View Name with # sign | not able to go inside to get describe - database

there is a view as above. but i cannot get inside of it. but when i write the select, it give me the data and ask for commit or rollback
My issue is that Actual cost is wrong. SO i need to correct it. but not able to go inside and see what is happening there.
Do you guys have any idea of what is this '#' sign and why it is not allow to inside?
why it ask for commit?
Oracle says that it is possible to crate table name with '#' sign. but this is not it.
I am using PL/SQL developer
Guidance ? :)

Yes, it happens when selecting from a view via a database link.
This is why: Controlling connections established by database links (
When a global object name is referenced in a SQL statement or remote
procedure call, database links establish a connection to a session in
the remote database on behalf of the local user. The remote connection
and session are only created if the connection has not already been
established previously for the local user session.
The connections and sessions established to remote databases persist
for the duration of the local user's session, unless the application
or user explicitly terminates them. Note that when you issue a SELECT
statement across a database link, a transaction lock is placed on the
undo segments. To rerelease the segment, you must issue a COMMIT or
ROLLBACK statement.
As you're just selecting, it doesn't really matter whether you'll rollback or commit (I push the rollback button). After that, recreate the view so that it calculates the correct value you've mentioned.


Azure SQL Database - change user permissions on a read-only database for cross-database queries

We use Azure SQL Database, and therefore had to jump through some hoops to get cross-database queries set up. We achieved this following this great article: Things are working great for most of our databases.
The problem comes in for one of our databases which is read-only. The reason it's read-only is b/c it is being synced from another Azure SQL Server to derive its content. This is being achieved via the Geo-Replication function in Azure SQL Database. When attempting to run the query GRANT SELECT ON [RemoteTable] TO RemoteLogger as seen in the linked article, I of course get the error "Failed to update because the database is read-only."
I have been trying to come up with a workaround for this. It appears user permissions are one of the things that do NOT sync as part of the geo-replication, as I've created this user and granted the SELECT permission on the origin database, but it doesn't carry over.
Has anyone run into this or something similar and found a workaround/solution? Is it safe/feasible to temporarily set the database to read/write, update the permission, then put it back to read-only? I don't know if this is even possible - I was told by one colleague that they think it will throw an error along the lines of "this database can't be set to read/write b/c it's syncing from another database..."
I figured out a work-around: Create a remote connection to the database on the ORIGIN server. So simple, yet it escaped me until now. Everything working great now.

SQL Service Broker Error - The conversation handle is not found

I have used SQL Service broker and SQL Table Dependency and started SQL table dependency in a table for notifications on table data change. I have given all the permission to database listed in SQL table Dependency document. After some times, may be in idle state it is giving status as "Waiting for notification" .
When I change in table (inserting new record), status is not changing (From waiting for notification) and gives error as "The conversation handle "A705917C-4762-E711-9447-000C29C3FCF0" is not found."
Can anyone help me to fix this issue?
First read this comment please:
There is one very common scenario that results in much more time:
debugging. When you develop applications, you often spend several
minutes inside the debugger before you move on. So please be careful
when you debug an application that the value assigned to
watchDogTimeOut parameter is long enough, otherwise you will incur in
a destruction of database objects in the middle of you debug activity.
On the other hand
If you are using SQLDependency and get an error like this:
The conversation handle
"206A971D-6F25-DA11-B22F-0003FF6FCCCA" is not found. Invalid object
name 'SqlQueryNotificationService -
Then try enable trustworthy :
Alter database [DbName] set trustworthy on
The TRUSTWORTHY database property is used to indicate whether the
instance of SQL Server trusts the database and the contents within it.
By default, this setting is OFF, but can be set to ON by using the
ALTER DATABASE statement. more information
Thank to Scott Hanselman for his answer

Service Broker not working after database restore

Have a working Service Broker set up on a server, we're in the process of moving to a new server but I can't seem to get Service Broker set up on the new box.
Have done the obvious (to me) things like Enabling Broker on the DB, dropping the route, services, contract, queues and even message type and re adding them, setting ALTER QUEUE with STATUS ON
SELECT * FROM sys.service_queues
gives me a list of the queues, including my own two, which show as activation_enabled, receive_enabled etc.
Needless to say the queues aren't working. When I drop messages into them nothing goes in and nothing comes out.
Any ideas? I'm sure there's something really obvious I've missed...
Just a shot in the dark:
ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON DATABASE::[restored db name] TO [sa];
The dbo of the restored database is the Windows SID that created the db on the original server. This may be a local SID (eg. SERVERNAME\user) that has no meaning on the new server. This problem usually affects activated procedures and may affect message delivery, both issues happening due to inability of SQL to impersonate 'dbo'. Changing dbo to a valid login SID (like sa) would fix it.
If this doesn't fix it, then you need to track down where do the messages go. If they stay in sys.transmission_queue, then you must check the transmission_status. If they reach the target queueu but no activation occurs, check ERRORLOG. If they vanish, it means you do fire-and-forget (SEND followed immediately by END) and you are therefore deleting the error message that indicates the cause. This article Troubleshooting Dialogs contains more tips where to look.
And last, but not least, try using ssbdiagnose.exe.
In addition to Remus's answer, You might also want to check the BrokerEnabled property of the restoredDB. Whenever you restore a DB, the BrokerEnabled property of the restored DB is set to False. For this reason nothing will go into your queue. To address this:
right click on the restoredDB in SSMS > goto "Properties" > "Options" >
Scroll down to the "Service Broker" group and verify the value of the "Broker
Enabled" property. If it is set to False, change it to True and this
should solve your problem.

Get hostname when reading Service Broker Queue (SQL Server 2005)

I am trying to configure auditing on my SQL Server using Service Broker. I did all the configuration needed to capture the DDL Events (queue, routes, endpoints, event notification). It is working properly except that I am not able to get the hostname of the client from where the DDL event originated from.
Using the service broker's activation procedure, I tried reading the value from the message_body, but there's no xml element that contains the hostname. I can see a value for the SPID but am unable to make use of it. Exec'ing sp_who and querying sys.processes against this SPID doesn't return any value. And running sp_who without parameter shows only one process (I think it's the background process used by the service broker). Is it all because the message was sent asynchronously? But why will it cause the activation context to see different data on sys.processes view?
I am aware that there are DDL triggers that can achieve the same goal, but it seems it is tightly coupled to the command that causes it to fire. So if the triggers fails, the command will also fail.
UPDATE: I managed to retrieve the Hostname by using a combination of xp_cmdshell and sqlcmd (command line app). But I also realized that since the message is asynchronous, it is not always reliable (The SPID who issue the DDL command might have been disconnected already before the message is read from the queue).
I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to implement here, but it's expected that activated procedure will only see a subset of rows in DMVs. This has to do with activation context which often impersonates a different user that you use when debugging the procedure. That impersonated user will only see these rows of server-level views and DMVs to which it has permissions. See here and here for more info.

Extreme wait-time when taking a SQL Server database offline

I'm trying to perform some offline maintenance (dev database restore from live backup) on my dev database, but the 'Take Offline' command via SQL Server Management Studio is performing extremely slowly - on the order of 30 minutes plus now. I am just about at my wits end and I can't seem to find any references online as to what might be causing the speed problem, or how to fix it.
Some sites have suggested that open connections to the database cause this slowdown, but the only application that uses this database is my dev machine's IIS instance, and the service is stopped - there are no more open connections.
What could be causing this slowdown, and what can I do to speed it up?
After some additional searching (new search terms inspired by gbn's answer and u07ch's comment on KMike's answer) I found this, which completed successfully in 2 seconds:
When this still fails with the following error, you can fix it as inspired by this blog post:
ALTER DATABASE failed because a lock could not be placed on database 'dbname' Try again later.
you can run the following command to find out who is keeping a lock on your database:
EXEC sp_who2
And use whatever SPID you find in the following command:
Then run the ALTER DATABASE command again. It should now work.
There is most likely a connection to the DB from somewhere (a rare example: asynchronous statistic update)
To find connections, use sys.sysprocesses
USE master
SELECT * FROM sys.sysprocesses WHERE dbid = DB_ID('MyDB')
To force disconnections, use ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE
USE master
Do you have any open SQL Server Management Studio windows that are connected to this DB?
Put it in single user mode, and then try again.
In my case, after waiting so much for it to finish I had no patience and simply closed management studio. Before exiting, it showed the success message, db is offline. The files were available to rename.
execute the stored procedure
This will allow you to see if there is any blocking locks.. kill their should fix it.
In SSMS: right-click on SQL server icon, Activity Monitor. Open Processes. Find the processed connected. Right-click on the process, Kill.
In my case I had looked at some tables in the DB prior to executing this action. My user account was holding an active connection to this DB in SSMS. Once I disconnected from the server in SSMS (leaving the 'Take database offline' dialog box open) the operation succeeded.
anytime you run into this type of thing you should always think of your transaction log. The alter db statment with rollback immediate indicates this to be the case. Check this out:
Bone up on checkpoints, etc. You need to decide if the transactions in your log are worth saving or not and then pick the mode to run your db in accordingly. There's really no reason for you to have to wait but also no reason for you to lose data either - you can have both.
Closing the instance of SSMS (SQL Service Manager) from which the request was made solved the problem for me.....
To get around this I stopped the website that was connected to the db in IIS and immediately the 'frozen' 'take db offline' panel became unfrozen.
Also, close any query windows you may have open that are connected to the database in question ;)
I tried all the suggestions below and nothing worked.
EXEC sp_who
Kill < SPID >
Result: Both the above commands were also stuck.
4 . Right-click the database -> Properties -> Options
Set Database Read-Only to True
Click 'Yes' at the dialog warning SQL Server will close all connections to the database.
Result: The window was stuck on executing.
As a last resort, I restarted the SQL server service from configuration manager and then ran ALTER DATABASE SET OFFLINE WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE. It worked like a charm
In SSMS, set the database to read-only then back. The connections will be closed, which frees up the locks.
In my case there was a website that had open connections to the database. This method was easy enough:
Right-click the database -> Properties -> Options
Set Database Read-Only to True
Click 'Yes' at the dialog warning SQL Server will close all connections to the database.
Re-open Options and turn read-only back off
Now try renaming the database or taking it offline.
For me, I just had to go into the Job Activity Monitor and stop two things that were processing. Then it went offline immediately. In my case though I knew what those 2 processes were and that it was ok to stop them.
In my case, the database was related to an old Sharepoint install. Stopping and disabling related services in the server manager "unhung" the take offline action, which had been running for 40 minutes, and it completed immediately.
You may wish to check if any services are currently utilizing the database.
Next time, from the Take Offline dialog, remember to check the 'Drop All Active Connections' checkbox. I was also on SQL_EXPRESS on local machine with no connections, but this slowdown happened for me unless I checked that checkbox.
SSMS, especially if running it from your own desktop remotely and not directly within the database server, can be a reason for the long delays in detaching a database. For some reason SSMS may not be able to disconnect any existing "connections" to the database.
We found the process was almost instant when we did it directly from the database server itself. And in fact it killed the attempt from my own desktop SSMS session, and it "took over" and detached the database.
Nothing else suggested here worked.
In my case i stopped Tomcat server . then immediately the DB went offline .
