Icomoon: Xcode build failed after removed icomoon.ttf, still runs normally - reactjs

I am getting an Xcode build error after I deleted icomoon.ttf since I wasn't planning on using it any longer. How can I get rid of this annoying build error? App still launches and runs normally, though. I guess I need to alter my Info.plist file, but I don't want to mess anything up. Any ideas?

Open ios/<projectName>/project.pbxproj and Info.plist.
Find any remaining references to that font and remove them.
In Xcode run Product, Clean Build Folder
Restart JS sever, run build or react-native run-ios.
In Info.plist if you don't need any other special fonts you could remove the fonts key and the array.
I tested with a new RN Project, since I don't need any special fonts I don't have any UIFonts key in Info.plist.


How can I download create-react-native-app files manually?

I trying to create a react native project, but always it gives me an download error (the create-react-native-app is installed), I try:
create-react-native-app Test
But always in the file ngrok-2.3.0.tgz I get an error. I downloaded the file manually, but I don't know where it goes, I try to put in AppData/Local/Temp (shown in the error text), but when running the command again, it overwrite the file and try to download it over again. Where are the react-native files to which I can put ngrok-2.3.0.tgz manually?
The registry had some issues a few days ago resulting in the same error.
Take a look https://github.com/npm/npm/issues/19816
You can also try doing things with yarn
Offline packages can be done with yarn link ngrok which will indicate yarn/npm to get the local copy of ngrok.

Umbraco Package (ImageProcessor) Crashing site

So I tried to install a package called 'Image Processor' to our Umbraco build which I later found was incompatible. How do I manually remove this package from the build? I've tried removing all mention of 'ImageProcessor' from the Web.config, packages.config etc still no cigar.
This is the error we're getting.
Check in the /bin/ folder for the Image Processor DLL file. If this file is present, I believe that the application is trying to load it. However, this file requires something from Umbraco.Core which isn't there, so it crashes.
If you find the DLL, try deleting it and reloading the application.
Also, I assume you installed this package through Umbraco. In the future I would recommend using NuGet to install packages, as it allows you to add, update and remove packages without running the application (so if you were to get an error like this again, you would be able to easily uninstall the package).

How to know if react-native-git-upgrade was successful?

I'm a bit confused by react-native-git-upgrade process flow, It seems to work fine, but it only updates packages in package.json, never native files in android or ios. These files are changed in my project i.e. changed app bundle id's, icons, launch screens etc... I am wondering if this is why it never updates them?
Also, what in release notes can indicate that something changed in native files, so we can use it as confirmation maybe?
if you check the documentation it says is automatic.
IMPORTANT: You don't have to install the new version of the
react-native package, it will be installed automatically.
But in case of any doubt you can always delete the ios and android folder, and do the following:
react-native eject
This command is gonna create the ios and android projects.
You should follow the documentation:
But if the above doesn't work to update, then is a different problem and I suggest to create an issue.

Build project to run it in eclipse

My code runs a previous version of itself, so even though i completely remove all the code, it still runs the old one. I've read a few other posts regarding this problem, and tried it out. My temporary solution is to build the project before running it, but that is kinda stupid. the .exe file is in the Release folder, and my Debug folder dissapeared after the Clean.
How do I stop needing to build the project before everytime I need to run it?
I found out there's a button called auto build in the Launch Configuration properties window. So it build everytime I run it.

Rebuild is deleting my .lib

Im trying to merge 2 projects in visual studio and getting a LNK1181 error. I have searched on google and tried everything i came across but i simple cant solve the problem.
I am getting the following results:
Performing a build this succeeds.
Performing a Rebuild it fails with error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'a.dll'
Doing a build the output screen shows the dll is created and it is there in the folder.
Doing a rebuild the output screen shows the dll is created but then it is not in the folder. And then the rebuild results in the fail + the error LNK1181.
So what is wrong? What is different on a rebuild?
I can even see in the folder that the dll is beiing created and then removed again..
*I have 1 project that is the main project and creates the .exe, and it relies on a other project to run.
I found the problem and is has nothing to do with the LNK error message i am getting.
Apparently a clean -> build is very different from doing just a rebuild. Mainly because i have multiple projects. When doing a clean -> build is first cleans all the files and then builds all the projects.
But doing a rebuild project A is beiing cleaned and build, then project B is beiing cleaned and build etc..
This way the lib generated bij A is beiing deleted. The solution for this is or just do a clean -> build. Or perform my own clean by deleting the files myself and then do a rebuild.
Also i dont feel like spending to much time on this issue when it is just a MSbuild "problem/bug" and doing a clean build is good enough.
linker error is maybe due to some lib is missing.
firstly check whether you have the lib for a.dll,
then add correct path for the lib in Visual Studio.
