up and asks me to login to my developer account. I enter my credentials and just get redirected to a page that says unable to connect (Here's the link:
I also tried using the ask init --no-browser command. I paste the generated url to a browser (I've tried Google Chrome, IE, Edge and Firefox and so far Firefox and IE works well). It gives me an authentication code but when I go back to the terminal, it's just frozen. I can't paste anything to it. I always get stuck at this point.
The reason I'm choosing "No. Skip AWS credentials association step." is because my skill endpoint is hosted as a web service in Azure and not using AWS Lambda. Am I missing anything? There were no errors in the installation process. I installed nodejs and git correctly. When I do ask --version in the terminal, the result is 1.4.7.
Does the ASK CLI not allow the skipping of the AWS profile setup?
A few details to make it clearer:
OS: Windows 10
Node JS: v10.13.0
NPM: 6.4.1
Git: git version
ASK: 1.4.7
(I also found someone who experienced the same problem: ASK CLI INIT not working)


GSI_Logger Given origin is not allowed in Electron + React application

Being kinda new to React and everything clientside related, I am trying to build a Electron application with React.
At this point I can't tell if that's a good idea, but I wanted to try it.
Currently it works fine (see Github).
However I now wanted to add #react-oauth/google to give users the option to sign into their Google Account to allow the application to access their google drive and I'm struggling with that.
See the testing_auth_2 branch for that.
I enabled the drive-api in GCP and created credentials for a web application, adding http://localhost and http://localhost:3000 as authorised Javascript origins.
Now it works, but only when I start it as a webpage (npm start in my Github)
Starting it as an electron app failes, probably because electron doesnt run under localhost somehow (npm run electron:dev in my github code).
I tried creating Desktop and ios credentials since those dont ned authorised origins but the error persists.
Steps to recreate:
Enable drive api and create credentials in GCP
checkout testing_auth_2 branch
Replace XXX in index.tsx with the client_id
The Google login should work using npm start, but not using npm run electron:dev
Any help is appreciated

ASP.NET Core with React.js fails to run in Azure

Created a new app in VS2022 from tamplate:
Everything runs fine locally and I get the Json payload successfully (fetch-data).
However, when deployed to Azure it does not. It looks as if routing does not work for some reason.
I've tried different suggestions here:
React JS App Routing Issue Only After Deploying to Azure Web App
React routing not working in Azure website
Azure Configuration: Tried nesting wwwroot, that didn't work either:
Please help
I have followed the steps you provided, and the demo application works well in my side. And I think your app service is normal, the issue should be related to publish file.
Test Environment
Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2022 (64-bit) - Current Version 17.2.4
PM> node -v
PM> npm -v
I know it works well in your local now, and please follow my suggestion to try šŸ˜.
Troubleshooting Steps:
āš ļøUpgrade your visual studio 2022 to the latest version, and also update npm and node.
Please create a new azure app service(.Net6 LTS), you can delete it later. We don't need do any setting in this app.
Create a sample project in VS2022, and test it in local, make sure it works well.
The above steps ensure that the VS environment is up-to-date and the app environment is initial.
Publish this demo project
Check the kusu site. url like:
Check the publish files. My demo create by template, have contain 1 wwwroot folder and 9 files.
If you still want to figure out what's wrong with the current app, see the introduction below.
Delete all the settings, make app service is clean. It means you can access the site like your second pic contains loading....
Find the web.config file and change stdoutLogEnabled to true.
Back to the azure portal and enable detailed error messages.
Restart the app and back to kudu site, and remember to refresh kudu site.
Looks like I was using an old template that came with VS2022. I updated my VS version, created a new project from template and noticed this line was added in Startup.cs (in this new template):
and also this:
name: "default",
pattern: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
Now my app works in Azure as well. Thank you

Add-in error Sorry. we can't load the add-in. Please make sure you have network and/or Internet connectivity. Click "Retry" once you're back online

I am developing an Excel JS TypeScript React addin with VS code. I deployed my add-in to Azure and it worked fine. Now I wanted to start a localhost for development purposes but all of a sudden I got this message:
I am posting this question, so clearly there is no issue with my internet connection. Furthermore I tried to surf to the https://localhost:3000 URL and it gave me a blank page with this text:
Cannot GET /
I tried to use the Yeoman Generator to create an empty project because I thought I maybe messed up the webpack.config.js file or the manifest but installing the boilerplate React TypeScript Excel add-in did not get me anywhere neither because even the npm install command did not succeed. I have no idea how to tackle this.
many thanks in advance.
Thanks to Eugenes feedback I dug back into the Yeoman generator and generated a new boilerplate react project and found that a package.json.lock file was blocking npm install. After I removed the package.json.lock file I was able to perform the npm install command and then I compared the manifest file from the newly created boilerplate project to the actual project and I saw that I accidentally replaced the https://localhost:3000 by http://localhost:3000. So if you do not attach the s in HTTPS, it does this strange error. the reason I replaced it is because for production I use another URL.
Most likely something is preventing access to the URL. It can be local firewall software, VPN software, proxy configuration or Metered Connection setting.
Be aware, to run web add-ins you need to generate and install a valid certificate to use https. Office Add-ins should use HTTPS (not HTTP) even when you are developing, because Office clients require add-ins and webpages to come from a trusted and secure location. If your add-in fails to load within an Office client, it may be because you haven't installed (trusted) the certificate that the Yeoman generator for Office Add-ins provides. To make sure a valid certificate is used, try to navigate to the html file in any web browser.
Also you may try to switch to another network connection and try again.

deploy web application to google app engine on travis-ci - travis is asking for a password

IĀ“m trying to deploy a web application to google app engine after successful build(IĀ“m using maven on my project) and travis-ci is asking for my password. How can I input my password or specify somewhere else?
Based on the limited information you are giving us, I am guessing this is happening during the gcloud preview app deploy call.
Typically the docker TLS Verification will need a local public key for a Cert and this requires a passcode response. This situation can be avoided by providing the cert using the travis encrypt-file api and calling gcloud auth activate-service-account during the build. see gloud cli here
Please see the travis yml here for a full example
As always, post questions either here or github for additional walk-through questions.

google-app-engine not running projects windows 7

Hello i have a problem with google app engine. i have installed python 2.7.4 from and i also installed google app engine for python fro google's site. Then i create a new project, i load it, click on the run button. so far so good. then it stop doing anything and the little icon next to the name is yellow clock. if i click run again it says "cannot run check preferences or install python"
I checked in the cmd and python is already installed. In the preferences i have clicked both the "c/python27/python.exe and c/python27/pythonw.exe" but still no solution.
is there any way i can make it work?
