Tips to make Codename One PeerComponents z-ordering working - codenameone

I created a PeerComponent, that is a port in Codename One of the Horizon Camera SDKs. At the moment, it simply shows a live-preview of the camera.
I tried to add a Label over the PeerComponent: the Label is on top only in Android. On iOS, the Label is on bottom (that means invisible).
I've done a lot of trials to get a correct z-ording on iOS, without success.
My question is which tips, suggestions or checks can I do to make z-ordering working properly on iOS also. Thanks.

Normally it should "just work", there is no special treatment. I think horizon paints in an area we rely on and doesn't paint when we expect it to. Looking at their sample code I see that they reference top and bottom elements which might allow working around this.


Possible to support StickyHeaders for CN1?

I really like the idea of StickyHeaders (, they're great for usability, but the CN1 implementation was never fully developed or included in CN1. Solutions exist for iOS and Android ( and
The two main features I'm missing in the old implementation are: that each header visually 'pushes' the previous out of the top of the screen (and vice-versa when scrolling down), and that the stickyheader which is 'stuck' at the top of the screen is the actual stickyheader itself, so that eg. buttons inside it will work.
Are there any plans to add this to CN1 sometime soon? Or anyone who has implemented a similar solution (I tried Chibuike Mba's alternative implementation mentioned on the original blog post but it doesn't cover the features I'd like)?
Alternatively, any pointers to how I might implement this myself?
I've already tried a couple of times, but given up since I don't master the details of CN1 graphics etc well enough. The approach mentioned here How to make sticky section headers (like iOS) in Android? sounds like a good approach (add a container on top for the stickyheader, scroll that container when the next stickyheader arrives), but then how to force the size and scrolling of such a container?)
This should be much simpler to implement today as we have two helpful features:
Scroll listener
Layered pane
You can use the scroll listener to detect the location of a header and appropriately place another component in the NORTH of a Container within the layered pane. Then as scrolling happens and you detect a new header is coming in you can just place it in an X/Y position below the existing component and use animateLayout to push it out.

Wrong photos orientation in Codename One

I need a clarification. Today I bought a new Android 10 Samsung device to test apps... and all captured images are shown rotated wrongly inside the Labels. The code is very minimal: takes a photo and then shows it in a Label. It works fine on my iPhone and my old Android device, but in this new Android device the image orientation is not detected correctly by Codename One.
Is it a bug of Codename One or is it something that needs coding in the app?
In the latter case, can you give us a code to take photos in the correct orientation? Thank you.
I think there might already be an issue on that, if not there should be. The gist of it is this... Some modern phones always take the photos in the same orientation and just mark the photo as rotated to X degrees in its tags.
This works usually since most apps know to show the photo rotated. Currently we have a workaround for that in the gallery API but that's a bad workaround. A good workaround would be to check that flag every time we load an image and rotate it dynamically. It would be inefficient but it would solve that problem once and for all.

Is it possible to enable hover in the simulator?

I was thinking about creating sort of animated screenshots of my app running in the simulator and created some code which is able to record an animated GIF image where I am also able to draw the current pointer as a gloved hand on top.
Then I realised it woud be much better if the pointer was shown even if it is not down.
Therefore - is it possible to enable hover in the simulator?
We have the ability to show it in the JavaSE port but that isn't exposed in the simulator. If you change the compile path to the project you can use:

Gtk+/X11: semitransparent windows with and without composite managers?

I need some code for making my window (and preferably all widgets on it) semitransparent.
I know i can play around with gtk_window_set_opacity(), but it works only when composite manager is running, but what if not?
I've googled a lot, found lots of code that mostly doesn't even compile, doesn't work or just a proof of concept. No fulfilling solution. I don't want to mess with X11 Xlib awful API (I just don't have time to learn it).
Where to get such library/code snippet?
There's no good answer to this (which is a good part of why compositing managers were invented). If you could already do this, people wouldn't have invented the whole compositing manager mechanism.
The only sort-of answer, used in old "transparent terminals" and the like, is based on making screenshots of the stuff underneath the window and then painting the screenshot in your own window. This is an Xlib-involving mess, hard to get mostly right, impossible to get completely correct, and inefficient. Still, you could do it perhaps. Look at old revisions of terminals supporting transparency, I think VTE used to have this code, ZVT widget certainly did. So did the Enlightenment terminal for example.
But really the way to go is to just fall back to no transparency for users without a CM.
While modern X11 servers do support RGBA visuals this doesn't mean, they'll do alpha blending. X11 operates on the model, that a window is a mask on a single shared framebuffer. Z ordering may clip parts of a window so these areas are not drawn to at all.
To enable transparency a compositing manager must redirect the windows to off-screen rendering, then compose the final image you see on the screen from those off-screen rendered parts. The XDamage extension is used to keep track of which windows need re-compositing.

Display 360 Image in Silverlight 3.0 (Not Panorama)

I have a lot of images taken from a 360 camera which I would like to be able to display in Silverlight 3. They are NOT regular panorama images. The camera which took the image actually creates a distorted jpeg that becomes undistorted once wrapped around a sphere as a texture. I have desktop software that will allow viewing of the image (not just side-to-side, but straight up, down, etc.) and I need to try to get the same functionality in Silverlight. It is very similar to Google StreetView.
What I think I need is to create a sphere, wrap the jpeg on the sphere as a texture, then put the "camera" inside the sphere. I doubt this is possible in Silverlight, but perhaps there is a way to simulate this?
So far, Google searches aren't bringing anything up. Can anyone point me in the right direction to figure out how to do this? Are there any existing projects that do this?
An example of a typical image is here.
These might help you out (probably not). They are 3d engines for silverlight, but they will probably wrap the image outside of the sphere instead of inside, which is probably what you need.
Another, possibly more promising option, would be to use javascript. So far you've probably researched how to do this in Silverlight, but you might do some similar searching for using javascript for this. There may be an option out there already, and since Silverlight can interopt with Javascript, you might be in luck.
Your gonna have to map the texture to a sphere then, like you said. But afaik silverlight 3 doesn't support hardware accelerated 3d.
So your options are:
Try and find a silverlight software 3d library (Like this)
Write your own software rasterizer (multi page guide)
Hope this helps
You might want to try cropping a window from the image and display it. if the user want to go right, move the window right and crop. if the user wants to go left, move the window left and crop. to zoom out, expand the window, to zoom in make the window smaller. if you move the frame far right then stitch the image data from the left side.
You might need to modify the image to eliminate the distortion, this shouldn't be too hard and depends on the camera lens focal length.
Don't try mapping the image to a sphere, it is much harder.
At it says that HD View SL (Silverlight version) supports
"orthographic (2D), with wrapping for 360-degree panoramas"
Also you could try to port PtViewer source code to Silverlight from Java if no one else has
VRLight might be the solution in your case:
Its author (Jurgen Eidt) is also making cPicture (, if you can't find him from the VRLight site, try from the cPicture one, or try from his blog at IVRPA website (, which seems to have recent posts
