PnP with Modern Auth and App Registration - azure-active-directory

We are using Modern Auth and when working with PnP you need to setup an App Reg. However as far as I can see its all or nothing? Is there any way to make an App Reg that only have permissions to a set of site collections and not all?

Unfortunately, the permissions of the API are all by designed, you could not grant the permission for a set of site collections.
If you want to improve it, you can post the idea in the azure feedback.


Firebase kicks out current user - "Managing users" with the web SDK

I have a (not so small) project started with ReactJS and Firebase web SDK - and I would like to somehow manage (at least add & delete) users in my system.
I am totally aware, that there is an Admin SDK, but I wouldn't like to transition to that in the current phase of the development. I would like to go on with the web SDK.
I have seen this nice workaround regarding the user-addition - and I managed to create & insert users with that.
Now, I need a way to delete or suspend users (at least), if possible. (I don't need strictly to have the update option, I can live without that.)
Do you now any way / workaround to that - similar to the point 2. ? Any idea how to achieve that?
The mobile and web clients for Firebase Authentication are not capable of changing the status of an arbitrary user account. A user account only has permission to delete itself, not other accounts.
You will need to use the Admin SDK for that, from a backend or desktop system you control. Initialized with a service account, it will have privileged access to manage user accounts.

hide app from public in Google App Engine

I've read some info about authentication, but I would have thought that I could turn off my app's visibility and/or access to the public. This would be useful for alpha testing so surely a setting like this exists? Or do I need to build such things into the app itself?
Without some sort of authentication mechanism your app can't really distinguish between a request coming from you and one coming from someone else.
It might be a good idea to spend a bit of time to analyze your app's authentication requirements and maybe get it done now, while still in alpha.
Depending on the solution it may be fairly simple to integrate.
Google offers multiple authentication options, see What is the difference between Google identity toolkit, Google OAauth and Google+ sign in
I personally opted for the GIT kit for simplicity, flexibility and convenience.
It's possible secure your App's urls so only an authorised user or administrator can access them.
This can be done through the app.yaml file (Python, PHP and Go applications) or the web.xml deployment descriptor (Java applications).
Option A:
Just allow only admin access, in yourapp.yaml
- url: /*
login: admin
Option B:
If you have an static IP (or with a few changes a week), you can detect the IP of the request and let run only from your IP:
class yourHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
if userIP=="" # Change this with your static IP
...your code for authorized users.
Option C:
Check request domain (to ensure is called from your own authorized domains), and put some security client side.
class yourHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
if origin=="" # Change this with your domain/subdomain
...your code for authorized users.
# I recommend to put also the CORS headers for your own domain
self.response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = ""
Personally, I have a mix of the three options plus a custom authentication to access private content.
By default, every service is born public. Change that, individually, by changing the --ingress setting for the service you want.
gcloud beta app services update <service-name> --ingress <value>
all (default): public to internet.
internal-only: only accessible for resources in the same Cloud Project.
internal-and-cloud-load-balancing: only accessible for resources in the same Cloud Project. And those requests came from configured Cloud Load Balancing.
1 Gateway + a bunch Microservices architecture example:
gcloud beta app services update ms-payment --ingress internal-only
gcloud beta app services update my-backend-gateway --ingress all << default!! Just for example purpose.
In this way, ms-payment is accessible only by resources within the same Cloud Project, even if they are in different VPCs.
Refer the documentation:
I've found recently that you could also use IAP (Identity-Aware Proxy) IA-what? I found a tutorial that implements it on App Engine.
Tutorial for App Engine.
So I didn't want to rely on my own authentication implementation because I'm not an expert, and security it's something very hard to learn in a rush. In a nutshell
Deploy an IAP step 1
Add your app engine (or the whole scope) to your IAP
add your authorized emails on the left panel step 3. For access use:
IAP-Secured Web App User: Grants access to the app and other HTTPS
resources that use IAP.
My Personal opinion here: try to implement as many safety measures as possible (don't rely on one system only), usually they could fail.

Administer DotNetNuke Users From Desktop Application?

There is the UserController class that lets us access and save user data.
I think UserController was meant to be used from within the context of a DNN website application, since it somehow already knows the connection string and other DNN settings.
So I take it that DNN Controller classes can't be used outside the context of a DNN website application, thus I can't add/revoke roles, reset password, and other administrative actions from a desktop application, correct?
If it's possible, please let me know. Thank you.
That's not possible out of the box but some reference can be available here which does somewhat similar things:
Most of what you are asking for are pretty simple DB operation. You could use Entity Framework to map tables into classes in your .Net App and then issue Update commands. However, these will be executed outside of DNN and may not impact a currently logged on user unless you clear the cache of DNN or restart app.
You could write custom WebAPI methods to do so as Hammond suggested above. You need to ensure that these methods are secure though and only Admin / Host can execute them.

An API for creating and managing Google Cloud Console projects?

I believe there is an undocumented Google API available to create and manage Google Cloud Console (and App Engine) projects on behalf of third party users.
Does anyone know how to use it?
I think older versions of the Google Eclipse Plugin obtained an OAuth2 token in the (undocumented) scope, and this allowed it to generate a Cloud Console project on your behalf. The latest version doesn't seem to do this. App Engine's own also uses this scope, but doesn't seem to do much more than deploy the code - I'm looking to change core settings for the project, such as Name, Redirect URLs, and Web Origins.
Any information would be appreciated.
I maintain a WordPress plugin providing secure Google Apps Login for end users, and currently have to give detailed instructions to admins for creating a new Cloud Console project manually, and entering settings such as Redirect URL. Ideally, I would create a simple on-line service to do all of this for them.
Thank you!
It is possible to programmatically create a new Developer Console project on behalf of a Google Account (yes, you read that right). You do so in a very roundabout way:
Request the scope from the user (standard OAuth 2.0 flow).
Use the Drive API's drive.insert method to create a new file with a mimetype of application/
Somehow try to get the project ID, maybe by uploading some Apps Script code? This is the part that I was never able to figure out.
A little known fact is that every Google Apps Script project has a hidden Developer Console project associated with it. This project is not shown in the list of projects, but it does exist. It is created automatically when the user starts a new Apps Script project, and the drive.insert method is enough to cause this to happen.
How do you get to the hidden project? Well, the only way I know of is to open the Apps Script project from the Drive website, open the "Resources > Advanced Google Services" dialog, and click the link to the Developer Console. You'll find the project ID in the URL.
Aside from not being shown in your list of projects and not being able to use App Engine, this is a normal Developer Console project. You can add additional OAuth client credentials, service accounts, Compute Engine instances, etc. And of course once you have a project ID, all of the various management APIs will work: creating new virtual machines, making use of a service account's impersonation ability, etc.

User API for Google App Engine far too restrictive?

Looking at the Google App Engine API, it seems that despite all its great features, the User API is extremely limiting. It seems you can only authenticate people who have a Google account, or use an OpenID account, or via some OAuth kung fu (handshaking with a Facebook account etc).
This appears to be a major stumbling block for anyone who wants a proprietary user base by creating user accounts within the application. In short, I don't want my users to have to use or create a Google account to access my app.
Has anyone else come across this limitation and has it been a deal breaker for using the GAE? Am I missing something? It is possible to deploy my own Spring based security etc within the app and use my own User API? Comments on this issue greatly appreciated. Thanks.
You're free to completely ignore the Users API and implement your own authentication system, as you would in any other hosting environment. Nothing about App Engine prevents you from doing so.
The Users API is just there as a convenience, in case you'd like to spare yourself the effort of re-implementing everything, and spare your users the inconvenience of filling out another sign up form and remembering another set of credentials.
You can always implement your own user management system.
In my application I have used spring-security for this purpose. spring security 3.0.1 works perfectly fine with app engine 1.3.5. There may occur some issues integrating other versions of both. I found below links extremely useful :
