I want to copy multiple files from source to destination and the first 8 letters of the files are same so by using this partial file name i would like to copy and content of the files also should be replaced with string while copying.
for example:
I have three file in source path and those are like below
I want to pick up the first two files because the first 8 letters of the files are same and if the files have content like apple or banana or grape words those words should be replace with papaya.
To copy multiple text files with the same name using batch you need to use a wildcard. Here is what I have tested on my computer and it works.
xcopy "C:\%username%\desktop\test\samefi*.txt" "C:\users\%username%\desktop"
For more information on the uses of xcopy use:
xcopy /?
You can read more on wildcards here.
If I could get more information on the second part about changing the name from grape to papaya I may assist with that.
I am trying to extract a .pst file from a windows backup. In order to do this I need to copy each ‘partial’ file from the backup zips and then combine them together to make the one file. I have a command that will copy them out and combine them from this post but the problem I have is that cmd is not doing it in numerical order, therefore the file is not complete. I am using this script to put the files in order:
Echo y | for /F "tokens=*" %A in (filenamesinorder.txt) do copy /b %A “c:\pstcombiner\combined.pst”
But all this does is copy each individual file and overwrites it. I get that that’s what the command does but I need it to combine all the files into one. What am I doing wrong?
Form the Microsoft documentation for the copy command:
To append files, specify a single file for destination, but multiple files for source (use wildcard characters or file1+file2+file3 format).
You’ll need to construct the source text for the copy in your for loop and do the copy after; I’ll see if I can provide an example when I am at my Windows system.
Instead of concatenating, you could try merging using the type command:
create an empty target file
copy nul target.ext > nul
then loop the type command to merge the files to the end of the target file
type fileN.ext>>target.ext
where fileN.ext is file 1, 2,3 ... n
I want to copy the files from current folder to another location like (CURRENT FOLDER) file name like this (F0#CGDBANG000947532#) to another location like (\\BasketsIn) with user name in the file name like (F0#CGDBANG000947532#logesh) at the end F0#CGDBANG000947532# copy to F0#CGDBANG000947532#username
copy "c:\A" "d:\%username%_A"
finally, after some of your comments here and in your other question, I understood your request (I think).
#echo off
for %%i in (%*) do if /i "%%~xi"==".eps" copy "%%i" "\\\adman\in\displ\%%~ni%username%.%%~xi"
If your file names do not have an extension or if you want the user name to be appended after the very end of the name (i.e. even after the extension), you could just use the following simple command:
COPY * \\BasketsIn\*%USERNAME%
where USERNAME is a system environment variable that resolves to the user name of the current user.
If, however, you have names with extensions and you want the user name to be appended after the file name but before the file extension, you could use the ? mask character like this:
COPY * \\BasketsIn\???????????????????????????????%USERNAME%.*
Just make sure you have provided enough ?s to cover the longest possible name in your case. If you are interested, you can learn more about this method in this excellent, in-depth Super User answer by dbenham:
How does the Windows RENAME command interpret wildcards?
One more note: this method may not work as expected with file names that have "multiple" extensions, i.e. like some.txt.doc.
Hi, I have many zip files located at g:\toto. These zips contain some files. I would like to extract all zip in a same directory (g:\toto\extracted) then rename various files of the zip.
Example 1 :
www_12567.vp.zip : 3 files : alpha.doc, beta.xls, teta.doc
I would like after extraction, files are renamed with the name of the zip
www_12567.vp.alpha.doc, www_12567.vp.beta.xls, www_12567.vp.teta.doc
Example 2 :
www_12.vp.zip : 3 files : al.doc, bea.xls, tta.doc
www_12.vp.al.doc, www_12.vp.bea.xls, www_12.vp.tta.doc
I found this question, but it talks about .txt and the zip contain one file, so, it doesn't work.
Without knowing the contents of the archive you can't know which files to rename, because you are putting them into a directory that may already contain other files.
This, however, would be much easier if there was a dedicated directory to put the files temporarily. Here's how you could use it:
SET "srcdir=G:\toto"
SET "tgtdir=G:\toto\extracted"
SET "tmpdir=G:\toto\extracted-tmp"
FOR %%Z IN ("%srcdir%\*.zip") DO (
unpack "%%Z" with your favourite tool into "%tmpdir%"
FOR %%I IN ("%tmpdir%\*") DO MOVE "%%I" "%tgtdir%\%%~nZ.%%~nxI"
Of course, the temporary directory would need to be empty before running the batch file. You could add DEL "%tmpdir%\*" somewhere before the loop to make sure it is.
One other note is, the above assumes that the archives do not contain subdirectories or, at least, that the files are extracted without subdirectories.
If you are using the 7-Zip archiver to work with .zip files, then this is how your extract command might look:
7z e "%%Z" -o"%tmpdir%"
Disclaimer: I'm not an active user of 7-Zip. This is what I used as a reference to come up with the above command:
7-Zip Command-Line Examples
I need a batch file that will find all files in a folder with a set variable in there name and then move them to a different folder. This must work on a windows XP computer.
the folder has these files
if we search for file names that contain "123" then it would move both abc123abc.pdf and efg123eft.pdf to a set folder.
If you want the names that have 123 anywhere in them:
move *123*.* c:\newfolder
If you want the 123 to always be the 4th, 5th, and 6th characters:
move ???123*.* c:\newfolder
If you want only .pdf files with 123 (either of the above matches):
move *123*.pdf c:\newfolder
Works either from a batch file or directly from the command prompt.
The ? matches a single character, the * matches one or more. These are called wildcard operators or simply wildcards.
To see how the wildcard operators work, open a command ("DOS") window in the folder you want to use, and try (dir is for a directory listing, and can't hurt anything to experiment with):
dir *.*
dir *123*
dir *123*.pdf
dir ???123*.pdf
No need for a batch file - the move command with a wildcard will do that itself:
move *123* c:\where\ever
I'm new to Windows batch files, but I'm writing a .bat file that just copies a bunch of files from one place to another maintaining the file directory structure. Using xcopy this is simple but I need to exclude some files from being copied. You can use /exclude and create a text file full of strings that you want to be excluded, but this doesn't just exclude files with the exact names in the text file, it excludes all files whose filenames contain any of the strings in the text file.
What this means is, if I want to exclude any files named 123.txt and put this string in my exclusions text file, if there was a file called 1123.txt anywhere in the source folder or any of its subfolders that would also be excluded.
How can I exclude only files with a specific filename from being copied?
Evening Bill.
Can you add a slash before each file name? That should work
instead of
Try creating a temporary folder, xcopying all of the files into that folder, deleting the ones you don't want, then xcopying those to the final destination. Finally, delete the temporary folder and its contents with rd xyzzy /q/s