Find original source file path from inspect element in dev tools - reactjs

I am trying to add accessibility to a large web application built with react and webpack. This requires going back to the source files from the app. Is there a way to see which file the code originally came from? Inspect element and view source are nice but I can't find the path to the source file where the code was generated from. Is there a way to do this in dev tools (chrome or firefox developer edition) or am I stuck with searching my entire project src folder for code that will point me to the file? It is a single page application so it is not as easy as checking the url.
EDIT: we also use babel
EDIT2: changed name to clarify I am looking for the original source code path to the file

for that you have to use .babelrc and add this line into file
"sourceMaps": true
after adding this in chrome > source tab it will show all the files with same name as code and the code also will be in es6 or above (same as what you write).
example config:
"presets": ["es2015"],
"plugins": [
"libraryName": "lib",
"libraryDirectory": "./src"
["module-resolver", {
"root": ["./src"],
"alias": {
"database": "./src/database",
"localization": "./localization",
"utils": "./utils"
"sourceMaps": true
Let me know if you have any other issue still.
For getting file path you can right click on the file title tab and click on "Reveal in sidetab"
if you want to open file just press cmd + p and search for file name there you will see 2 files with same name. you have to open one witch dont have webpack-internal prefixed.
Also you can open side tab and there you will find your same folder structure as you do have in your project. in webpack dir.


Can't set breakpoints on NPM Link'ed library

I learn React JavaScript and now I have this problem
I Fork the notistack library in GitHub then download my fork with Git Desktop so the project are on Windows 10 here D:/git/notistack.
After following npm-link doc it all work ok I can debug run the notistack library typescript project in VScode.
I "npm link" on my notistack library and "npm link notistack" in my ReactJs project all standard procedure and I can debug run the library ok.
I make changes and rebuild notistack library and I see it's working ok.
But when I set up launch.json like this, with the runtimeArgs, that suppose to enable debugging I can't make breakpoints work in the Library.
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Launch Edge",
"request": "launch",
"type": "pwa-msedge",
"url": "https://localhost:6545",
"webRoot": "${workspaceFolder}",
"runtimeArgs": [
I set breakpoints in the ReactJs project node_module/notistack library but VSCode is setting them as unbound breakpoints.
I suspekt it has something to do with that that notistack library is a Typescript project maybe and I link to a ReactJs project. any idea?
Please advice what I need to check and do?
I looked this up, and saw some possible fixes,
Did you try disabling this setting in VSCode?
"debug.javascript.usePreview": false
Try these properties to your launch.json file
"trace": true,
"sourceMaps": true,
"webRoot": "${workspaceFolder}/src",
Restarting VSCode or Downgrading the version
Run -> Disable All Breakpoints, then Enable All Breakpoints
None of the solutions I saw for this problem worked for me. I am a windows user ; I precise cause it works without this solution, on linux, for my colleagues.
So I tried to found a configuration that works, the important parameter is outFiles :
"outFiles": [
The second line of outFiles array is the most important. You can adapt the path to one who match better with the project you work on.
The order of the paths is important, here "!**/node_modules/**" is the last one cause we don't want to add "**/my-npm-linked-library/node_modules/*.js" in our outFiles.
! Important note ! : You must remove "--preserve-symlinks" and "--preserve-symlinks-main" inside runtimeArgs parameter. My understanding about that is limited, but it doesn't work whith these options.
Try adding the --preerve-symlinks-main to the runtimeArgs. It may solve the problem.
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Launch Edge",
"request": "launch",
"type": "pwa-msedge",
"url": "https://localhost:6545",
"webRoot": "${workspaceFolder}",
"runtimeArgs": [
If you wanna read the docs before implementing, here is the link:
This can be a difficult question to answer without an example repo to view your setup. For example we don't know if you're trying to debug something for SSR or Client.
First question, are you debugging this module because it's not showing up in your App? If that's the case, and you're using Webpack to compile you may need to try resolve.symlinks: true.
Generally speaking, I try to debug my code via the software I'm using to view the compiled code. For React projects, that's usually a Browser. For stuff like Unit tests, debugging within VSCode is handy. The below suggestions are for debugging via the Browser.
Any node_modules should show up in your Sources panel, just as they would on your file system.
Here's an article on setting Chrome up to debug Server code.
Basically, start your Server with the --inspect flag.
In an empty Browser tab go to chrome://inspect
If the Server was started with --inspect, it'll be listening for a debugging session to connect, and you should see your Server listed under the Remote Target section.
Some articles suggest clicking on the item listed under Remote Target, but I just use that as an indicator that my Server is listening. Instead I click on the Open dedicated DevTools for Node. Doing that has the same result, with the benefit of not having to reopen a debugging window if your Server restarts via something like nodemon.
Navigate to the Sources tab, and you can search for a specific source file or module to place a breakpoint in.
For Client
You'll have to ensure that your compiler (Webpack, Rollup, Parcel - whatever you use), has source maps set up correctly. Also, compilers may have default settings to strip out any inlined debugger; statements, so you'll need to look into that and disable that when building for Local.
If your source maps are set up, you should be able to go to the Sources tab (in Chrome's Devtools) and search for the file you want to debug and place some breakpoints.
If source maps aren't set up, you most likely have a giant bundle file with all your node_modules and source files all compiled together (which could be why your breakpoints aren't firing currently).
In this case, you can try adding a debugger; line within your node_modules file, and see if the debugger stops now. Don't forget to reset the node_modules file after this testing step, it was purely for debugging and shouldn't remain of course.

Chrome extension using React.js causes "Manifest file is missing or unreadable" error

I'm encountering the Manifest file is missing or unreadable error when trying to load my unpacked Chrome extension. I'm building the extension as a react app, so the file structure looks like this:
I understand that the manifest.json needs to be in the root folder, not in public the way react usually lays it out. When I move it to the root however, it breaks the connection to app.js and my popup only loads index.html with none of the javascript connected.
This is how my manifest is laid out:
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "My Extension",
"description": "This extension is a starting point to create a real Chrome extension",
"version": "0.0.1",
"browser_action": {
"default_popup": "index.html",
"default_title": "Open the popup"
"icons": {
"16": "/public/images/get_started16.png",
"48": "/public/images/get_started48.png",
"128": "/public/images/get_started128.png"
"permissions": [
Not sure if you've figured this one out already since its been awhile since someone answered, but once you are done, do npm run build. This should create your "build" which will have your manifest file, after that, load unpackaged "build" folder.
Hope this helps.
In Order to solve this issue :- Click on
Pack extension give a complete path Extension root directory click on Pack extension
Now click on Load extension.
you can see in your current folder two extra file generated on is .pem and .ctx file.
its working now

Next.js can not load JSX files via custom .babelrc configuartion

I am trying to use the .jsx file type and have created a custom .babelrc file as per the Next.js documentation (see below).
"plugins": [
["transform-react-jsx", {
"extensions": [".jsx"]
"presets": [
However with the above .babelrc file I receive the following error:
Can someone point me in the direction as to what I am doing wrong to get jsx files to load properly?
Next.js has support for .jsx files out of the box. There should be no need to customize your .babelrc, so you can either use the default one or just delete it altogether.
Make sure you are running the latest version of Next.js, and possibly delete the node_modules and the .next folder in your project directory. Then install the dependencies again & build.

ExtJS app.json and bootstrap.json file

How added my-custom.css file in app.json or bootstrao.json files
"name": "My App",
"requires": [
"id": "166372b1-e416-4921-8ef2-2495765b9d76"
* This file is generated by Sencha Cmd and should NOT be edited. It is a
* combination of content from app.json, and all required package's package.json
* files. Customizations should be placed in app.json.
I think you're asking about adding CSS files to your application's app.json file. Basically, you need to add the following section to app.json then run sencha app build (which will update bootstrap.json for you).
"css": [
"path": "resources/css/my-styles.css"
However, a project initialized with Sencha Cmd would've had this section with helpful comments. Take a few minutes to become more familiar with Sencha Cmd and how you can use that to manage your project's files and build process:!/guide/command_app_ext42

Bundling .JS resources for IOS Simulation

In my app, I have support for multiple languages.
Each languages ownsa .js files which contains one single object with every 'displayable string'.
The system totally works on desktop (chrome or safari) but on mobile it does not at all.
With alerts I found that whenever i was reaching for fields inside my language objects, it was not working.
Form that I guess my .js files are not bundled in my build when I Simulate on IOS via Sencha Architect.
Would someone help me do the job correctly?
Hand edit your app.json file so it look like this, architect doesn't do it itself.
"js": [
"path": "touch/sencha-touch.js",
"x-bootstrap": true
"path": "app.js",
"bundle": true,
"update": "delta"
"path": "PATH/TO/FILE.JS"
