How to get exact part where azure search found a match - azure-cognitive-search

So I have azure search, and when I search for something in the content it gave me all of the text from file. Is there a way to find a part of the content where it found a match? Like one sentence before + sentence with match + sentence after or just index of the start for match and the length?

Yes. There is hit highlighting feature for exactly this purpose. To use it you specify the fields you want this information on in highlight member of the request (documented here). In your response you will get some text snippets with text surrounding the matches and the hit work marked with a tag of your choice (defaults to <em></em>).


Algolia InstantSearch: How to make a search agnostic to formatting with parens?

I'm trying to make a React instantsearch that lets you search phone numbers. They need to be displayed in this format: "(123)456-7890" but I want to be able to be able to search with either "(123)456-7890" or "1234567890".
I thought I could just store it in the index formatted and then the typo tolerance would take care of non-formatted queries. But I get no results with the query "1234567890". It apparently has to do with the fact that the formatting splits the number into three words and the query is just one word. Bizarrely, this means that adding the parentheses doesn't get you more matching characters on the search, but leaving them out can cause the query not to match at all.
I then tried just storing it as non-formatted (only digits) in the index. This time, both the formatted and unformatted queries got a match. But when typing it in digit-by-digit, the result disappears when I get to "(123)", only reappearing when I get to "(123)456-7". It seems like a frustrating and bizarre user experience to be typing exactly the number the result shows and having it disappear.
I've tried adding the perens to the optional words setting, but that didn't seem to have any effect. I think if I could get Algolia to ignore the perens and dash instead of replacing them with a space, this whole thing wouldn't be a problem. Is there a way to accomplish that? Maybe it's best to find a way to filter the query before it gets sent to Algolia? How should I go about that?
Store 1234567890 in an attribute named phoneNoFormat and (123)456-7890 in an attribute named phoneFormat. Include both in searchableAttributes. On the display side, look in the _highlightResult field to see which attribute matched and render the highlighted result for that attribute. With default typo tolerance each of these queries will match and correctly highlight either one or both of the attributes.
(123) 456-7890
(123) 4567890
Since you're using React InstantSearch, you will need to make your own Hits component, where you can change the attribute name used to display the result on a per-hit basis. Thankfully this is not too complicated. Just see the documentation for connectHits.
When you are looping through the hits, look at each the _highlightResult property of each hit to see which of the two attributes matched. Then, when you create the <Highlight /> component set the attributeName property to the right attribute. So you have this:
<Highlight attributeName='phoneFormat' hit={hit}/>
Or this:
<Highlight attributeName='phoneNoFormat' hit={hit}/>

GAE Full Text Search: can only match exact word? how to search like contains(...)?

Just tried GAE(1.7.7 Java) Full Text Search and found if the search string is work, surprisingly it will not match working, worked, or hardworking, homework, I'd like to know if i miss something in the API, i read the tutorial but did not found any document about this except plural match.
P.S. I tried unit test for search service, not in working environment.
Tucked away in the docs (but unfortunately not in the table of operators), there is a '~' operator
To search for plural variants of an exact query, use the ~ operator:
~"car" # searches for "car" and "cars"
Not sure how far that will get you. Unfortunately thats about it.
There is so little documentation on this,but just having tried it, it just works on plurals.
One approach would be to do your own stemming on the words in the document, (though you wouldn't return that as the text ;-) Then you could perform stemming on your search term and be able to match worked, working etc..
This is a late answer, but to follow up the previous answer, what you want to do is not possible with the basic API functions. The search API works on full-text searching principles. To get around this you can tokenise your searchable data pre-index and store this in a field with the relevant document.
See: Partial matching GAE search API

Solr wildcard search, need to only highlight the matched part not the entire word

My text is like this: The searched word WildCard shall be partially highlighted
I search using wildcard expression "wild*".
What I need is to have the highlight snippet to be [tag]Wild[/tag]Card. What I got was [tag]WildCard[/tag], and I spent lots of time researching it, but could not find an answer.
This behavior can be illustrated on, where you type other people's name at the top right corner.
Once this is figured out, I will have a follow-up questions.
I am not sure if you can achieve what you want directly in solr. The obvious solution is to parse the returned doc yourself searching for [tag]WildCard[/tag] and find out what part of the term you need to highlight.
This is not possible with Solr. What you need to do is change the characters Solr uses to highlight found words to something you can easily remove (maybe an html comment) and then build a highlight yourself. You are likely already storing your query in a variable, so just scan the search return docs and highlight all instances of your query.

Solr configuration

I'm very new with Solr,
And I really want a step by step to have my Solr search result like the google one.
To give you an idea, when you search 'PHP' in , the word 'php' shows up in bold .. This is the same result I want to have.
Showing only a parser even if the pdf is a very huge one.
You can use highlighting to show a matching snippet in the results.
By default, it will wrap matching words with <em> tags, but you can change this by setting the hl.simple.pre/ parameters.
You may be looking at the wrong part of the returned data. Try looking at the 'highlighting' component of the returned data structure (i.e. don't look at the response docs). This should give you the snippets you want.

Get list of terms that were highlighted by Solr

When I search for the word "fish" I get back a list of documents containing that word and variants of that word. If I turn on highlighting I might see a snippet that looks like this:
The law requires that anyone <em>fishing</em> in public lakes...
I would like to show the user the above snippet, which works just fine by the way, but I would also like to show the user a complete list of words that would also have been highlighted had I shown all snippets.
For example I would like to be able to show the user the following:
Section 18.32A - Hunting and Fishing
...The law requires that anyone <em>fishing</em> in public lakes...
Document also contains: Fish, Fishing, Fisherman
Is thee a way to get that list of words other than having solr highlight the entire document and then me parsing the document looking for em tags and building a list of highlighted words?
I would investigate frag size (hl.fragsize), synonyms (synonym.txt), or stemming (can help with variations of a word) to find a solution. You can set fish, fishing, fished to all mean the same in synonyms. Ensure you understand how the expand all works and whether you want the search to replace each with the other. Also ensure you know whether to index the synonym file or query with it. Do not use synonyms at both index and query time. There is also a switch to enable multiple matches in highlighting.
