nsis install executing bat but doing nothing - batch-file

I have a batch file that I need to run within my NSIS installer. It just mount a network drive using NET USE Z: \server\folder. The installer seems to work fine, the cmd is launched and the commands even output like everything is fine 1, but the drive isn't actually mapped
image with commands output
the nsis section is
Section ""
;Install path
;the bat file
File network.bat
;execute bat
Exec '"$INSTDIR\network.bat"'
If I execute the bat manually the drives get mapped perfectly. I also try executing the net command directly by using nsExec::ExecToLog '"C:\Windows\System32\net.exe" use z: \\server\folder' or Exec "$SYSDIR\Net.exe use z: \\server\folder" or ExecWait '"cmd.exe" /C net use z: \\server\folder' but I get the same result.
The bat content is the following:
NET USE Z: \\server\folder
What am I doing wrong? What else can I try? Im testing installer on a Win10 Home edition if it helps.
Thanks in advance.

Mapped drives are not shared across UAC boundaries.
Applicable solutions/workarounds:
You can use the RequestExecutionLevel User attribute in your script if you do not require administrator rights to install your application.
Use UNC paths (\\server\folder)
If you are installing a application, the application can set the mapping when it is started.
Use the ShellExecAsUser plug-in to execute the batch file in the context of Explorer.exe

Anders answers works great and clarify me on which was the problem, in my context I couldn't use 1-3 options so I start doing 4 and it lead me to this use explorer to run as current user it gaved me a simpler solution.
Exec '"$WINDIR\explorer.exe" "$INSTDIR\network.bat"'
Just point one more thing, if the installer, is not ELEVATED, this logic is not relevant, because then you can just run Exec which will have the same elevation as your process.


How do I stop my batch file and pushd from referencing the unc when opening cmd.exe?

I'm trying to run a batch file from a local Windows server that calls on computers in my domain to pull from the shared folder and run an exe. I'm not sure if my script is trying to do too much or too little.
So I run the below batch locally
X:\pstools\psexec.exe \\Computer -d -u DOMAIN\user -p password -i \\SERVER\test\testfile.bat
and testfile.bat:
#echo off
pushd \\SERVER\test\
call program.exe
When I run the script, psexec runs and I get a confirmation that testfile.bat was started on target computer. On the targeted computer nothing happens. If I navigate to the share on the targeted computer and run testfile.bat, I get "CMD.EXE was not started with the above path as the current directory.UNC paths are not supported. Defaulting to Windows directory." From there the computer runs the called .exe with no issues.
If I target this towards another server in my domain it executes perfectly, but not on domain computers. I thought maybe a GPO issue, but I can't find a solution.
Thanks for any knowledge or help provided!
Thanks for all the tips everyone! This is how I ended up getting it working for anyone who might have the same issue.
Script on Server:
x:\pstools\psexec.exe \\Computer(or text file with computers listed) -d -s cmd /c (batchfile.bat)
Similiar to what I was trying before, but to ensure you run the command line as System on the remote PC you have to specify "-s cmd". The /c copies the batch to the remote system to run locally. You can include a "-f" to overwrite if you've already copied it previously. I just put the batchfile in the pstools folder.
pushd \\networkdrive
call (.bat/.cmd/.exe/etc.)
I disabled the firewall for testing, but I believe you have to open TCP-445/UDP-137 for PSEXEC. Otherwise, that's it. Super simple solution.

Command Line Installation with SCCM 2012

I have a few applications that I am trying to deploy with SCCM 2012 but the installations are failing through the application catalog. So what I have for the deployment type is a script installer. I have "cmd.exe" (Without quotations) in the Installation program field and "Installer.bat" in the installation start in field.
When I look at the ccmcache folder, all the contents over that application are there but the following error displays the Software Center:
I have done some reading online and the "10B" is a common command line error for invalid directory. I have tested the batch file when hard coding a path but my question is, how can I edit the batch file or SCCM to pull from the CCMCache path where the files are downloaded to on the local client? Currently the Batch File is simply:
#echo off
Do I need to edit the file to cd into the CCMCache folder where the files are placed? How can I get the batch file to run the executable that is downloaded to the CCMCache folder?
Thank You!
You need to have the full path to the installation in your script
#echo Off
\\path to .exe
The way the command is written will not be able to find the .exe file. You need to add the full unc path to the .exe into your .cmd file. You should have your installation .exe and .cmd file in the same location on the distribution share
Recommended Solution:
Before starting, since you are only launching an exe with your batch file, I would recommend just using your ApplicationName.exe as your command line parameter in SCCM instead of using a batch. This will eliminate the need to engineer any further.
Modifying the existing solution to work:
If you do still want to use a batch file, keep a few things in mind. The syntax you are using to launch the batch file will not work. I would recommend just using the batch file name "installer.bat" as your command line. If you still want to preface the batch with the cmd.exe, you absolutely need to use the /c switch with it
cmd.exe /c installer.bat
If you don't use /c the console host will only open to a promopt and not execute your batch.
This is not an ideal solution though because using "cmd.exe /c" will set your working directory to the location of cmd.exe (ie "C:\windows\system32") and since your content is staged in ccmcache, you will need to specify its location within your batch. To do this, you would use %~dp0 variable which gives you the directory the current batch is running from. This means modifying your batch to read
#echo off

Trying to uninstall a program with wmic and getting error 1603

I'm try to create a batch file that will, among other things like installing the newest version of our software, first UNINSTALL the old version. I have used "wmic product get name" to find the actual name of the program, and then I have scripted the following code to uninstall the program:
wmic product where "name like 'Borland CaliberRM 10.1'" call uninstall /nointeractive >> C:\users\pbrandvold\Desktop\log.txt
When it's finished, I get this message:
Executing (\\PHIL-BRANDVOLD\ROOT\CIMV2:Win32_Product.IdentifyingNumber="{ED8B0A1F-8E90-478A-82B6-7C885A628257}",Name="Borland CaliberRM 10.1",Version="")->Uninstall()
Method execution successful.
Out Parameters:
instance of __PARAMETERS
ReturnValue = 1603;
I can't think of what is happening - why won't this uninstall? I've also tried using the msi, and running:
msiexec.exe /qn /x "Borland CaliberRM 10.1.msi"
Which doesn't work either.
I had this issue when trying to uninstall and reinstall Web Deploy using wmic via a batch file. It did not help running the batch file with elevated privileges.
The only way I could get it to run correctly was to open a Command Prompt window with elevated privileges and run the batch file through that.
The solution I ended up going with was to turn my batch file into an executable using a Bat to Exe converter. http://www.f2ko.de/en/b2e.php
The issue occurs due to the user's privileged of uninstalling the program.
Just open the command prompt as 'Run as administrator and run your command to uninstall the program.
Example :
open cmd with admin:
run below commands
product get name
product where name="YOUR_PROGRAM_NAME" call uninstall

can't delete folder from batch - folder or file open in another program

done a search on this, but little joy. I am making and later, trying to delete a folder in the same batch file:
mkdir "%_gameKey%"
:: Stuff.....
rmdir /s /q "%_gameKey%"
I get the error "the process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process." I also can't delete the folder via right-click delete - same error. Interestingly, the rmdir removes the contents of the folder. There is nothing in the folder, nor is there anything obvious accessing it.
I have used Unlocker - shows no processes. Have also used Process Explorer, searched on the folder name (with/without full path) - no search results.
When I restart my machine, I can delete it. Not sure if down to user permissions. I see from this that Users only have Read/write not full control. (sorry - not very good with user permissions stuff - especially on windows!). However - surely it can't be this as I can delete it upon restart.
The folder is on a non OS drive.
I'm stumped - any ideas?
A folder cannot be deleted on Windows if any application uses this folder currently as working directory.
In your case I suppose that the batch file uses command cd to change the working directory to the created directory. So you need to use cd once again to set a different working directory before using command rmdir to delete this directory.
It is of course no good idea to start other applications with working directory being currently the directory which should be deleted later and which continue running on exit of batch file as those started applications have this directory as working directory as well.
I had same issue, after launched a powershell process from a folder via win cmd.
After powershell finished, I cd .. in win CMD but rd /q /s gave error: open in another process
I get same error when manually delete folder in explorer window, even if it was empty.
wmic process revealed that powershell.exe could be locking the folder, even though powershell had finished the task & powershell window had closed.
This was confirmed by tasklist
I then taskkill /im powershell.exe, after which the folder could be deleted.
My word - that was an obscure one, but finally found the answer by stepping through the code putting the rmdir in various places. I post this here in case anyone encounters the same...
Basically, I was calling cmd prompts and launching external exe's whilst in the said folder. Later, I was forcibly closing the exe's with TaskKill, but this was leaving the cmd consoles open at the path of the directory I was trying to delete. I'll try be clearer....
Whilst batch script was in the directory (e.g. C:\Windows\Scripts\Launch), I used the following command:
Start "AppLaunch" Call "!_supExe!" !_supCmd!
Which, after expansion, translated to, for e.g.:
Start "AppLaunch" Call "C:\Windows\Program Files(x86)\Troubleshooter\trbshtr.exe" -game "My Game"
I was using this because, from reading, there appears to be a bug in windows making the following command fail:
Start "AppLaunch" "C:\Windows\Program Files(x86)\Troubleshooter\trbshtr.exe" -game "My Game"
The problem comes when you have to use quotes for both the exe and the parameters (for instance where there's spaces). Windows doesn't read it right. Thus had to use topmost to launch these apps.
Problem being, when used:
taskkill /f /im trbshtr.exe
The exe was killed, but the command prompt wasn't. Using /b on the Start command made no difference.
So, the solution was - cd out of the directory into one that the batch script doesn't alter before launching the other apps via the above. Job done....
Now that just leaves me with how to close all those opened cmd windows (or those in taskmgr if I use the /b switch). That's probably a topic for another search or thread!

Execute windows batch command from Jenkins fails but runs fine in cmd.exe

I am trying to run this command in jenkins after a MSbuild
xcopy "C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\trunk\Projects\results\results\obj\Debug\Package\PackageTmp" "Y:\Extraction_Zone\Jenkins\" /E
Y: is a mapped network drive. This runs fine in cmd.exe but when trying to run it in Jenkins, I am getting the error Invalid drive specification.
Here is the output from jenkins:
Time Elapsed 00:00:04.03
[trunk] $ cmd /c call C:\Windows\TEMP\hudson3389873107474371072.bat
C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\trunk>xcopy "C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\trunk\Projects\results\results\obj\Debug\Package\PackageTmp" "Y:\Extraction_Zone\Jenkins\" /E
Invalid drive specification
0 File(s) copied
C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\trunk>exit 4
Build step 'Execute Windows batch command' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE
Any help would be appreciated.
I too had a similar issue once. Try granting the Jenkins service "Logon as This account" right under services.msc and make sure the account you type there is the same as the one you use for running cmd.exe.
These commands based on Java JAR files worked for me:
net use x: \\
xcopy "dist\" x:\ /Y
And that's it! I spent lot of time figure out this issue and nothing worked until I wrote CMD and NET USE!
Neither I didn't need to change permission on jenkins service nor use runas command.
But I must mention that everyone had read and write access to the network drive.
I had the same issue with my Windows Task running a batch file (I know it is not exactly same) where I tried to copy file to network location i.e. shared drive. I used the UNC path and mapped drive as well but the error was same. For me it was error number 4 - MS DOS error code.
The solution was to use net use command! Hope that it helps.
Easy fix for most things.
Make a batch command with what your trying to run, filename.bat with the command prompt text inside.
Make a normal windows shortcut for the batch command, edit the shortcuts advanced properties and check the "Run as admin" (tricky tricky).
Now run the filename.lnk shortcut from jenkins command line call, this will get you around all the jazz.
The solution of adarshr (i.e., modifying the log on credentials of the service) has worked for me for a part of the problem: in my case, this allowed me to successfully check out a mercurial repository (using ssh protocol), which I could not do when using 'Local System account'.
However, I still have different behavior between running a command-line script or running the same script from a jenkins 'execute shell' script in the build section. In my case, I compile a Python extension. In Jenkins, I cannot import the extension (I don't see any error, but the execution simply stops, so I suspect it crashes).
If I uninstall the service and run the slave agent as a Java Web Start, I do get the same behavoir. It is a temporary fix for me, but it means that when I reboot the windows build machine, I have to manually re-start the Java Web Start application.
So -at least in my case- it is clear that this is a credential problem.
Credentials usage documentation: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Jenkins+CLI
I've solved my issue with the CIFS plugin.
Faced similar issue and found two ways to solve.
Type 1:
Tell Jenkins about mapped drive.
1.Goto -> Manage Jenkins -> Script Console (Groovy Script).
2.Run below command
def mapdrive = "net use Y: \\\\copy_nework_address"
println "net use".execute().getText()
1.Goto -> cmd -> run "net use" to know network address
xcopy "C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\trunk\Projects\results\results\obj\Debug\Package\PackageTmp" "Copy_Network_Address\Extraction_Zone\Jenkins\" /E
Conclusion:- I prefer 2nd types as after every restart i should run Groovy Script.
