SSRS 2016 Sporatic Error rrRenderingError - sql-server

I have an SSRS 2016 Report. When I run the report by clicking the report in the SSRS Site it runs fine. When I use the url to create the pdf like this:
It gives me the error:
The webpage at
might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new
When I look at the view [dbo].[ExecutionLog3], it shows an error of rrRenderingError.
What's odd is that if I change the url and put the "format=Excel", it works fine. And then right away change it back to PDF it works fine.
So my guess is this is a timeout issue. Can anyone tell if that is a valid assumption? If it is, how do I go about changing that timeout? The underlying stored procedure for the report can take > 60s.
If it's not a timeout, how do I dig deeper into the logs to show me what the error really could be?

Issue solved: Turns out that it was an expression on my report:
="Portfolio Holdings Report as of " & Format(CDate(First(Fields!ReportParameterValue.Value, "AsOfDate")), "MM/d/yy")
When I took this off, the report ran fine. However I still needed this on my report, so I made a hidden parm, and set a default value from my AsOfDate Dataset. Then made the expression this:
="Portfolio Holdings Report as of " & Format(CDate(Parameters!AsOfDate.Value), "MM/d/yy")
Then all of my scheduled events went off without a hitch.


SSRS parameters disapear when clicking on apply

We are using SSRS (SQL Server 2012) in SharePoint (2013) integrated mode. The report uses 3 parameters, all of them using shared datasets. It appears that if you take longer than 30sec to select a parameter, after selecting the first one, even though you see all 3 parameter values selected, when you hit "Apply" the report doesn't run and all parameter values return to again.
Some research led me to this link Time-out values for shared datasets
but I'm unable to change the property "Edit Query execution time out" because I can not find it anywhere and I know that it would not have been set at all.
I have stumbled across the answer to the above issue that annoyed users for too long. We had to add a few lines of code to the file global.asax on our reporting web server and that fixed the issue for us.
<script runat="server">
protected void Application_BeginRequest()
if( FormsAuthentication.IsEnabled
&& Context.Request.RequestType == "POST"
&& Context.Request.Headers["x-requested-with"] == "XMLHttpRequest"
Context.Response.SuppressFormsAuthenticationRedirect = true;
Find the whole article here: SharePoint Authentication Redirect

Incorrect datatype for database function in Lotus notes

I have a Dialog Box field which has a Dblookup formula to look up the corresponding values.
Till yesterday it was working fine. This morning I have change a keyword from the lookup view and while clicking the dialog box I receive the error in the Dialog box as "Incorrect datatype for database function". I tried every possibilities but still unable to crack the issue. Can some one help?
I found the issue by myself. Here is what the actual dblookup formula written in the Dialog Box field.
after tireless troubleshooting I later found it to be very silly mistake that I did not check in the beginning. The lookup did not have any cache mentioned which should be "NoCache". So I changed it like this in the below and has worked.

Is this a Bot modifying my URLs for some tracking purpose?

I don't know if this is bad code on our part, or a bot/spider doing something for tracking purposes. What I'm seeing is our URLs are getting modified, and it's generating site errors and error emails that I'm set up to get when it seems like my site is being hacked.
For example, a URL that should read/load like this
gets loaded like this'&order=Date
the email I get shows
query string = pid=-1%27&order=Date
The IP address that comes up in the error emails always change, but many point to Kiev or Minsk, but are so varied I don't see how I can stop this from happening easily. My site is on an IIS 7.5 server, win2008.
Someone is trying to hack your application. They are testing if your application uses values from the forms or URL directly into SQL statements.
This hacking attempt is easy and called "SQL injection". Check your application if it is vulnerable, fix it immediately if required.
Additionally, try to track the attackers and if you see them coming from a set of IP addresses, block them.
Using HTTP_REEFER we are able to control the URL Modifying on directly.
Try the below code
if Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER") = "" Then
RESPONSE.WRITE " <b><h1><font color=blue></font><font color=red>UNSECURED MENU ACCESS</font><font color=blue></font><h1></b> "
End if

Bugzilla: bugs are not showing up (show up in DB and everything seems to be fine)

I just installed Bugzilla locally and it seems that everything is fine. I can create new products and components. I can also file new bugs and they show up in the database.
But when I want to view them in the web interface, they won't show up.
Instead, at the top of the page this shows up:
Product: ARRAY(0x3735378 Component: ARRAY(0x4275650) Resolution: ARRAY(0x42755a8)
and then below the "Zarro Boogs found."
I couldn't find any information on that on the web, did anybody have similar issues? Thank you!
Please check the bugs table in techzilla database and verify if the bug details are getting updated.
The cgi file which corresponds to the listing of bugs is buglist.cgi.
Template file is:-global/message.html.tmpl
"Zarro Boogs found." is showing because, the values are not correctly entering in the query to display the buglist.
It is evident from the display,
Product: ARRAY(0x3735378 Component: ARRAY(0x4275650) Resolution: ARRAY(0x42755a8)
it is because of the looping problem.
check the display code in the template file or buglist file and correct the loop, then it will dsiplay properly
Yes, It is because of the zero value in the query. We can check it, by printing the query and checking the value in DB.
Inserts a Named Query (a "Saved Search") into the database, or updates a Named Query that already exists..
We had similar problem. Bugs were not showing in search result list. The problem was in the name of the product when the name of the product was with diacritics (e.g. Czech, Slovak, etc...). When the name of the product is in US ASCII it is all Ok.

SSRS Report Manager set default zoom level

I have deployed around 40 report parts to my reporting server which are all working correctly.
The problem is my zoom is default 100 for all of them, I want a number of them to default to 75.
I have tried creating a portal with links to all report parts and using the &rc:Zoom=75
on the end of the URL for the link but it still defaults to 100.
Can anyone suggest how I can achieve what I want?
Instead of going to :
and getting the full URL from here (plus &rc:Zoom=75)
I went here:
Which is like the back end.
From here I went to the report part I wanted to default to 75 and right clicked and selected'copy shortcut'
I then pasted this into the 'Go to URL' box along with the
What's your full URL? I realized that the zoom doesn't work if I also have &rc:toolbar=false. If I add &rc:Zoom=25 to a standard report it work's fine.
Try removing any other tags than you may have on the URL to see which one is preventing the Zoom from working.
