Jira REST APIs integration in reactjs application using "oath" authentication - reactjs

How to integrate jira's REST APIs in reactjs application using "oath" authentication.

For a better understanding, you can start with this documentation. For sample code, this repo might be able to help you out; although there's no React specific sample, you can easily learn from the existing ones there (like Node.js) and apply it to your design as necessary.


How do I add auth to and deploy my React app with lambda api?

I have locally working code for a React front-end application, hooked up to a serverless framework lambda back-end (which in turn accesses S3 and RDS). I'm now at the stage where I need to add user authentication to both the front and back-end, as well as deploy my solution.
I have cobbled together a Cloudfront distribution and s3 static hosting for the React portion, with the api available as a secondary origin on /api/*, however this solution seems awkward, and I'm not sure it helps me tackle auth.
Other guides that I've found suggest AWS-Amplify, or SST, but I have no experience with either.
Am I close to a well-structured roll-your-own solution, or completely on the wrong track? I'm happy to spend a little longer on a clean and future-proof solution, but am not adverse to side-stepping to a well respected tool.
I opted to follow this guide on SST. Once I saw it did everything I could have wanted and more, I ported over my API and React code with minimal fuss. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this guide (which leverages SST, Amplify and Cognito).

How to implement Authorization for Admin Application in react

I know normally I have to ask questions about specific code problems. But I need advice to get started at all. I was thinking about making a webapplication with react the application is a admin controll pannel things like, employee costs, orders and so on for a family business. For the authentication part I wanted to keep it simple and do it with google but before doing that, I wanted to ask the experienced developers here if that makes any sense or if I should use Jhipster/Keycloak.
Benefits of google would be I think it is easier to implement and the security part would be handled by google but what could be possible problems? I hope someone could give me a good advice.
with regards
Using Keycloak/JHipster would probably be overkill for a simple family business application.
I would rather use simpler authentication types offered by JHipster that do not require external applications like session. An alternative would be to use provided Okta integration, this way you get a ready-to-go solution.
If you want to use Google, then you'll have to use spring-security-oauth2-client and build your own solution on top of Spring Boot or adapt JHipster generated app if you still want to use JHipster.
Also, do you have decided of where you want to deploy your app? Your cloud provider could offer a good integrated solution for authentication.

How to use DocuSign API with React.js?

I need to do a POC of some DocuSign e-Signature features in a React.js environment. For starters, I would like to play with the examples as mentioned here https://github.com/docusign/code-examples-node/tree/master/lib/eSignature. The official documentation is not self explanatory on how to use these in a React.js code repo(exported from create-react-app). Neither could I find some relevant samples for a reference. Would appreciate if anyone can guide me on how can I port the examples in this repo https://github.com/docusign/code-examples-node in a React.js environment.
For React.JS:
You can make a direct API call from your React app. In this case you will not use the node.js SDK (it only works with Node.js). The API call is the create envelope call documented here: https://developers.docusign.com/esign-rest-api/reference/Envelopes/Envelopes/create/
You can see an example of the API call here: https://github.com/docusign/code-examples-bash/blob/master/examples/eSignature/eg017SetTemplateTabValues.sh#L68
You will also need to implement a private CORS gateway. We have an article on doing so plus code examples: https://www.docusign.com/blog/dsdev-building-single-page-applications-with-docusign-and-cors-part-2
2. Alternative is for your React app to ask your server app to call DocuSign. Your server app could use the Node.js SDK.

Which language for web app with complex UI?

Our project has a Java back-end that accesses a Neo4j database. The back-end is nearly finished. Previously we intended to build a Java desktop client with a JavaFX UI. Now we are considering building a web application instead. I will be building the front-end. My previous experience was mostly using Java. I will have to learn a new language. The thing I'm having some trouble with is determining which one is best suited for this project. Before we begin front-end development we also want to ensure that the web app will be able to handle all features we had planned for the desktop client.
Send HTTPS requests (not expecting any problems here)
Keep a persistent HTTPS connection open to receive server-sent events
Store and handle considerable amounts of information received through server-sent events (potentially millions of events)
Create a beautiful and highly reactive UI
Create complex custom components
Drag and drop support (also not expecting any problems here)
Integrate a view of an external site into the UI
Platform independence
No need for browser plugins
These are some candidates I have identified during my research:
JavaScript with React
Python with Flask
React js for the front end. Most anything for the backend. We use Python/Flask for routing and inserting into templates. But, you will really appreciate React for its "reactive" UI. It's incredible what it can do. I see no problems with the task list you've given.

Sonata over REST services

Is there any project for integrate CRUD REST services into the SonataAdminBundle? like ORMAdminBundle, MongoDBAdminBundle or PhpcrAdminBundle, but implementing the CRUD operations from REST services. It has never been discussed? What would be the best way to address this?
Official bundle for CRUD support is not exist. You can add feature issue on github. Will be noce when you add example where current system is not enought or implement work will be equal to new functionality.
