Has anyone ever implemented joomla 3 content approval workflow - joomla3.0

I am currently using joomla 3. I have a scenario where by content has to go through approval before it is published. Has anyone ever implemented the same in joomla 3

For content Approval you simply need to make default publishing to unpublished when you create a menu item for Content creation at Frontend. The image below will help you.
So when a user submits it will be unpublished by default and either a super admin or anyone authorised to approve like administrator, manager, publisher can approve the same either through frontend or backend.


Open PowerBI page without Sign-In

The problem. For example I have link to PowerBI report. After opening of this link, i have to Sign-In
<iframe width="2280" height="1082" src="https://app.powerbi.com/reportEmbed?reportId=fVK8cK9Wq-a046-42c1-8876-7t4HX8bZ3QYLv&groupId=ELQUhnn5u-9911-4b31-9b3-t79bHMqexVM7M&autoAuth=true&ctid=RZaQ3ybV5-4S5e-Dq6h-s5sU-CF9u2DzcHbD3x&config=ZPGx2nu47CLHbdadHpVbG5xxN4xKVCjCMK8McctjvhdmwnDkVrvRBzMqbW3F5dvckjJuuwtfV9F2AH64cad73XrZeqTH%3D" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
After Sign-In, I can see this report.
The question. I want to make some web-server with A-record of my DNS, where i will put this URL in html page. Any client should see report without Sign-In.
Publish to Web I can't use, because i Have only ReadOnly access to this Report. I have some scripting skills. Could You advice, maybe some React application, that will make Sign-In ? Or maybe varint to do this with Selenium ? I have found several variants, but in these variants, i should register application, create application_id, token_id. But i can't do this, because i am not owner of this report. I have login and password to read only of this report, and that's all.
It's a security vulnerability to use your credentials in any webpage to display data unless you are doing it in the fashion you are displaying here, and the correct way would be to create an application regstration in AzureAD for the specific application, lock it down to the webserver, and securely authenticate to the report as the application. If the company who owns the data does not want/will not help you with this, I dont see how you will be able to accomplish your goal as it's their data. info on application registration: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/quickstart-register-app

React authentication/permissions and component rendering

I am building a project with a React frontend and .NET core backend.
One of the functions of the site is users can submit a form (an event/meetup) which goes to an admin user for approval. Once approved the event is posted on the website along with a list of others from other users.
I then want the user to be able to go to the event/meetup page and when they see their post they should see an edit button (only visible to them and admin) that allows them to modify their post.
This is just one feature of the project but all the others are very similar. User submits data, admin approves, gets posted to live website, user or admin can edit.
I am trying to figure out how to build in authentication/permissions.
I was looking at using JWT tokens.
I am new to React so trying to not use Redux if possible.
What do people suggest as the best way to tackle this?
How do I manage permissions and what parts of a component gets rendered?
Thank you.
Given the scope of the application that you have described, unless you have any unusual authentication requirements, I would simply consider using cookies to track the user.
A user can login via a HTTP request (AJAX or form post) then subsequent requests will include the authentication cookie ensuring that they're logged in.
Like #azium mentioned, this question is not particularly related to React but is standard authentication flow for any web application.

#kentico cms to salesforce community login SSO

We have a website running on Kentico and we want all the users who are coming to kentico and doing login can automatically login to salesforce community after clicking a tab in kentico website .
I got few suggestions related to SSO but it seems there is no specific way in kentico cms for doing or configuring single sign on for other domains .
Let me know if you guys have any thoughts .
Thanks !!!
Not knowing much about Salesforce Community, I'll answer based on what we've done in the past in other situations which are similar.
In this case it seems like Salesforce will be your true source of the "user" data because there are license restrictions with users in Salesforce and NOT in Kentico. Some of the user data (username, first, last, etc.) will be stored in Kentico to help with functionality. In this case you'd:
Place the login webpart on a page and configure it (simple).
Create a Global Event Handler for the Authenticate event.
In the global event handler, attempt to log them into Salesforce with given username and password.
If a user exists or the login is successful, allow them to log into Kentico and possibly sync some of their profile/user data to Kentico, if not, cancel the event.

Session Management in salesforce

We are trying to build one simple website using force.com sites.Here User logged into website and need to perform different actions by moving to different VF pages.
We are facing a Problem to maintaine Session of particular user. We need help regarding how to maintaine session for particular user.
Kindly give your help. Please provide any sample code.
You can't ;)
Think about it, you can store usernames/passwords in your data objects and if they allow you to login and maintain a session for that user and use it to walk around apex pages and builtin forms why would you buy a salesforce license? You could operate a 1000 employees rig with just one administrative license and a site URL. For that reason salesforce does not allow you session control, it grants you one when you buy and expense a license.
For sites, you have to purchase either Customer Portal license or volume-based High Volume Customer Portal set and then use those to "promote" a contact into a login user with the above license. Then, when that user logs into site it has its own session.
This document http://wiki.developerforce.com/index.php/Authenticating_Users_on_Force.com_Sites might be of great help.
This tutorial shows you how to authenticate users on Force.com Sites. It provides a description of Customer Portal, which is needed for the authentication, and shows you how to set up such a site and process to allow site visitors to become authenticated users.
The points on customer portal are correct, and you have to pay for these licences. If you build your own auth on Force.com Sites and salesforce.com finds out they'll be very unhappy. That said you can still do it using cookies (http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/apexcode/Content/apex_classes_sites_cookie.htm) but it's not perfect because it's client-side.
I highly recommend that you steer clear of this approach though. You're better off building your UI layer on another platform (Google App Engine or Heroku) and using web services created on the Force.com platform through that UI.

Accessing Joomla session information from Silverlight

Would anyone have any experience to share and/or sample code that shows accessing the session state information for a user logged into a Joomla web site? Simply showing the logged in user's name or something similar in Silverlight would be very interesting to me.
Joomla Session data is stored in your local cookie.
Given that the silverlight app is coming from the same domain(isn't it?!!)
as the joomla site, silverlight should be able to access the cookies that joomla saved.
Then you can look at the session table, compare the session id from the cookie, and
get your user...
Hope this helps
Joomla tracks session data in a MySQL database, table jos_session. Grab a MySQL DLL and query your Joomla database for the user data.
