Meteorjs react universe:i18n - reactjs

I need to implement universe:i18n in meteor and react i tried a lot but it didn’t work ,
so i need a simple example or source code explain how to configure universe:i18n with the project .
Please help me

Have you checked the documentation?


Is it Possible to Create like Elementer App (Wordpress) in React js?

I am trying to create like elementer app (Wordpress) in react using react dnd (npm) , there is lot of problems came when creating Html Elements , any one can suggest for creating way or any packages to to this app .
Thanks in advance
Your question is very vague.
But I'll give you a bit of a starting point. explains how to create a block in a plugin.
Then have a look at the entirety of this: - and you might kind of know where to start.
In general you can use react components anywhere with gutenberg. However mostly in the backend. Using them in the front end does often not make that much sense - then you are better off working with wordpress as a headless CM (via RestAPI).
Hope this helped you.

How can I add Dropbox component to React Native application?

I tried to implement it through Dropbox but was not able to do it because of the crappy documentation. Can you please help with this?
there is open source sample project for dropbox implementation in react native
check this

How to create react application in phantomjs

Can anyone guide me,how to create react application in phatomjs?
i have searched but didn't get any proper documentation, please share something which will helps me

Integrating material UI example with next.js

I am trying to quickly create a dashboard with next.js and react.js as a front end using tempaltes from material-ui.
Using next-create-app and find it easy enough to get something up and running but I just can't seem to integrate this dashboard.
I realise that material UI has a github link for next.js here but for some reason I can't install it either...
when using the curl function i get locked out for some reason. I can use git functions fine though - maybe that would solve the issue? I don't think there's a way to get that specific branch though.
Appreciate any help - I realise it's a simple question yet I've had some difficulty with it so would love some help.

How to integrate Modeler of Bpmn-js into React

I'm trying to integrate a Bpmn Modeler into my React app but so far it's not successful. It seems to work with the Viewer example I've also found in SO in the other thread, but with a Modeler, I can't. Can anyone help me out or point to the right direction?
This is my sample code on codeandbox: , which is following from this example
Hoping it's Not too Late. Please check the codesndbox below,
